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Telephone: +61 (02) 6250 9509; Fax: +61 (02) 6250 9599; Email:
ABN 70 861 480 818
2018 ANPC Gift Membership form with 10% discount!
Please retain the original completed form as your tax invoice
Our mission statement“to promote and improve
plant conservation”
Your membership helps show your support for the promotion and development of plant conservation and also entitles you to discounts and benefits including:
· subscription to the ANPC’s quarterly bulletin Australasian Plant Conservation
· discounts for ANPC workshops, conferences and forums
· electronic version of APC bulletin (optional)
· donations tax-deductible
· discounted subscription to EMR.
The ANPC is affiliated with the journal Ecological Management and Restoration. ANPC members can subscribe to EMR at a special discount rate of approximately 27%. Please note: this is only available to individual members (not to groups or organisations).
· New members and members renewing can now receive a free pdf file of Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia. / MEMBERSHIP TYPE/SUBSCRIPTION
(please check the box where appropriate) / 1 yr
(Incl. GST) / 3 yrs
(Incl. GST)
Individual Member / $65 / $170
Individual Concession (full time students, pensioners, unemployed) / $40 / $100
Community Group (Additional benefit: receive 2 copies of quarterly bulletin) / $100 / $260
Small Business (< 20 employees) (Additional benefit: receive 2 copies of quarterly bulletin) / $100 / $290
Corporate/Government Agency (Additional benefit: Bulletin mailed to up to 7 addresses) / $560 / $1350
Library Subscription
(2 copies of quarterly bulletin) / $100 / $260
Check box for APC bulletin e-version instead of posted paper version
NEW - Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia – FREE for new members/renewals / $0.00 FREE
(PDF e-version only)
DONATION ($2 or more tax-deductible) / $
Ecological Management and Restoration *
(approx. 30% discount; usual
subscription $106.70) / $74.80 / n/a
Recipient Details (beneficiary): Gift(s) are sent to the details mentioned below: / My Details (benefactor):
Title First name Surname / Title First name
Occupation Organisation / Surname
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Payment Details
Total Amount: $
Direct Credit: BSB: 633000 Account #: 139397830 Bank: Bendigo Reference: (your name)
Account name: Australian Network for Plant Conservation
Invoice my organisation Purchase order number
Business, government agencies etc: give contact name, full mailing & email addresses
Visa MasterCard Reference: (your name)
Card Number / / / / / Expiry Date / / / 3 digit code
Name on Card / Cardholder’s signature
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Cheque/Money order made out to “Australian Network for Plant Conservation Date sent by post
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Gift 2018 - 07122017