Minute of March 2014 Slane Area Monthly Meeting, Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices, Wednesday 19th March 2014

Cllr Dillon Gallagher presided as Cathaoirleach

Other Councillors Present:

Cllr.Wayne Harding , Cllr Sirena Campbell, Cllr Arian Keogan,

Cllr Jimmy Cudden ,Cllr Eoin Holmes

Officials Present:

Fiona Lawless, Director of Services and Area Manager, Eugene Farrelly Area Administrator, Jim Colwell Area Engineer , Nicholas Whyatt, Senior Engineer Transportation, Frances Hughes Assistant Staff Officer, Aaron Byrne Executive Engineer Transportation

The Members were advised of the provisions of Part 15 of the LG Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee members regarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person as set out in the Ethical Framework Document included with the Agenda Documentation.

Item 1.0 Confirmation of Minutes of February 2014 Meeting

Cathaoirleach Dillon -Gallagher welcomed all to the March Area Meeting

  • 1.1 February 2014Monthly Meeting held on Wednesday 19th February, 2014

On the proposal of Cllr Wayne Harding seconded by Cllr Jimmy Cudden the Members confirmed the Minutes of the Meeting held on the above date

Item 2.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes

No Matters arising

Item 3.0 To receive a Presentation on the Laytown-Bettystown pedestrian & Cycle Network from Transportation Department

Cathaoirleach Dillon-Gallagher welcomed Nicholas and Aaron from Transportation Dept in County Hall who introduced Tony Lynch from Arup Consultancy who outlined the background to the project and went on to inform of the scope of the project ,benefits of walking/cycling in the study area, and uation of current pedestrian, cycling and motorised transport in the study area .The ull Report is available on the Meath.ie website at:

Implementation Plan

The infrastructure schemes recommended as part of this study are dependent on securing funding from the National Transport Authority. To assist with funding applications to the NTA, an implementation plan that identifies the desired priorities for the study area, which are consistent with the

project objectives, has been prepared. There is no significant interdependency that currently exists between each of the schemes. However, in order to achieve the full benefits, it is important that schemes are implemented to complete a particular walking and cycling route.

Behavioural Change Initiatives

In addition to the above infrastructure measures, it is suggested that MCC would continue to pursue initiatives for behavioural change towards walking and cycling in the study area. One of the most important initiatives would be to focus on implementing School Travels Plans (STP). The STP’s are seen as a key initiative to encourage behavioural change among school children. The measures within the school travel plan will complement the infrastructure improvements for the walking and cycling network as set out in this study and ensure they are widely accepted and used by the community.

An STP will aim to encourage and support more sustainable travel patterns and accessibility for staff and students of both existing and proposed schools. A typical STP has the following general objectives:

  • To implement a sustainable transport strategy for the school,
  • To optimise the use of existing and planned future public transport


  • To reduce car dependency and demand, thus reducing the environmental effects associated with increased car use
  • Create awareness and encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation (primarily walk and cycle) as available,
  • To support local authority objectives of improving cycle and pedestrian links,

A STP identifies a number of measures to encourage walking and cycling which is specific to a school and its locations. The Laytown and Bettystown walking and cycling study recognise this behavioural change measure as on-going initiatives by MCC and the local schools and therefore does not form part of this study and implementation plan.

Rationale for Scheme Prioritisation

The rationale that formed the basis for the formulation of a phasing plan, took

account of the following series of criteria:

  • Overall benefits and urgency of a given scheme;
  • Relation between the perceived benefits and the cost of each scheme;
  • Procurement and construction (i.e. schemes same type forming a coherent implementation package); and
  • Consultation, planning and design lead times.

Implementation Phasing

Having appraised all the schemes on the basis of their perceived benefits, as well as their impacts and estimated costs, it is possible to propose an informed phasing programme for implementation. Prioritisation of improvement schemes along the various routes are based on a ranking methodology which considered the following criteria for its assessment;

  • Overall Options Assessment Score
  • Scheme cost
  • Anticipated demand
  • Benefits/urgency nature of the scheme

All the schemes are scored in a scale of 1 to 10 for above criteria’s, and their

allocation of phasing is determined based on the overall phasing appraisal score as obtained from the assessment. A proposed five phased programme has been taken into account which may extend over a 10-15 year period, intends to establish a prioritisation framework of the preferred schemes. It is likely this phasing will be modified over time to respond to challenges and variations regarding funding streams. It is most likely possible that a section of the overall improvement scheme along a route might need to be prioritised based on the urgent nature of the scheme.


Cllr Dillon Gallagher thanked Tony for his very comprehensive and detailed presentation and complemented him on the level of analysis that went into it, and then opened the floor to the other Members. The Members were all in favour of the Project as set out and Cllr Harding noted that this was an extremely worthwhile project given the growing population ,in particular, up to 2,000 school children, accessing the School Campus at the moment and welcomed the inclusion of this location in the early phases . Questions were raised regarding expected phasing and financing of this proposed project and the Members were informed by Nicholas Whyatt SE that the study would inform the NTA about the priorities in the area and provide an evidence based framework for investing in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. This will be of assistance in supporting applications to the NTA for future funding. The study is a long term strategy for the area which could take 20 years to implement. Given the level of investment required and the annual amount of funding provided by the NTA to Meath Co Co, it would not be unreasonable to assume that the NTA could fund one project a year from each phase if it is agreed that this is the priority for the East Meath Area.

