Dear Kindergarten Parent(s),

We would like to welcome you and your child to the 2012-2013 school year at Zwink Elementary. We are delighted to have your child in our Kindergarten class and look forward to a very successful year together. We hope the following information will be helpful to you and your child.

Arrival Procedure

Arrival can be a very hectic time during the school day. School begins at 8:15 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:20 a.m. If your child is a car rider, please drop him or her off at the front entrance, rather than parking and walking your child into the building. Faculty and staff members will assist the students until they learn their way to the classroom. Children that arrive to school before 8:00 a.m. will be directed to the cafeteria and dismissed to their classrooms by grade level with a teacher. Please follow these procedures to make arrival safe for all children at our school.

Dismissal Procedure

Dismissal can also be a very hectic time during the school day. School is dismissed at 3:05 p.m. Please follow these procedures to make dismissal safe for all children at our school.

Car Riders- All car riders should be picked up in front of the

school where Zwink staff will assist the students as

you drive through.

Campus Kids - All after school care students will be escorted to the


Bus Riders- All bus riders will be escorted to the gym. The buses will be parked outside and students will be escorted to their correct bus as it arrives. Please help your child learn his or her bus number.

Daycare Van Riders- All daycare riders will be supervised in the main

hallway until their daycare arrives.

Change of Transportation

Please help your child to be aware of their transportation method daily.

If there is a change in your child’s transportation method, a written note must be sent in your child’s daily folder or you may call the school at (832)375-7800 and a note will be sent by the office to your child’s teacher. If no written note or phone call is received, your child will be sent home by his or her usual method of transportation.

Lunch Procedures

Kindergarteners will eat lunch in the school cafeteria during their class’s assigned time. Lunch may be brought from home or purchased at school. Please make sure to put your child’s name on his or her lunch box. If your child will be purchasing lunch in the cafeteria, you are encouraged to put money into his or her account on a regular basis. You may send checks in your child’s daily folder and we will send them to the cafeteria, or you may put money in their account on-line. Every child will be given a personal identification number on the first day of school that allows only him or her access to their cafeteria account. We encourage all students to practice entering and memorizing their number. A calendar of menus will be sent home or you may access menus from the Klein Independent School District website. Parents and family members are welcome to eat lunch with their children occasionally; however, we ask that you wait two weeks from the beginning of the school before you visit during lunch time. We ask this so that the students can adjust to the routine and procedures. When visiting your child during lunch time, please make sure you sign in at the front office and you may meet your child in the cafeteria.


Kindergarten students are asked to bring backpacks to school daily. Please make sure it is large enough to hold their daily folder, lunch box and other school related items. We do not allow toys or electronics to be brought to school. Backpacks help children with their organizational skills as well as the development of responsibility for their possessions. Your child’s daily folder, school work and school information will be sent home each day and a backpack helps ensure that these important items make it home.


Your child will bring home a folder every day. Please make sure to return it to school every day. Important information, homework and daily work will be sent home inside the folder, so it is imperative to check inside the folder each day. We do not look inside each child’s backpack, so be sure to place any correspondence inside your child’s daily folder to ensure that we receive it.

Finally, please feel free to contact us when you need information or have a concern about school or your child. Our goal for each child this year is to develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime and we want to work closely with you to ensure your child has a very special school experience.

Thank you for sharing your child with us!

The Zwink Kindergarten Teachers