

AP English Language and Composition

First Semester Exam Review Study Guide (2011)

The first semester exam in this course will consist of two essay questions from the following list. You will be assigned one question and you will select another question based on your preference. However, you may not select a question based on the same literature as the assigned question. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam during your scheduled exam period. Extended time will not be granted. Part of your assessment is writing within the time constraint. You may use your annotated novels and Language of Composition textbook on the exam.

A. Jane Eyre

1.  Identify and explain at least five instances in which Bronte foreshadows the revelation of Rochester’s first marriage to Bertha Mason. Incorporate the literary techniques and devices Bronte uses to support the elements of foreshadowing.

2.  Choose two of the following themes and explore how each is developed throughout the novel. Incorporate the literary devices the author uses to promote each theme.

  1. deprivation d. seclusion
  2. inferiority e. entrapment/imprisonment
  3. exclusion f. flight

3.  For much of the novel, Jane Eyre holds an ambiguous role in society – not fitting in a specific social class. Discuss at least two instances where this is pertinent to Jane’s development as a character. Include the literary elements Bronte uses to help shape the character of Jane Eyre.

B. The Scarlet Letter

1.  Write a well-organized essay in which you analyze the ambiguous ending of The Scarlet Letter and explain the possible reasons for Hawthorne’s ending the book in this way. Do not merely show that the ending is ambiguous or assert a theme in the book. Be sure to incorporate the literary devices and appeals Hawthorne uses to shape the ending of the novel.

2.  Despite the difference in clothing and customs, how do the psychological and moral aspects of the story make it relevant for today’s readers? What techniques does the author use to develop the psychological and moral aspects of the story?

3.  According to Hawthorne, what are the moral consequences of sin and how does one become redeemed? Cite incidents from the story and explain specific literary devices used in the story.


C. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  1. To what extent is order vs. disorder a major theme in the play? What literary techniques and devices does Shakespeare use to develop the theme?
  1. Based on the first three acts of the play, what observations and claims can the reader make about Shakespeare’s ideas on the nature and effects of love? How does Shakespeare use language and literary devices to develop his ideas?
  1. To what degree does the little play within the play raise the question, in artistic terms, of how one distinguishes between illusion and reality (a question that plagues the lovers in the larger play as well)? What techniques does Shakespeare use to distinguish illusion from reality?

D. Education (chapter 4) synthesis:

Based on the readings from chapter 4 of The Language of Composition respond to the following prompt.


Be sure to use evidence from at least FIVE different sources in your essay in order to support your thesis, explain the counter argument, and refute the counter argument.