Parish Newsletter–
Forthe people of Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea –4th August 2013

OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS: Lixnaw € 530 Irremore € 475 Rathea €280

GRAVEYARD MASSES:. . (1) Kiltomey Bank Holiday Monday 5th 8pm. (2) Dysert on Friday, 16th August at 8pm.

LIXNAW LITURGY GROUP HAVE AN IMPORTANT MEETING on Tuesday night at 8pm. Members please attend.

CHURCH CLEANING TEAM FOR AUGUST Ballinagare/Ahabeg team captained by Mary Curran

LIXNAW HOSPICE Volunteers needed for bag packing at Tesco’s next Friday 9th August from 10am – 6pm. Contact Patricia on (087) 2806400. We are all aware the great work that the Hospice movement does and many of our loved ones have benefited. Consider a bit of your time to help our local hospice.

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THE SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS COLLECTION: The total amount collected is as follows: Lixnaw € 1,300 Irremore & Rathea € 425. A sincere thanks on behalf of the priests who will need the fund.

ST SENANS LOTTO JACKPOT OF € 4,800–No’s 8, 14, 15, 22 € 30; Kathleen Walsh, Glenoe; Brian Mulvihill, Stacks Mountain € 20; Bobby McElligott, Upper Tullig; Siobhan Brosnan, Upper Tullig , Bottle of whiskey Noel Somers The Gap Next weeks jpot 4900

LIXNAW HURLING CLUB LOTTO REACHES € 7700: Nos drawn,1, 9, 21, 24 ,€25winners; Kevin Galvin, Crotta; Peter Stackpool Lixnaw; Jimmy Murphy Ladies Walk; John Foley, Kiltomey. 5 free ticketswinners; Breda Dowling, Listowel; Peggy O’Connell, Irremore, Next draw Quilters Bar Mon. Jackpot € 7800

LIXNAW HURLING CLUB (1) U16 County Championship Final Lixnaw V Kilmoyley on Monday night August 5th at 7.15pm in Austin Stacks Park. (2) Club Meeting on Thursday night August 8th at 8.30pm in the Clubrooms.

SPORT: (1) We wish Eamonn Og & Paul the best of luck with the Kerry team V Cavan on Sunday. (2) What about this for a record? The Finuge/St. Senans Ladies Football Club will contest 5 finals over the next 10 days. Congrats to all and the best of luck. (3) Lixnaw hurlers have qualified for the County Hurling Senior Semifinal. It was a great achievement and well done to the many players who answered the call when the club badly needed willing bodies to perform. Well done all. I am reminded of the powerful words of Mohammed Ali “Champions are not made in gyms, champions are made from something they have deep inside them - - a desire a dream a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must always be stronger than the skill”.


Three things that never return are: -

The Past

The missed opportunity

The spoken word