2017-2018- Education

Unit Report Form

Reporting Dates: November 1, 2017; March 1, 2018 and May 1, 2018.

Unit reports should be mailed or handed to the County Education Chairman.

(Retain a copy for your records)

Unit Name and Number______

County______District ______


E-mail address: ______

Daytime phone: ______Night phone______

Check activities/programs carried out by Unit members, and describe them if checked:

American Education Week program: ______

Contributions to Literacy program: ______

Scholarship promotion program: ______

Veterans in the Classroom program: ______

Give 10 to Education: ______

Promoting the Education of Military and their Children ______

Box Tops for Education ______

Campbell Soup Labels for Education ______

Parents as Reading Partners ______

Unit Scholarships given: ______

Other (specify) ______

Total Volunteers ______Total Volunteer Hours ______Total # served ______

$______Value of Volunteer Hours (total hours x 24.14)

$______Value of goods and materials

$______Value of Unit scholarships given

$______Grand Total (add lines 1, 2, 3)

As part of your Narrative Report, please include answers to the following questions:

Did members participate in Teacher Appreciation Week and How?

Describe how Veterans in Community Schools programs were presented?

If unit actively support veterans associations on campus, describe their activities?

What type of help did the unit give a needy student?

How did unit recognize scholarship winners?

How many scholarship applications were received for Department Scholarships and or National Scholarships?

Please use the reverse side to write your narrative.

2017-2018– Education

County Report Form

Reporting Dates: November 10, 2017; March 10, 2018 and May 10, 2018.

Unit reports should be mailed to the Department Education Chairman.

(Retain a copy for your records)

County______District ______

# of Units in County ______# of Units Reporting ______

County Chairman______

E-mail address: ______

Daytime phone: ______Night phone______

Check activities/programs carried out by Units in your County

American Education Week program: ______

Contributions to Literacy program: ______

Scholarship promotion program: ______

Veterans in the Classroom program: ______

Give 10 to Education: ______

Promoting the Education of Military and their Children ______

Box Tops for Education ______

Campbell Soup Labels for Education ______

Parents as Reading Partners ______

Unit Scholarships given: ______

Other (specify) ______

Total Volunteers ______Total Volunteer Hours ______Total # served ______

Please enter totals for all units on the lines:

$______Value of Volunteer Hours (total hours x 24.14)

$______Value of goods and materials

$______Value of Unit scholarships given

$______Grand Total (add lines 1, 2, 3)

As part of your Narrative Report, please include answers to the following questions:

Did members participate in Teacher Appreciation Week and How?

Describe how Veterans in Community Schools programs were presented?

If unit actively support veterans associations on campus, describe their activities?

What type of help did the unit give a needy student?

How did unit recognize scholarship winners?

How many scholarship applications were received for Department Scholarships and or National Scholarships?

Please use the reverse side to write your narrative. Attach or paraphrase Unit Reports (typed) and mail or email to:

Ellen RandleHome# (516) 270-6941

106 Rose Lane Cell# (516) 270-6941

New Hyde Park, NY 11040




REPORTING DATES: November 1, 2017, March 1, 2018 and May 1, 2018

Unit Name ______Unit # ______

Unit Leadership Chairman’s Name ______

Chairman’s Address ______

Home Phone (______)______Cell Phone (______)______

Number of Unit Leadership Training Sessions held ______

What topics were covered in these training sessions? ______

Did you hold training on "nurturing a culture of good will"? YES ____ NO ____

Did your Unit use the Member Data Survey? YES_____ NO ____

Did your Unit use Leadership material from the Department Website? YES_____ NO ____

Number of Senior members that completed the ALA Senior Auxiliary Basics, A Course on our History and Legacy ______(LIST NAMES ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number of Junior members that completed the Junior Leadership Course ______(LIST NAMES ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number of Senior members who attended Mission Training ______(LIST NAMES ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number of Junior members who attended the National Junior Mission Training ______(LIST NAMES ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Please complete and return this form to your County Leadership Chairman by dates shown above




