CFSC Board and Key Roles - Position Descriptions

President...... 2

Vice President...... 3

Secretary...... 4

Treasurer...... 5

Fundraising Chair...... 6

Synchronized Skating Chair...... 7

Pro Liaison...... 8

Ice Coordinator...... 9

Test Chair...... 10

Membership Chair...... 11

Ice Show Coordinator...... 12

Marketing Public Relations Chair...... 13

TCFSA Representative...... 14

Social Chair...... 15

Skaters Representative...... 16

Duties of the President

The position of President is an officer of the Chaska Figure Skating Club. Per the Constitution and By-laws of the Chaska Figure Skating Club: Article IV Officers, Section 1, the duties read as follows.

It shall be the duty of the President to take charge of the club: to preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. The president shall have the entire supervision and management of the club and its property upon the action of the Board of Directors: the power to suspend any member for violating the by-laws of regulations of the club, upon approval of the board; to call special meetings and club meetings.

The President together with the Secretary shall sign all agreements and contracts made by the club, upon approval of the Board of Directors.

Additional Duties not stated in the By-laws

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Prepare the meeting agendas
  5. Serve as the club’s Sanction Officer
  6. Sign-off on competition forms and test sessions
  7. Community Liaison
  8. Participates on the Ice Show Committee
  9. Prepare/update the President’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Presidents of the Chaska Figure Skating Club

This position constitutes one vote on the board in case of a tie.

Duties of the Vice President

The position of Vice President is an officer of the Chaska Figure Skating Club. Per the Constitution and By-laws of the Chaska Figure Skating Club: Article IV Officers, Section 2, the duties read as follows.

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties and to assume those duties or officiate in the President’s absence.

Additional duties not stated in the By-laws:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Sign-off on competition forms and test sessions
  5. Participate on the Ice Show Committee
  6. Prepare/update the Vice President’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Vice Presidents of the Chaska Figure Skating Club

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Secretary

The position of Secretary is an officer of the Chaska Figure Skating Club. Per the Constitution and By-laws of the Chaska Figure Skating Club: Article IV Officers, Section 4, the duties read as follows.

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of the meetings of the club and the Board of Directors and to supervise all reports and documents connected to the business of the club; to supervise keeping roll of membership together with dates of their election and a record of all members elected, deceased, suspended, or expelled.

In the absence of a Membership Chair, the Secretary shall receive all applications of membership and shall notify the applicant if rejected. The Secretary shall furnish each member family with a copy of the by-laws and rules of the club.

The Secretary shall supervise and maintain records of all correspondence of the club, prepare and issue notices of all meetings of the club Board of Directors.

Additional Duties not stated in the by-laws:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Create and maintain official copies of club documents
  4. Receive bank statements
  5. Sign-off on competition forms and test sessions
  6. Schedule meeting rooms for monthly meetings
  7. Schedule rooms for special events when requested
  8. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  9. Prepare/update the Secretary’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Secretaries of the Chaska Figure Skating Club.

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Treasurer

The position of Treasurer is an officer of the Chaska Figure Skating Club. Per the Constitution and By-laws of the Chaska Figure Skating Club: Article IV Officers, Section 3, the duties read as follows.

The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the club and shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and shall render a written report monthly or when requested by the Board of Directors or President. Disbursements shall be made only upon vouchers for purchased which have received prior approval from the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have power to whenever they deem it necessary to appoint an acting Treasurer. The funds shall be deposited in the name of the club in a bank approved by the Board of Directors. All disbursements shall be signed by the Treasurer, President, or another officer designated member of the Board of Directors.

Additional duties not stated in the By-laws:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Develop a yearly budget for the club with input from the other directors
  3. Set-up accounting procedures
  1. Monthly billing/payments
  2. Monthly reports
  1. Sign competition forms and test forms
  2. Participate on the Ice Show Committee
  3. Prepare/update the Treasurer’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Treasurers of the Chaska Figure Skating Club

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Fundraising Chair

The Fundraising Chair shall be in complete charge of the club’s fundraising activities.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Contact various community organizations, companies, and individuals, etc. each year for club sponsorships e.g. Chaska Lions, VFW, American Legion
  5. Determine how many fund raising activities are necessary to help cover club costs based upon yearly budget
  6. Research and choose the fundraising activities for the year
  7. Coordinate and oversee the club’s mandatory fundraising activities
  8. Send out yearly club survey (required by Chaska Lions when applying for sponsorship)
  9. Coordinate activities for ad sales for the Ice Show program
  10. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  11. Prepare and updates the Fundraising Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Fundraising Chairs of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Synchronized Skating Chair

The Synchronized Skating Chair represents the interests of the Synchronized Skating Teams in the CFSC and serves as the communication liaison between parents, skaters, coaches, and the CFSC board.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Participate with the Fundraising Chair in Synchro fundraising
  5. Coordinate competition activities
  • Register the teams
  • Coordinate lodging arrangements
  • Communicate information to skaters, coaches, and parents
  1. Coordinate Synchro social events and recognition activities
  2. Plan for further development needs of synchronized skating in the CFSC
  3. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  4. Prepare/update Synchronized Skating Chair’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Synchronized Skating Chairs of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Pro Liaison

The Pro Liaison represents the interests of the coaches and serves as the communication liaison between coaches and the CFSC board.

