The school operates a cashless catering system. All pupils are issued with an ID card which must be carried at all times when in school uniform. This card can be loaded with money, which can then be used to purchase meals, drinks and snacks from the cafeteria.
If a pupil is eligible for free school meals, the value of the free meal is added to the card automatically each day – the method of payment is then no different to any other pupil. The free meal purse is only valid at lunchtime; a student who has free meals can also load money onto the card in the normal way for use at breakfast or break time.
Your child will be issued with their ID card when they start with us in September. Please note that for the induction day visit, the dining rooms will accept cash. For subsequent payments an on-line facility will be made available. This allows you to make payments direct from your bank account or from a credit or debit card. We do not accept payment by American Express.
You will be issued with a letter at the Parents’ Evening in July giving you full instructions of how to register and set up your account. If you have already made payments this year for an older sibling, you will be able to use the same account.
You will be able to check the remaining balance on the catering card when you login. Payments will normally be credited to the catering card on the same day of the transaction being made. Please ensure that transactions are made in time for your son/daughter to purchase their meal.
Cards which have been bent, damaged or defaced in any way will have to be replaced, at the normal cost of £5. All pupils are issued with a holder to keep their card safe – if they lose this, we would strongly recommend that they purchase a new holder, costing 40p, or they keep the card safe in a wallet.
If a pupil has insufficient funds on their card to purchase a main meal they are offered the option of a “grab bag” which provides them with a sandwich, a drink and a biscuit, for that day, which is then charged to their card the following day when a payment has been made.
When pupils are issued with their card, they should copy the ID Number on to the front of their planner. If they then lose their card, they can take their planner to the cafeteria after 1.10pm and show the staff the number and they will be able to make purchases. However this is only for a short term, if they cannot find the card they must then purchase a replacement.
An up to date catering price list will be available for your information at the Parents’ Evening. These prices are reviewed annually.