Press Release

bwcon: 2. CTN “Future Business“ raises the issue real and virtual collaboration

Collaboration of the future

Heidelberg, July 10, 2013. What opportunities offer the internet and new technologies for the collaboration of clients, partners and suppliers? How is it affected by today’s mobility? Can virtual opportunities replace personal collaboration? Answers to those questions give experts of science and business at the second event of bwcon: Creative Think Net “Future Business“. Spatial and virtual approaches and measurements with their opportunities and risks will be discussed. The event takes place on July 17, 2013 at 5pm at the Musikpark in Mannheim and is open for all interested parties.

At the bwcon: Creative Think Net “Future Business“ of the technology network bwcon the three companies Donner & Doria advertising agency GmbH, Onwerk GmbH as well as pro event live-communication GmbH have joined together. “The internet-based, networked collaboration bridges distance and time, thus processes, solutions and data transfers can be optimized. Essential for this is a comprehensive exchange of information flows along the supply chain”, explains Dirk Breunich, managing director of the Mannheim-based advertising agency Donner & Doria. But it also is important, says Breunich, to weigh up, whether virtual collaboration is going to be effective and to reflect, whether eCollaboration can replace real collaboration in the long run.

The key note speech with the topic “The future of collaboration“ will be held by Jochen Günther. He is project manager at the department Business Performance at the Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO). He will illuminate today’s knowledge-based society and talk about necessity and change of collaboration. Günther will also discuss eCollaborations and how remote cooperation can look like in the future – what opportunities exist and what needs to be considered.

Afterwards, Simon Hilsdorf will report on his practical experience, how ABB lives the collaboration, real as well as virtual. In his analysis he will also discuss Collaboration, Social Networking, Crowd Sourcing, Wikis as well as Blogging. Hilsdorf is responsible for the communication of IT topics at ABB and is as a Country Web Manager also in charge of the topics Intranet and Internet.

At the end of the lectures follows a panel discussion which is open for all participants who want to share their experiences or current questions and to discuss them in public. A get-together will complete the program.


The bwcon: Creative Think Net “Future Business“ takes place at the Musikpark Mannheim. Photos can be downloaded under

About Donner & Doria

The agency group Donner & Doria consists of Donner & Doria Public Relations GmbH and Donner & Doria Werbeagentur GmbH. The group offers integrated marketing and communication services, especially in the areas Publicity and Image, Sales Support, Lead Generation, Customer Loyalty as well as Employer Branding.

Donner & Doria has 20 employees in Heidelberg and Mannheim. Its customers include primarily medium-sized consulting and service companies in the fields IT, SAP, Purchasing, Human Resources, Pharma as well as Industrial and Mechanical Engineering.

Media Contact:

Donner & Doria Public Relations GmbH

Peter Verclas

Gaisbergstraße 16

D-69115 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 58787-35

Fax: +49 6221 58787-39