Item 4.0 To receive a Presentation from the Francis Ledwich Museum Committee

Cathaoirleach Dillon- Gallagher welcomed the Ledwidge Museum Committee Group to the Chamber to make their presentation on the aims and achievements of the LMC . Bob Mc Mahon and Rosemary Yore gave a presentation covering the background of the Committee from its inception in 1979 when Meath County Council vested ownership of the two adjoining cottages to them at Janeville, being Francis Ledwidge’s birthplace, to use as a museum in his honour.


The Committee seek to improve the overall standing of the poet locally nationally and internationally. To promote an appreciation of his writings and poetry and to protect and preserve the name, birthplace and memory of Ledwidge for future generations.

Present Activities

The present museum is located in one of two adjoining cottages at Janeville Slane and houses a museum containing his published works memorabilia from the era etc ,provide guided tours host a Ledwidge day and hold Historical lectures ,poetry readings, childrens competitions etc.

The site also incorporates a landscaped garden with walkway which contains an exact facsimile of the monument erected near Ypres in Belgium where Frances Ledwidge was killed on the 31st July 1917 at the Battle of Passchendaele .

What is needed

The Committee have a huge requirement for adequate parking facilities for the increasing numbers of heritage tourists who come from across the globe to visit the site of Ledwidges birthplace. There is no room for parking currently at the Museum and the poor sightlines at the cottages are very dangerous for visitors alighting from buses at the roadway fronting the cottages.

The Committee has approached an adjoining farmer for acquisition of the adjoining field to provide adequate parking to the rear of the site from which visitors could access the museum in a safe and secure fashion.

Benefits to the Community

The increased footfall to the museum will increase the commercial activity of SlaneVillage and surrouding producers in particular in the restaurant trade and accomodation providers in the locality ,being a third important heritage site in addition to Bru na Boinne at Newgrange and Oldbridge house /battle of the Boyne Site. The tourism potential of Co Meath to attract more bed nights to the county would be increased exponentially. In being able to market the museum at DublinAirport which is within a half hour drive via the M1 route via the Slane Off-ramp.

LedwidgeCottageMuseum, Slane, CountyMeath
where Francis lived and grew up as a young poet.

What is needed

The Committee would appreciate any support the Council could offer and in particular support for their larger project in providing the much needed car-park facility at the cottage and secondly for support in seeking funding under the current Museum Grant Scheme to assist in moving the museum to the cottage next door and thereby return the present museum to an exact replica of how the cottage looked when Ledwidge lived there in the early 1900s.

Cathaoirleach Dillon-Gallagher thanked Bob and Rosemary for their most interesting presentation and noted that the 100 year anniversary of the poets death will be coming around on 31st July 2017 when a large commemoration ceremony might be considered at that time. As this year commemorates the anniversary of the commencement of the 1914-18 World War –it is expected that a huge growth in numbers attending the Museum will take place and the inadequate parking facilities at the site could mitigate against the ability for the Committee to cope with same without improved facilities.

The Members were all in agreement with the aims of the Committee and felt that the improved parking facilities was very necessary at the moment. Fiona Lawless Area Manager also complemented the Committee and informed that the Council would provide all the practical assistance that was feasible at the moment including the 25% match funding of €2,500 for the Museum works intended. In that regard Jim Colwell Area Engineer informed that he would liaise with the Committees Architect regarding planning considerations in respect of Design plans for the Cottages. Eugene Farrelly informed that he would research the Museum Scheme and ascertain what involvement or support the Council might lend to the Project.

Item 5 To receive a Report on the 2014 Roadworks Programme.

A written Report was circulated to the Members on the proposed road works programme for 2014 and update on NTA Funded Schemes as follows:

National Primary Roads €29,460

Maintenance allocation.

National Secondary Roads €26,179

Maintenance allocation.

Regional/Local Road – Restoration and Surface Dressing €1,380,136

Roadworks programme

R-150-0 Marsh Road

R-108-53/63 Mullaghteelin/Clinstown

L-1615-0/L-1615-16/L-5619-0 Bellewstown

L-1618-19 Minnstown

L-1601-19 Roughgrange

L-16161-12 Corballis

L-1004-19 Clatterstown

L-1601-19 Stalleen

L-1613-0 KnockcommonArdcath

L-1625-0 Sallygarden

Regional/Local Road – Maintenance/Discretionary €878,474

Community Involvement Schemes

Community Involvement Schemes

Road Ref / Location
L-16052-0 / Ardcalf-Slane
L-1608-10 / Newgrange
L-16071-0 / Dowth
L-16074-0 / Balfaddock Slane

Slane Area Projects at March 2014

2013 Projects

PHASE 2 DESIGN / Phase I: Works expected to be completed by 14th March 2014.
Temporary Road Closure at Oldbridge extended until Friday 14th March , 2014
Phase II: Preliminary design being carried out by Consultants.