Major duties

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Evaluate skater development needs and make program recommendation to the board
  5. Coordinate activities for development programs such as clinics, seminars, etc.
  6. Conduct coaches meetings
  7. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  8. Prepare/update TCFSA Representative’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future TCFSA Representatives of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Ice Coordinator

The Ice Coordinator organizes and coordinates purchase of ice and scheduling ice sessions for the club.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Supply information to the treasurer quarterly on skater contracts, must be in format specified by Treasurer to facilitate data entry into QuickBooks
  4. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  5. Make arrangements for all purchased ice for club sessions
  6. Interface with the Treasurer to insure consistency between contracted ice and billing practice
  7. For each contract session, come up with a proposal for ice to be purchased based on the number of skaters at various levels, proposal should include session breakdown:
  • Freeestyle
  • Moves in the Field
  • Other group type lessons (e.g. Synchro)
  1. Seek board approval for proposed ice purchase before arrangements are made with the CCC
  2. Prepare ice contracts for skaters/coaches for each of the four contract sessions
  3. Keep records of ice contract costs, payments, buy-ins, rink monitor fees, rink monitor credits, etc.
  4. Keep record of skating contract bonus points used for Solo, Duet, Trio qualification points
  5. Periodically seek input from both pros and skater’s parents in determining if ice time should be increased and when to buy the ice
  6. Work with Pro Liaison and Test Chair on scheduling ice time for clinics, test, and exhibitions
  7. Participate on the Ice Show Committee
  8. Prepare/update the Ice Coordinator’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Ice Coordinators of the Chaska Figure Skating Club

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Test Chair

The Test Chair is responsible for coordinating and organizing all test sessions for the club.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Develop annual test plan
  5. Coordinate test times and dates with the Ice Coordinator
  6. Organize the test sessions
  • Contact the judges
  • Prepare the judges room and supplies
  • Buy appreciation gifts for the judges
  • Write thank-yous to each judge
  1. Report all test results to USFSA
  2. Report all test results to the Publicity and Social Chairs
  3. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  4. Prepare/update Test Chair’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Test Chairs of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Membership Chair

The Membership Chair is responsible for processing new and renewed members for the club.

Major Duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Process new member registrations and yearly membership renewals according current USFSA practice
  5. Process the newly elected Board members each June according to current USFSA practice
  6. Be the primary referral for prospective members
  7. Participate in new member recruitment

•Membership table during last weeks of skate school sessions

•Membership table at community events

  1. Prepare membership packages for new members, including

•CFSC By-laws

•CFSC Handbook

  1. Maintain roster of membership status and distribute to board and membership regularly
  2. Keep on file and available for all skaters an updated coaches resumes and the coach’s current PSA level last tested and passed
  3. Participate on the Ice Show Committee
  4. Prepare/update Membership Chair’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Membership Chairs of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the Ice Show Coordinator

The Ice Show Coordinator, along with the Chaska Community Center Skate School Director organizes and coordinates the annual Ice Show.

Ice Show Coordinator major duties are as follows:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Club liason with the CCC, CCC Skate School Director, and the City of Chaska
  5. Organize and oversee all Ice Show sub-committees
  6. Report show planning information and monthly updates to the Board of Directors
  7. Write Ice Show surveys that will be distributed to all participants’ families on the last day of the Ice Show
  8. Report to the Board:

•Ice Show survey results

•Ice Show summary results including

  • Financial results
  • Sub-committee reports
  • Positive/negative comments from volunteers, coaches, skaters, patrons, etc.
  1. Prepare/update the Ice Show Coordinator’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Ice Show Coordinators of the Chaska Figure Skating Club

This position constitutes one vote on the Board.

Duties of the Marketing/Public Relations Chair

The Marketing/Public Relations Chair coordinates marketing, public relations, and publicity activities for the club.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Develop annual strategic plan
  5. Publish the club’s newsletter
  6. Photograph club events
  7. Furnish news items for the club’s activities to the local newspaper and Rink Link newsletter
  8. Skating Magazine representative
  9. Supply the Social Chair with items for the club bulletin board and trophy case
  10. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  11. Prepare/update Marketing/Public Relations Chair’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Marketing/Public Relations Chairs of the CFSC

This position constitutes one vote on the board.

Duties of the TCFSA Representative

The TCFSA Representative is the liaison between the CFSC and the TCFSA. There will be two TCFSA Representatives whose terms are up in different years.

Major duties:

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Attend monthly TCFSA meetings
  5. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  6. Report information back at the CFSC board meetings
  7. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  8. Prepare/update TCFSA Representative’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future TCFSA Representatives of the CFSC

Both TSFSA Representatives constitute one vote each on the board.

Social Chair

The Social Chair organizes and coordinates social events for the club.

Major duties

  1. Assist in carrying out the functions of the club
  2. Supply information to the Treasurer for the yearly budget
  3. Prepare monthly report for the board when applicable
  4. Maintain the club bulletin board
  5. Coordinate annual banquet
  6. Coordinate Ice show cast party
  7. Coordinate refreshments at exhibitions
  8. Coordinate trips to figure skating events such as Stars on Ice and the Campbells Classic

•Reserve blocks of tickets

•Coordinate transportation

•Prepare event fliers for membership

  1. Coordinate social functions for CFSC members and their families
  2. Mail congratulations to skater

•Tests passed


  1. Mail get-well cards to injured or sick skaters
  2. Mail condolence cards
  3. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  4. Prepare/update TCFSA Representative’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future TCFSA Representatives of the CFSC

This is a non-voting position.

Skater Representative

The Skaters Representative is the primary contact point between the skaters and the board.

Major duties:

  1. Welcome new members to the club
  2. Assist new skaters by answering questions
  3. Be a positive role model for fellow skaters
  4. Conduct bi-monthly meetings with skaters

•Discuss their concerns

•Communicate upcoming club events (parties, outings, etc.)

•Recruit skaters for social and fundraising events

  1. Attend board meetings when necessary
  2. Participate on the Ice Show committee
  3. Prepare/update Skater Representative’s Manual that is used as a guide for present and future Skater Representatives of the CFSC

This is a non-voting position.