Inaugural Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Animal Health and Welfare

Date:11th September 2013

Venue:Agriculture House 4C


Chair:Prof Colm Gaynor

Members:Simon More, Alison Hanlon, David Graham, Michael Gunn, Stephen Gordon, Donagh Berry, Laura Boyle, John Magee, Jeff Connell, Cliona O’Farrelly

Apologies:Minister Simon Coveney, Donal Murphy

DAFM:Martin Blake (DVO), Paula Barry-Walsh

PresentationsSally Gaynor, Mark Winkelmann, Michael Moran

  1. Introduction

Martin Blake introduced the new Committee and thanked the new Committee Members for agreeing to serve on the SACAHW. The formulation of this committee represents a recognition by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of the need for outside expertise in formulating and implementing policy and strategy in the area of animal health and welfare. It forms part of a broad agenda of ambition of the Department and is seen as an important asset going forward.

  1. Three presentations were given by DAFM Officials on areas of significance to the SACAHW
  • Presentation on the Animal Health and Welfare Act – Mark Winkelmann
  • Presentation on Council Regulation 1099 of 2009 on the protection of animals at time of killing – Michael Moran
  • Presentation on Topical Animal Health Issues – Sally Gaynor
  1. Terms of Reference of the SACAHW
  • A discussion took place on the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Committee. It was agreed that the Secretary would circulate a revised draft of the TOR to the Committee members to be agreed before the next meeting.
  • The TOR will allow the Minister to refer specific issues to the SACAHW for its opinion. However, they should also allow the Committee to be self-driven to encourage independent analysis and criticism.
  1. Working Methodologies
  • It was agreed that the Committee would work through a combination of face to face meetings and electronic correspondence. The minimum number of Committee meetings held annually will be defined.
  • Where issues require it, sub-groups will be formed led by Committee members whereby outside people with suitable expertise can be co-opted.
  • There is a need for Scientific Editorial Support in order to coordinate the information and produce documents detailing the Committee’s opinion on each issue. DAFM will look to facilitate this.
  1. Action Points
  • The Committee requested that DAFM provide updates to the Committee on a number of areas of Animal Health and Welfare that might be relevant to the SACAHW. In advance of the next meeting, Committee Members will circulate and distil ideas on the areas that they feel are significant. The Secretary will circulate contact details of Committee Members in order to facilitate this.
  • The Secretary will circulate the agreed Terms of Reference.
  • The Secretary will circulate proposed dates for future meetings for agreement.
