
NHS Doncaster

Local Enhanced Service

Provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC)

in Community Pharmacy

September 2009


1.1The aim of this service is to enable the provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), free of charge to the patient, under a NHS Doncaster Patient Group Direction.

1.2The service is an extension of that currently in place whereby patients can access EHC through GUM Clinics, FP Services, GPs and Outreach Nurses.

1.3It is designed to provide greater access and choice for patients, particularly in rural areas and outside of “normal” hours.


2.1The national target is, by 2010, to reduce the rate of teenage conceptions in women under 18 years of age by 50% from a baseline figure established in 1998.

2.2EHC is part of the overall NHS Doncaster Sexual Health Strategy and aims to reduce unintended and termination of pregnancy.

3Service Outline

3.1Contractors providing this service will be required to;

  • Carry a stock of levonorgestrel 1500 ug for supply to suitable patients
  • Have professional staff suitably trained to provide the service
  • Have an appropriate consultation room in which to provide the service
  • Record activity in an auditable manner and in a way specified by the NHS Doncaster
  • Offer targeted health promotion interventions, access to information, advice and screening
  • Participate in any NHS Doncaster initiatives to promote the service, specifically by displaying the service logo in the premises window
  • Provide the service to appropriate patients who either “walk in” or are signposted from another organisation
  • Where the patient elects to do so, make appropriate arrangements for patients to take medication dispensed under this agreement within the Contractors premises and at the time of the provision of the service
  • Ensure that all Pharmacists engaged in the delivery of this service are aware of the requirements and content of this agreement


4.1The service shall be provided by a Practising and Accredited Pharmacist, registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

4.2Prior to provision of the service, all Pharmacists providing the service are required to;

  • Undergone a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check
  • Have completed the CPPE Emergency Hormonal Contraception open learning program (2005)
  • Have attended the NHS Doncaster EHC initial training session

4.3To continue providing the service,all Pharmacists providing the service are required to;

  • Have attended the NHS Doncaster EHC refresher training session every 2 years

4.4The service shall be provided in accordance with NHS Doncaster’s Patient Group Direction “Progestogen Only Emergency Hormonal Contraception” (Appendix 1).

4.5The service shall be delivered in an identified consultation area. This area shall be such that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times. Access to the area shall be controlled by the Pharmacist.

4.6The Contractor shall record the details of the meeting in accordance with and using a form specified by NHS Doncaster (appendix 2).

4.7The Contractor shall forward a copy of each consultation record (4.5) to NHS Doncaster within one week of the end of the month in which the consultation was provided.

Contractors may forward the consultation records individually or in batches by either fax or post to the fax number and / or address shown on the consultation record.

5Performance Management

5.1A review of the service provision shall be included as part of the Pharmacy Contract Review undertaken by NHS Doncaster and Contractors will be required to make appropriate documents available for inspection.

5.2NHS Doncaster shall use the number and content of the submitted consultation records to assess and where appropriate develop the service.


6.1Payment for the service shall be on a monthly basis.

6.2The signed consultation record shall constitute a claim for payment. At the end of each calendar month NHS Doncaster shall determine the number of claims made by each Contractor during the preceding month.

6.3The Contractor shall be paid monthly in arrears in accordance with the fee schedule described below.

6.4The following fee schedule shall apply for this service;

Professional fee (per consultation 09/10)£12.86p

Levonorgestrel 1500ug tablet (each 09/10)£5.29p

The fees shall be subject to an annual review, carried out in April of each year.

6.5Only fully completed forms will be accepted as a claim for payment. Incomplete forms will be returned to the Contractor for completion and payment will be withheld until such time as a completed form is received by the NHS Doncaster.


7.1This agreement may be terminated by either party on 3 month’s written notice (or earlier if both parties are in agreement).


On behalf of NHS Doncaster / On behalf of Contractor
Address of premises at which service to be provided

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

NHS Doncaster - EHC LES – v2September 2009