Main Street

Horsley Woodhouse




Telephone & Fax No 01332 880403

Headteacher Mrs Peach
2nd December 2013

Dear Parent

The Scholastic Book Fair raised a fantastic £430.26p worth of books for school. Thank you to everyone who bought books and ensured we were able to replenish school book stocks.

Many thanks to all parents and friends who have been collecting the Morrison’s Lets Grow Vouchers. We collected 2,731 and have been able to buy plants and shrubs for our sensory garden, seeds for our wildlife garden and vegetable seeds for our growing area.

The Christmas Post Box opened today. Can you please make sure that the surname to whom the card is being sent and Class is put on the envelope as this makes life much easier for our young postmen and women.

A reminder that all our parents and friends are warmly invited to our Infant Christmas Carol Concert, on Tuesday 10th December at 9.30am in Church.All pupils will be in Church and will join in with the singing of carols. Most of our younger pupils have small voices. Therefore, if you need to bring toddlers and babies to the Carol Service and they become noisy and distract our young performers, could you kindly take them into the church porch. Many thanks for your anticipated co-operation in this matter.

Following the Carol Service everyone is invited back to the School Hall for mince pies, tea or coffeewhich will be served by the PTFA.

A reminder that the whole school Christmas trip is on Wednesday 11th December to Newstead Abbey. We are looking forward to a super day out. Please remember to bring a Victorian lunch and dress warmly in Victorian costume. Children need to be in school at 8.30am.

Don’t forget the PTFA Christmas fair is on Friday 6th December at 3.15pm in the Church hall. Please come along and join in the festivities.

A reminder that School dinners are £1.95 per day (£9.75per week). ALL CHEQUES FOR DINNER MONEY PAYABLE TO DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL please. Dinner money can be paid weekly or half termly but if it is weekly it must be in school on a Monday morning in a clearly labelled envelope or purse.

If your school stays school dinners and wishes to change to sandwiches then 2 weeks notice should be given. If your child wishes to change from sandwiches to school dinners then 2 weeks notice should be given. This is to make sure that the dinners we order from Herbert Strutt are correct as our school is now charged for dinners that are telephoned to Herbert Strutt every day.


Thank you.

Our ‘25 Club’ will be drawn week beginning 16th December.If you would like to join in the club which is drawn each term you have the chance of winning £25, £15 or £10. The cost is £4 per term. Please see Mrs Cornfield for more details.

Those parents who are already members of the 25 club please could £4 be sent into school as soon as possible. Thank you

School closes for the Christmas break on Friday 20th December at normal time and reopens on Tuesday 7th January 2014 at 8.55am. (Please note Monday 6th January is an inset day and school is closed to children)

Yours sincerely

L Peach


Dates for your diary

Tuesday 3rd DecemberBikeability for Year 6

Wednesday 4th DecemberSchool Christmas Dinner

Thursday 5th DecemberLuncheon Club Christmas Dinner

Friday 6th DecemberPTFA Christmas Fair

Tuesday 10th DecemberInfant Carol Concert in church at 9.30am

Wednesday 11th DecemberWhole school Christmas visit to Newstead Abbey

Friday 13th DecemberChoir singing at Kidsley Grange

Monday 16th DecemberInfants Christmas party in the afternoon

Thursday 19th DecemberFootprints Theatre Christmas show for KS2

Friday 20th December PTFA Christmas Disco in school at 1.15pm

Friday 20th DecemberSchool closes at normal time – 3.15pm

Saturday 21st DecemberDerbyCounty game 3pm kick off

Monday 6th January Whole school closed to pupils for staff training

Tuesday 7th JanuarySchool re opens

ADDITIONAL INSET DAYS where school is closed for pupils: