Dear Schmitz Park Families –

As your child works on getting support for the Move-A-Thon, you may want to reach out to friends and family outside your neighborhood. We have set-up an online payment option via PayPal so it’s easier to reach these friends and family as well as collect donations. Following is a letter you may use as a guide or,simply cut and paste the following text into the body of an email with the PayPal link and instructions. They can then click on the link and make a pledge in your child’s name using a credit card. The online payment option is also available on our website’s Move-A-Thon page,

Thanks for your efforts to maximize support for this great event!

Dear ______,

This year, ______is in ______grade at Schmitz Park Elementary. Schmitz Park is a wonderful school, that’s committed to providing a place where every child can grow with curiosity, confidence and competence. Many of the offerings that make Schmitz Park exceptional are funded solely by contributions from family, friends and community members. Fundraisers like the Move-A-Thonhave enabled us to financially support core fundamental needs like reading tutors, math support, classroom supplies andprogramslike geography, visual arts, library and physical education. These programs would not be available without this additional funding.

The students at Schmitz Park participate in just one fundraiser each year – the Move-A-Thon – and it’s coming up on Friday, June 3rd. Each student will run laps around a course for 30 minutes that day, raising money with every footstep, and having a great time to boot!

It would be wonderful if you would consider pledging me for this year’s Move-A-Thon. All donations are of course tax deductible and go directly toward the programs supported by the Schmitz Park PTA.

To participate, you can simply click on the PayPal link below:

Please note, after you have entered your credit card information the next view will ask you to review your donation. There will be a text box titled: Enter student’s name donation is for: type in the name of the student you are supporting. Be sure to print your receipt after you’re done and the Schmitz Park PTA tax ID #91-1252753 will be on and keep this for your taxes. Thank you so much for your donation!!

Event sponsored by the Schmitz Park PTA, a non-profit organization registered with the Secretary of State. All funds benefit Schmitz Park PTA-approved programs, and all contributions are tax deductible. Tax ID #91-1252753