Meeting Minutes: Special meeting
May 7, 2014
- Call to order
Jennifer Highfield called to order the special meeting of the St Veronica PTO Board at 6:33 pm on May 7, 2014 at St Veronica Parish Ministry Center.
- Roll call
Formal Roll call was not performed at this meeting’s onset. The following persons were present: Jennifer Highfield, President/ Penelope Frigon, outgoing Communication Secretary and incoming President Elect/ Berta Velilla, VP Fundraising/Grant Dibert, Treasurer/ Michelle Trefz, VP Events/Lisa Lipps Bernard, incoming Volunteer Coordinator arrived at 6:53/ Lisa Frye, Recording Secretary/Mike Moran, Education Commission/Laura Wolfram incoming PR Coordinator arrived 6:53
- Gospel reading and Reflection was done by Jennifer Highfield
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Minutes were discussed, additions/changes made and agreed upon, and approved by motion and verbal vote. Lisa Frye was to make said changes and redistribute.
- Continued Business
a) Breakdown of Bylaws/Mission/vision Version 2 of the edited bylaws was reviewed by Berta V and the rest of the board members. The verbiage of the Mission/Vision and Objectives was set to be used for the Parish Guide brief. Jennifer H stressed the importance that these bylaw changes are upon approval of the Parish Council Michelle T will be sending changes to Berta V regarding her position description. A vote was taken to move the present items 2) and 3) under the Communications Coordinator to be the President Elects duties, as well to add to the duties of the Communcations coordinator “to update and maintain the PTO section of the Parish website.” Laura Wolfram added VIRTUS language to the Volunteer Coordinator position description as requested Jennifer. Jenifer will also speak to Diane re: any other VIRTUS needs.
Interested Candidates for open positions: Will be asked to submit Bio, will be voted on in April general meeting, take office in May.
Terms of office will now be two years with the exception of special verbiage for the President Elect.
b) A power point presentation explaining the mission, vision, and interrelationship of the PTO and other parish ministries and commissions will be created by Michelle Trefz and reviewed by all board members prior to the May 22nd general meeting.
c) Still in need of VIRTUS trained adults for general meeting babysitting
- New business
a) Michelle and Berta will be meeting with Bill Franz regarding the information on relationships among parish entities as well as the VEN diagram
b) Discussion was had involving Mike M regarding the presence and statements by the Education Commission during this next general meeting May 22.
c) Jennifer H requested that all Board members be present at the next meeting to be held May 14, 2014 at the Paris Ministry Center at 6:30 to discuss the power point presentation and the flow of the general meeting, this will be followed up on by Mike M.
- Adjournment
Jennifer Highfield adjourned the meeting at 8:36 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Lisa Frye, Recording Secretary
Minutes approved by: motion Penelope F, second Lisa F, approved all present