n o t e s / Housing-led Regeneration
Executive Steering Group
Friday 28th June 10am-12pm
CHC offices, Cardiff


Sioned Hughes
Nicole Barnes / CHC
NPT Homes / Nigel Draper / Valleys 2 Coast


Paul Roberts / Newydd Housing / Shelagh Iles / Rhondda HA
Ross Watts / Tai Calon / Steve Cranston / United Welsh
Kath Deakin / Monmouthshire HA / Tom Broadhead / Melin Homes
Bronwen Lloyd / Charter Housing / Marc Fury / Newport City Homes
Professor Dave Adamson / CREW / Hayley MacNamara / CHC
DewiLlwyd / Tai Eryri
/ Barbara Castle / BronAfon

Chair:Steve Cranston

Welcome, Apologies and Introductions

Steve welcomed all attendees and gave apologies from Sioned, Nigel and Nicole. The Terms of Reference for the group was circulated and reviewed. All attendees were happy with the terms but suggested changing frequency of meetings from 3 times a year to quarterly.

Future network events and conference programme

A discussion took place on future format of the network and the following points were raised:

-Regular events around a current or emerging theme instead of meetings. Events should be participant-led allowing members to decide on the themes, the site-seminars etc.

-Membership to the network shouldbe open to local authorities, practitioners and other stakeholders in addition to RSLs. This presents an opportunity to build connections and relationships across sectors and within organisations.

-The content of the network should be controlled to minimise ‘pitches’.

-The agenda should include less presentation and more discussion.

-Communication should be enhances at network events to include live streaming via Twitter and video conference for those not attending.

-Attendance should be clarified and explained to allow for a mix of job roles to attend and to avoid a strategic or operationally dominated network.

-The purpose of the network should be clarified for members.

-Instead of focussing just on best practice we should also look at co-learning and co-designing sessions allowing members to share experiences, discuss emerging ideas, project difficulties, and to seek advice on how to progress an idea.

-CREW’s expertise should be incorporated into all events to explore the theory and academic thinking on regeneration.

-Members should be given the opportunity to feed into the content of CHC conferences and events.

A discussion also took place on the format of the steering group with the following key points raised:

-Membership should be widened to private sector and LAs. We should approach stock retaining authorities and professional membership organisations for representation on the group. AWCHOP could also be used as a way to recruit members.

-Communication between meetings is encouraged. Any best practice examples from the UK or worldwide or events and articles of interest can be circulated to all members via email or using the LinkedIn group

The CHC conference program was considered in terms of influencing its content. Hayley provided an update on the format of the CHC Housing UnConference and encouraged suggestions from members. The draft agenda will be circulated with these notes for consideration. Any feedback should be given to Hayley who will pass on to the CHC events team. The following suggestionson agenda items were provided during the meeting:

-How regeneration impacts across the organisation. What is regeneration? How does each job role play a part in regeneration?

-How can we better use data to guide work priorities? Some RSLs are now using the Community Insight Software to do this. Perhaps this session could include attendance from someone who has experience of using the software and examples of how they are using it.

-Housing co-operative models including advice on the logistics of creating them and examples of existing successful models.

Vibrant and viable places

Steve asked the group for their experiences of working with LA’s on developing the Vibrant and Viable Places bids. A mix of experiences was expressed with the majority being negative rather than positive. In some experiences the RSL had only been contacted at a late stage when projects had already been designed or were approached to ask for development ideas and match funding but were not involved in co-designing the bid. There is a concern that ‘off the shelf’ bids will be submitted and that rural areas lack any real opportunity in the framework.

CREW can advise on projects but will not been involved in the decision process.

The three strategic regional developments boards(north, mid and west and south east Wales) which are currently led and represented by local authorities have been instructed to extend their membership. It is likely that RSLs will be approached for membership so RSLs should be aware of any invitation over the next couple of weeks.

European Funding

The steering group has approached the sector asking for best practice examples of projects which fit into the following themes:

  1. Anti-poverty
  2. Innovative affordable housing
  3. Community-led energy schemes and energy efficiency
  4. Skills development (employment)
  5. Digital Inclusion

The idea is to look at good working examples which can be delivered at scale and can form the basis of a bid for the first round of EU funding in recognition that bids previously submitted in the early rounds have received funding.

The deadline for submissions is the 12th July and the steering group will meet at the end of July (TBC) to review these. Hayley will contact WEFO in the meantime to identify the best contact.

Efforts need to be made to ensure that all projects undertaken by CHC (building enterprise, journeys into work, digital inclusion) are considered during this process.

Digital Inclusion

Hayley provided an update on the digital inclusion project that is being facilitated by CHC. The project is in its early stages and a Task and Finish group will be created in the next couple of weeks to lead the development of the business case which will be presented to Welsh Government later this year. The project will look to provide a holistic solution to digital inclusion including affordable access, digital skills, and raising awareness of the benefits of being online. The project aims to deliver at scale to tackle exclusion whilst also complimenting the existing work taking place across the sector.

Building Enterprise

Steve provided an update on Building Enterprise and explained the purpose of the project. The project co-ordinator and finance officer have now been appointed and are due to start in the next couple of weeks. A framework of business support providers will soon be developed and the project is due to officially launch in August. It was raised that the project should where possible compliment the work currently undertaken by the Wales Cooperative Centre.

Steve called for expressions of interest in becoming a member of Building Enterprise steering group. Attendees felt that perhaps instead the whole steering group could monitor the project and include it as a standard agenda item towards the end of future meetings along with EU funding.

Policy Update- Task and Finish Groups

Dave explained the various task and finish groups currently in existence including the Tackling Poverty Advisory Group, Social enterprise co-ops and mutual group, and the Public Services Advisory group. It was proposed that updates on their progress could be communicated to the steering group and that perhaps Nick Bennet could attend the next meeting to provide an update.


It was agreed that the next steering group will take place in September in Abergavenny. Hayley will arrange the date and book a venue.

Hayley will organise a meeting to discuss the EU funds and to review the submissions that have come back. This is likely to be at the end of July.

There was interest expressed in finding out how much CHC spends annually on conference venues, particularly hotels and profit organisations. Hayley will try to find this out for the next meeting.

Next network event: Tuesday 23rd July, MRC, Llandrindod.
Next steering group meeting: W/C 16th September in Abergavenny.Date and venue to be confirmed.