All of the following transitional expressions are used to show effects except

Answer: C

In a cause-and-effect paragraph, transition words like “first,” “second,” and “third,” create a ______order that moves us from cause to cause.

Answer: D

Which of the following nouns is not countable?

Answer: The Best answer is C. but I could argue that it is D.

The transitional expression “for that reason” indicates a cause. Which transitional expression indicates an effect?

Answer: A

Personal pronouns take different forms depending on whether they’re subjects, objects, or possessive pronouns. Logically, subjects are in the ______case.

Answer: C

Regarding the elements of persuasion, which statement is false?

Answer: C

The plural of fury is

Answer: B

Regarding number and person agreement, ______pronouns, like “anybody,” “nobody,” “someone,” or “anyone,” are singular. Therefore, any pronoun that refers to them must be singular.

Answer: C

In your persuasive paragraph, you make a prediction based on the facts, examples, and authorities you’ve cited. When you do this, you’re pointing out the ______of failure to adopt your point of view.

Answer: A

Words like “who,” “whose,” “which,” and “that” are called ______pronouns.

Answer: A

______determiners, such as “my,” “your,” and “her,” are placed in front of a noun to tell us that something belongs to the person(s) represented by the pronoun, which is why they serve as adjectives.

Answer: B

Signal words tell us that ______usually follow(s).

Answer: C

Before class, Barb and Clive were prepping for an English exam. Barb insisted that the plural of “halo” is “halos.” Clive argued that the plural of “halo” is “haloes.” Who is correct?

Answer: D

Jason argues that oversimplification is a problem when writing a cause-and-effect paragraph. Sally maintains that confusing cause and effect can be a serious problem in writing this kind of paragraph. Who is correct?

Answer: D

When the intended audience of your paragraph is non-specialists, you can make technical language more accessible and readable if you use a ______style.

Answer: B

Most English noun plurals end in

Answer: A

Carol and Craig are talking about signal words followed by “of.” Carol says “of” signal phrases always precede a plural or collective noun. Craig says that that these kinds of signal words are usually followed by a plural or collective noun. Who is correct?

Answer: B

The word a pronoun refers to is called its

Answer: C

Cause-and-effect paragraphs and persuasion paragraphs are very similar to

Answer: A

Which of the following may be either a collective or singular noun?

Answer: A