REPORTING DATES: November 10, 2017, March 10, 2018 and May 10, 2018

County Name ______District ______

County Leadership Chairman’s Name ______

Chairman’s Address ______

Home Phone (______)______Cell Phone (______)______

Number of Leadership Training Sessions held by: Unit Level ____ County Level ______

What topics were covered in these training sessions? ______

Number of training sessions held on "nurturing a culture of good will":

on the Unit level ______on the County level ______

Number of Units that used the Member Data Survey ______

Was Leadership material from the Department Website used by # of Units?____ by your County?_____

Number of Senior members that completed the ALA Senior Auxiliary Basics, A Course on our History and Legacy ______(LIST NAMES AND UNIT # ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number of Junior members that completed the Junior Leadership Course ______(LIST NAMES AND UNIT # ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number ofSenior members who attended Mission Training ______(LIST NAMES AND UNIT # ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Number of Junior members who attended the National Junior Mission Training ______(LIST NAMES AND UNIT # ON BACK OF THIS FORM)

Please complete and return this form by dates shown above to:

Karen St.Hilaire

122 Campbell Rd

Mattydale, NY 13211

VA&R/Service to Veterans UNIT Report Form 2017-2018

Report Dates: November 1, 2017; March 1, 2018; May 1, 2018

Unit Name: ______Unit #______County: ______

Name of Person Reporting: ______

Phone number: ______Email address: ______

Identify the activities/projects carried out by your Unit. Describe how they went, what you learned, and give suggested changes for next time. Include hours, number of volunteers, and number served for activities such as: Homeless Veteran’s Initiatives, Fisher House, Warriors Family Assistance, volunteering or donating to the Creative Arts Festival (local, state, or national), Veterans History Project, Welcome Home Celebrations, Holiday Gift Shop, Stand Downs, etc.

Number of $ Number of Number Suggestions

Project Vets Served Cost Volunteers of Hours For Change

Please use the back of this sheet or a separate sheet using the above format. Please explain what your project was!

NOTE: VA Facilities -- Make sure your VA representative is sending in the VS26 forms, etc. for activity in facilities.

Service to Our Veterans Outside of VA Facilities

Describe how members earned their Service to Veterans hours. Did members participate in the caregiver’s support program?

Number of Number of Number

Project Vets Served ___ Cost $____ Volunteers of Hours__

Please use the back of this sheet or a separate sheet using the above format. Please explain what your project was!

Donations to Other Organizations

List organization, amount and type of donation.


VA&R/Service to Veterans COUNTY Report Form 2017-2018

Report Dates: November 10, 2017; March 10, 2018; May 10, 2018

County Name: ______District #______

Name of Person Reporting: ______

Phone number: ______Email address: ______

Identify the activities/projects carried out by your Units. Describe how they went, what you learned, and give suggested changes for next time. Include hours, number of volunteers, and number served for activities such as: Homeless Veteran’s Initiatives, Fisher House, Warriors Family Assistance, volunteering or donating to the Creative Arts Festival (local, state, or national), Veterans History Project, Welcome Home Celebrations, Holiday Gift Shop, Stand Downs, etc.

Number of Number of Number Suggestions

Project Vets Served Cost $Volunteers of Hours For Change

Please use the back of this sheet or a separate sheet using the above format. Please explain what the projects were!

NOTE: VA Facilities -- Make sure your VA representative is sending in the VS26 forms, etc. for activity in facilities.

Service to Our Veterans Outside of VA Facilities

Describe how members earned their Service to Veterans hours. Did members participate in the caregiver’s support program?

Number of $ Number of Number

Project Vets Served Cost Volunteers of Hours

Please use the back of this sheet or a separate sheet using the above format. Please explain what your project was!

Donations to Other Organizations

List organization, amount and type of donation.

Send report to: Linda S. Tome, VA&R Chairman

940 Alderman Road, Palmyra, NY 14522

or send via EMAIL: