Tennessee Academy of Science

West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

March 31, 2012

Table of Contents

Keynote Speaker Biographical Sketch .………………………………….… 2

M. Shah Jahan, Ph.D.

Panelist Biographical Sketches …………………………………………….. 3

Candace Carroll, Ph.D.

Kristin E. Finch, Ph.D.

Eleanor M. Pritchard, Ph.D.

Schedule of Events…………………………………………………………... 4

Presentation Schedule……………………………………………………….. 5

List of Papers………………………………………………………………… 7

Abstracts……………………………………………………………………. 12

Acknowledgements………………………………………………………… 25

Index of Authors…………………………………………………………… 26

Notes………………………………………………………………………… 29

Keynote Speaker

M. Shah Jahan, Ph.D.

Professor-Chair, Department of Physics

The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Jahan did his MS in Physics in 1965 from Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, and Ph. D. in Solid State Radiation Biophysics in 1977 from the University of Alabama (UA), USA. At UA, he was a Fulbright-Hays Scholar. Prior to his Ph. D. program, he also received a US-AID Fellowship (1968). Before attending the University of Alabama, he was an Assistant Professor of physics at Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. And, before joining the University of Memphis in 1980, he was a lecturer of Physics at the University of Khartoum, Sudan; visiting scientist at the Kemmerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, University of Leiden, the Netherlands; and Research Associate at the University of Alabama. In 1988-1990, he was a Visiting Staff Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. Jahan was promoted to Full Professor in 1988 and was appointed Department Chair in 1999. At the University of Memphis, Jahan has established a Biomaterials Research Laboratory where he employed state-of-the-art techniques to investigate polymer aging and effects of radiation-sterilization on medical grade polymers. His extensive work on orthopedic biomaterials has enabled the University of Memphis to network with many major medical-device industries in the nation, and has led to an establishment of an NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Biosurfaces (NSF-IUCB) in partnership with the State University of New York Buffalo. He served as Site Director of the Center from 2001 to 2011. In 2008, he began another partnership program with the Animal and Food Sciences Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. This new partnership has resulted in receiving a joint grant for three years (2009-2012) from the USDA to investigate free radical activities in soy proteins. He is a co-inventor of a patent, and he has published 10 book chapters, 4 technical reports, more than 75 journal articles and presented more than 170 research papers at national and international conferences. He has supervised research of 50 undergraduate and 30 graduate students, and 6 visiting scientists. In recognition of his outstanding performance, Jahan has received numerous awards for Superior Performance in University Research (SPUR), College of Arts & Sciences’ Distinguished Research Award, and the University of Memphis Alumni Association Distinguished Research Award. He has also received ‘Recognition for Distinguished Achievement’ from Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is a FedEx Founding Fellow of the FedEx Institute of Technology at the University of Memphis. He has also received nomination for the Board of Visitors’ Eminent Faculty Award.

Jahan is a member of the American Physical Society, American Chemical society, American Society for Biomaterials, International ESR/EPR Society, and International Radiation Physics Society. He has served on the Program Committee of the 2005-Society for Biomaterials’ Annual Convention, and currently, he is serving on the Scientific Program Committee of the International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers (IRaP).


Candace Carroll received her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Tougaloo College in 2005 and went on to earn her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2009. During her graduate work, she studied the role of progestins in progesterone-dependent breast cancer. She also investigated the role of the Indian spice, curcumin, as a chemopreventive compound for progestin-induced breast cancer. Currently, Candace Carroll is a 3rd-year postdoctoral fellow at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. She is currently investigating the Hedgehog signaling pathway, which plays a regulatory role during development and cancer progression. She is passionate about increasing the awareness of the STEM fields among underrepresented minorities, including women.

Kristin E. Finch earned her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Hampton University in 2005 and was a graduate from Hampton University’s Honor’s College. In 2011, she received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. While in graduate school, she not only focused her efforts on the discovery of novel small molecule inhibitors of poly (ADP-riobose) glycohydrolase, an enzyme associated with chemotherapeutic resistance, but also earned a Certificate in Business Administration from the University of Illinois’s School of Business. Kristin Finch is currently a postdoctoral research associate at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the labs of Dr. Michael Dyer and Dr. Kip Guy, where she works on the study of small molecule inhibitors of MDM4, a protein involved in the progression of retinoblastoma. Outside of the lab, Kristin has been a youth track coach and is currently a mentor for Girls Incorporated.

Eleanor M. Pritchard earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from MIT in 2006. Eleanor received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Tufts University where her research was primarily focused on engineering biopolymer platforms for drug delivery, diagnostics and tissue engineering applications. Her graduate school research included collaborations with the Robert S. Dow Neurobiology Laboratory (Portland, OR), the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA) and the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA). Eleanor is currently a postdoctoral research associate at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the labs of Dr. Kip Guy and Dr. Michael Dyer, where she is working on injectable polymer depots for focal chemotherapy delivery.

Tennessee Academy of Science

West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

March 31, 2012

Schedule of Events

Gibson-Orgill Hall, LeMoyne-Owen College

Registration 8:00 – 9:00 AM 1st Floor Foyer

PowerPoint Presentation & 8:00 – 9:00 AM GOH Building

Poster Set-up

Welcome and Introduction 9:00 – 9:05AM GOH 111

Panel Discussion 9: 05 – 9:50 AM GOH 111

“A Postdoctoral Perspective on Careers in Science”

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Postdoctorates:

Candace Carroll, Ph.D.

Kristin E. Finch, Ph.D.

Eleanor M. Pritchard, Ph.D.

Oral Presentation Sessions:

Session I: 10:00 AM -12:30 PM GOH 308

Session II 10:00 AM -12:15 PM GOH 111

Session III: 10:00 AM -12:30 PM GOH 408

Session IV 10:00 AM -12:15 PM GOH 115

Poster Presentation Session 11:30 AM-12:30 PM GOH 1st Floor

Lunch 12:30 PM GOH 111

Keynote Address 1:00 PM GOH 111

M. Shah Jahan, Ph. D.

Professor-Chair, Department of Physics

The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

“Free Radicals in Polymeric Biomaterials”

Awards 1:30 PM GOH 111


Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Oral Presentation Schedule

Oral Sessions

Moderator: Dr. Y. Hamada Dr. N. Bayakly Dr. M. R. Uddin Dr. J. Talukder

Session I Session II Session III Session IV

GOH 308 GOH 111 GOH 408 GOH 115


10:00 Kelly Jeu J. King & B. Wilburn Anthony Ford Claire C. May

10:15 Porsha Chillis Carey Bowen Samantha Sol Bownes Corey Haughey

10:30 Nick Watkins Mario Sauceda Adrienne Renfro Rachel Reese

10:45 Dana Pabalate A. Garrett Burton Jonathan Timmerman Teaire Carmichael

11:00 Bhavyata Parag Seth Carson Sarah Hill Michael Hankins Jr

{BREAK 11:15-11:30 AM}

11:30 David Kim Francisco E. Neal Robert Banks Grace Hutchison

11:45 Shanandria Jackson Andrew Parmenter Kyle Smith Madeline Reynolds

12:00 Justin Jacobs Joseph Alfonso Charlotte A. Joure Catherine Gluszek

12:15 Brent Rainwater Sarah Ferguson Carolyn M. Drobak

Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Poster Presentations

Please have your poster set up by 9:00 AM

in the 1st floor hallway of the GOH building.

Be present for judging at the poster session from 11:30 – 12:30.

Brittney Boyd

LaTia Johnson

Kimber Jones

Ariel Kingsley

Madeline McCann

Jose Villa, Taylor Salton, and Dominique Williams

Britney Yates and Jessica Hayes


Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Oral Presentations

Session I: Cell/Molecular Biology & Chemistry [GOH 308]

Moderator: Dr. Yahia Hamada

10:00 Detection of tissue or temporal specific p75 protein expression via flow cytometry. Kelly Jeu*, and Christopher Dillon, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.

10:15 The role of GD3 synthase in Alzheimer’s disease. Porsha A. Chillis*, Shailaja K. Rao, and Michael P. McDonald, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (PC) and University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee (SR, MM).

10:30 Altered ultrasonic vocalizations in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. Nick Watkins*, Snighda Roy and Detlef Heck, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (NW) and University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee (SR, DH).

10:45 The effects of ascorbic acid on cartilage metabolism. Dana Pabalate*, Christy Patterson, Elsa Stephen and Karen Hasty, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (DP), and University of Tennessee Health Science Centre, Memphis, Tennessee (CP, ES, KH).

11:00 Evaluation of the vasoactive effects of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. Bhavyata Parag*, Anna Bukiya and Alex Dopico. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (BP), and 2The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee(AB, AD).

11:30 Urokinase Plasminogen Activator (uPA) and Inhibitor (PAI-1) Expression in Cultured Adenocarcinoma Cells. David Kim*, Megan Moshea, Ashlee R. Franklin, Aleena Shahiryar, M. Margaret Jefferson, Edwin L. Thomas, Mustafa Kh. Dabbous, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee(DK), and College of Dentistry, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee(MM, AF, AS, MJ, ET, MD).

11:45 Comparison of siRNA transfection rate between L2 and L4 larval stages of Caenorhabditis elegans. Shanandria Jackson* Larry Anderson, Lynda Miller and Malinda E.C. Fitzgerald. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

12:00 Synthesis of 5-[2-(diphenylphosphanyl)ethyl]-1,2,3,4-tetramethylcyclopentadienyl ligand Justin Jacobs*, Dr. Randy Johnston Union University, Jackson, Tennessee.

12:15 Low-toxicity Perlite as a fiber fire retardant thermal insulator, Brent Rainwater, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee.

Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Oral Presentations

Session II: Environmental Science [GOH 111]

Moderator: Dr. Nabil Bayakly

10:00 Isolation of bacteriophages from soil that infect Escherichia coli. Justin King*, Brittany Wilburn*, Malinda E.C. Fitzgerald, and Sandra Thompson-Jaeger. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

10:15 Flooding and wetland plants: Localized versus whole-plant response. Carey A. Bowen,* Melissa B. Koontz, Lyndsay E. Saunders, and Samuel C. Pierce. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (CB). The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee (MK, LS), and Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi (SP).

10:30 An assessment of population abundance and morphological abnormalities in the white-footed deermouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Mario A. Sauceda* and Michael L. Kennedy, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee and University of Memphis, Memphis. Tennessee.

10:45 Long-term population demography of Trillium recurvatum Beck on loess bluffs in western TN. A. Garrett Burton*, James E. Moore, Scott B. Franklin, Beverly Collins, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (AGB, JEM), The University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado (SBF), Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina (BC).

11:00 Comparison of community structure of fish of the Wolf River. Seth A. Carson* and Lynda R. Miller, Memphis University School, Memphis, Tennessee, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

11:30 Dynamics of fish communities in the Wolf River Francisco E. Neal* and Lynda R. Miller, Christian Brothers High School, Memphis, Tennessee and Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

11:45 Detection of heavy metals in fish of the Wolf River. Andrew Parmenter * and Lynda R. Miller, Christian Brothers High School, Memphis, Tennessee, and Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

12:00 Examining herpetofauna richness and diversity in Shelby Farms Park with respect to land utilization. Joseph Alfonso* and Lynda Miller, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee.

12:15 Activity budgets of two captive red pandas at the Memphis Zoo. Sarah Ferguson*, Sarah Boyle, and Andy Kouba, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee (SF, SB) and Memphis Zoo, Memphis, Tennessee (AK).

Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Oral Presentations

Session III: Health Care, Pharmacokinetics & Microbiology [GOH 408]

Moderator: Dr. M.R. Uddin

10:00 Effect of bracing for impact on patient recovery time. Anthony Ford* and Bobby Myers Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee, and James Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, Whitehaven, Tennessee.

10:15 Healthcare and malaria in the Pallisa district, eastern Uganda. Samantha Sol Bownes*, Dustin James, Chris Moore, Veronica Wittman, and Luis Sanchez, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennesse (SSB, DJ), Rhodes College), Memphis, Tennessee (CM), Florida International University, Miami, Florida (VW, LS).

10:30 Determination of baseline CRP values in post-operative transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion patients. Adrienne Renfro* and Patrick M. Curlee. Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee, and Southern Spine Specialists, Germantown, Tennessee.

10:45 Comparative efficacy of autologous blood and platelet rich plasma in treating tendinopathy. Jonathan Timmerman* and Richard Smith, Christian Brothers University Memphis, Tennessee and University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis, Tennessee.

11:00 The effects of amino acid enriched diets on hematologic development of prenatal pigs.Sarah Hill* and Randall Buddington, Christian Brothers University, Memphis,Tennessee and University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee.

11:30 Examinations of adult human cadavers for the incidence of hyperostosis frontalis interna. Robert Banks*, Eldridge F Johnson, and Paul Madubuonwu. Christian Brothers University (RB), Memphis, Tennessee, and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (EJ, PM), Memphis, Tennessee.

11:45 Analytical method development and validation for the measurement of Methotrexate (MTX) 7-OH-MTX, and 4-Amino-4-Deoxy-N-Methylpteroic acid (DAMPA) by online extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Kyle Smith*, Thandra Owens, Feng Bai, Stacy Throm, and Clinton F. Stewart, Christian Brothers University (KS), Memphis, Tennessee and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (TO, FB, ST, CS), Memphis, Tennessee.

12:15 Purell® resistant bacillus and suppression of normal biota succession. Charlotte A. Joure, The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee.

12:30 Modeling the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis system with dexamethasone treatment, Carolyn M. Drobak, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee.

Tennessee Academy of Science

2012 West Tennessee Collegiate Meeting

Oral Presentations

Session IV: Vision Science and Behavioral Science [GOH 115]

Moderator: Dr. Jamil Talukder

10:00 Determining the effectiveness of systemic gene therapy with EPO-R76E in protecting axons after optic nerve crush. Claire C. May* and Tonia S. Rex, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee , and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis, Tennessee.

10:15 Retinal pathology following interruption of autonomic regulation of choroidal blood flow. Corey Haughey*, Malinda E.C. Fitzgerald, Nobel Del Mar, Chunyan Li and Anton Reiner, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee (CH, MECF) and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee (MECF, NDM, CL, AR).