Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation
Yom Kippur Appeal 2016 /

This year, Council is recommending three different charities for the Yom Kippur Appeal. These are: The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, Borderlands and our own synagogue. You can read more about each of them via the links below, and details on how to send your donation are included overleaf. If you are unable to make a monetary donation, please consider how you might otherwise volunteer to help either in our community or for any other charitable organisation. Thank you.

The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East (FRRME)

FRRME is a small UK-based charity providing emergency relief to persecuted minorities in Northern Iraq and Iraqi refugees who have fled to Jordan. In addition to spiritual support they provide food, medicine and shelter. They work with partners including churches, NGOs and the UN, to ensure that aid reaches the most vulnerable. In Jordan they are looking after 500 Iraqi refugee families with shelter, food and free health care and set up a school, Amman, with 175 pupils. Their reconciliation work is focused on the peace process in Israel / Palestine. They run an annual summer school – The Jerusalem International School for Reconciliation (JISR) – which introduces a new generation to the power and methods of reconciliation. Former speakers include former Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Daniel Taub, and Sheik ImadFalouji, former-founding member of Hamas.

The foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East was proposed for this Year's Yom Kippur Appeal by Lynn Johnston not long before she sadly passed away.

Borderlands -

Borderlands Bristol works especially with people seeking asylum in the UK or who have become a refugee from other countries. They support people who have been trafficked and trapped in domestic service or the sex industry. They are a charity that supports disadvantaged and excluded people to improve their lives and the community in which they live: people who face great challenges and live difficult lives. Borderlands offers hope to people who may see themselves as lost or abandoned and need support to find a way forward. They believe that giving someone a little help when times are hard for them can make a great deal of difference.

Borderlands was proposed by a group of members who have been meeting as the BWPJC Refugee Support Group.


Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation cannot cannot maintain its building and run all its servicesfrom membership fees alone. Rather than large increases in our membership fees for all members, we ask that those who can donate extra do so though this Yom Kippur appeal. Examples of how much things cost the Community can be found here You can donate towards specific items, or towards the general running of the Synagogue.

BWPJC was proposed by the Synagogue Council.

Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation
Yom Kippur Appeal 2016 /

Our preferred method of payment is online, to Bristol and West Progressive Jewish Congregation, sort code: 30-99-38,Account number: 00683538. Please include your name and YKA in the reference.

Please complete this form by selecting one of the two options below and return with your cheque to:

The Treasurer (YKA)


43-47 Bannerman Road

Bristol BS5 0RR

Cheques should be made out to ‘Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation’.

If paying online, please email your reference and the details below (or post to the same address).


Please divide my donation equally between the three charities:


Please give my donation to the following charities as indicated:

FRRME Borderlands BWPJC


For those members/friends who have not yet signed up with BWPJC for Gift Aid:

Use Gift Aid and this donation will be worth an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue for every pound you donate to the Yom Kippur Appeal Charities. Please provide a signature even if paying electronically.


(including post code)


By signing this form you are confirming that you have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for the tax year. VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.