2014 Projects

MH/12/8990 / N51 TRAFFIC CALMING SCHEME – SLANEVILLAGE / NRA - TRAFFIC CALMING / 0 / 2014 / Outstanding works include road marking and road studs (at the outskirts of the village), a short 10m length of footpath near CastleGardens, erection of signage, seeding of topsoil and snagging. These works are completed
MCC/14/0005 / PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, DULEEK / NTA - PROVISION OF A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IN DULEEK AT THE JUNCTION OF THE R150 AND ABBEY ROAD / €30,000 / 2014 / Currently being reviewed for inclusion in the Duleek Traffic Calming Scheme
DULEEK TRAFFIC CALMING SCHEME / REFURBISHMENT & TRAFFICMANAGEMENTFORDULEEKVILLAGE / Own Resources / 2014 / In the process of appointing a contractor for a Topographical survey

Cathaoirleach Dillon-Gallagher thanked Jim Colwell for the updated proposals under the road-works programme for Slane Area in 2014 and noted the change from the previous meeting where Knockcommon was to be replaced with Ardcalf due to the additional works needed outside the scope of the programme.

Item 6.To receive a Report on matters raised at the Feruary Meeting

The Report on the issues raised at the February Area Meeting was circulated at the Meeting .The Members discussed the Report with any matters raised satisfactorily responded to by the officials present.

The Report was noted by the Members.

Item 7. Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

  • Update on Taking in charge – update for next meeting –

Refer to M Harrington Planning

  • Complaints received from residents of The Maples regarding anti social behaviour at the playground in Bettystown

Response : the resident s need to raise issues of anti-social behaviour with the Gardai . The Council will make any information available to same if under investigation including any photos that may be available as the Playground is monitored by CCTV.

  • Provision of public lighting at the CommunityGarden in Julianstown. –Refer to Declan Gaffney Public Lighting
  • Overgrown hedge on Larrix Street (road toward the Spire restaurant).

Refer to J Colwell SEE

  • Faded white line on South side of SlaneVillage.

Refer to J Colwell SEE

  • Dangerous trench dug at Lougher (near the carpark).

Refer to J Colwell SEE

  • Provision of litter pickers, bags etc for National Anti Litter week

Rrefer to L Whelan Environment

  • Update on Slane Toilets /Garden Project

Refer to J Colwell SEE

Item 8.0 Correspondence /Issues raised

Eugene Farrelly informed the Members of the following correspondence received for information:

  1. Letter dated 18th March 2014 from DOECLG to Co Managers regarding the availability of the Public Area Enhancement Scheme advising of the allocation of the amount of €105,000 to the County with regard to assistance to local tidy town groups .Eugene circulated a Report on a shortlist of 3 Groups who had made presentations to the Members over the past year as follows:
  • Slane Community Forum
  • SlaneVillageGarden
  • Julianstown Village Enhansement Group

The Report was noted by the Members who acknowledged that there was a short time frame for of 11th April for submission of proposals to the Department.

  1. Letter dated 7 March 2014 from DOELG to Co Manager informing of a grant amounting to €75,000 ,in respect of the Areas application under the Funding for repairs and associated costs following severe weather from 13th December 2013 to 6th January 2014
  1. Letter issued from Co Managers office on 21st February to Minister Alan Kelly seeking to extend the period of application in respect of the Boyneside Trail Project.
  1. Public Notice as published on 28th February 2014 seeking applications under the Casual Trading Act for summer pitches at Bettystown Beachwhich closes at 4pm on 19th March 2014.
  1. The Members were advised that it was proposed to hold a Planning Workshop on the submissions received for the East Meath LAP in the second week in April and it was agreed that the 10th April was the agreeable date for same.
  1. The Members were advised that Larry Whelan from Environment Dept sought a slot on the April meeting to outline some Environmental matters including the Household and Bio-waste Regs 2013 which roll-out on the east coast from 1st July 2014 next and Playground Bye-laws proposal.

Item 9.0 To discuss matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee

The Members were advised that no matters arise other than the presentation on Ledwidge Museum heard earlier as referred by the Protocol Committee to the Area Council.

Item 10.0 To consider the Managers Report on proposed variation No2 of the CountyDevelopment Plan 2013-2016 as it relates to Slane Electoral Area

Bernard Greene Senior Executive Planner led a deputation from Planning Dept and made a presentation on each of the submissions received under the above publication. The Members considered each submission and agreed with the Managers recommendations in respect of each and further recommended the Report for consideration of the full Council at its April Meeting on the proposal of Cllr Holmes and seconded by Cllr Harding.

Item 11.0 Date for April Meeting : 16th April 2014

The business of the Meeting having been completed Cathaoirleach Dillon-Gallagher thanked all for their contributions to same.

MinutesMarch 2014 meeting 19.03.14

Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath

Telephone: 041 9880700, Fax: 041 9880139, Email: , web: