Gregor Wolbring, PhD.

Born: February, 12, 1962, Germany

Address: Dr. Gregor Wolbring, University of Calgary,

Dept. of MedicalBiochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,

3330 Hospital Drive, NW, T2N 4N1,

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Telephone: 1 (403) 686-6179 (res)



A longer more detailed CV can be found here

Academic Education:

1982-1989, Diploma in Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen, Germany and University College London, England,

1989-1992, Ph.D. Thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt a.M. and the University of Frankfurt a.M. Germany under the supervision of Prof. Hartmut Michel (Nobel Laureate), Germany ;

1992-1998, Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of Calgary, Faculty Dept. of Medical Biochemistry; Research

1998- Research scientist at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Medical Biochemistry; Research

Academic Appointments:

  1. Research Associate of the Developmental DisabilitiesCenter and the Disability and AbuseCenter at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,
  2. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, University of Calgary, Canada
  3. Adjunct Assistant Professor, John Dossetor Health Ethic Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
  4. Fellow, Institute for PopulationHealthUniversity of Ottawa
  5. Founding Member and Distinguished Fellow, Center for Nanotechnology and Society atArizona State University, USA
  6. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Health, Faculty of MedicineUniversity of Calgary

Non Academic Membership on Boards, Committees and other Appointments (a selection):

  1. Senior Fellow, Oakland Institute, USA
  2. Co-editor special issue NanoBioInfoCogno and development Journal ‘Development’ published by the Society for International Development (SID)
  3. Member, Advisory committee World Report on Disabled people and Rehabilitation to be written by the World Health Organization (2006-)
  4. Member DALY Committee of Disabled People International (2006)
  5. Member, CAC/ISO - Canadian Advisory Committees for the International Organization for Standardization, section TC229 Nanotechnologies, 2005-
  6. Member, Steering Committee of the International research network on disability, health and wellbeing, 2005-
  7. Member, International Nanotechnology and Society Network, 2005-
  8. Member, Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, 2005-
  9. Member, Editor team of the Nanotechnology for Development portal of the Development Gateway Foundation, 2005 –
  10. Chair, Bioethics taskforce of Disabled Peoples International, 2004-
  11. Member, genetic technology advisory committee of the World Council of Churches, 2004-
  12. Member, Advisory body of the Canadian Network for Inclusive Cultural Exchange, 2003-
  13. Member, Executive of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, 2003-
  14. Member, Board of ETC- Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration- formerly known as RAFI, 2002-
  15. Founding member, Collaborative on Health and the Environment, 2002-
  16. Member, Board and Vice President, CanadianCenter on Disability Studies,1999-2004 (term maxed out)
  17. Member, Board of Director, Edmonds Institute, USA,1999-
  18. Founder and Coordinator, International network of bioethics and disability, 1999-
  19. Member, Board of The Alberta Provincial Health Ethics Network Canada, 1999-2005, (terms maxed out)
  20. Member, Canadian Delegation for the UNESCO and ICSU organized World Conference on Sciences Budapest (July 1999)
  21. Member, Human Rights Committee of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Canada, (1995-2004), and Bioethics advisor to the CCD, 1996-
  22. Scientific advisor, Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada, 1996-
  23. Co-founder, World Federation of Thalidomiders,1991
  24. Member, Board of Directors, Assembly of Disabled People and Chair of the Bioethics and Transportation committees,Frankfurt, Germany, (1989-1992)

Activist and Academic involvementin the following issues and activities:

  1. Online Internet Courses developed: “Bioethics and people with disabilities” and “Determinants of Health and health research, emerging technologies, governance of science, technology and health research and marginalized groups”
  2. Social implication (especially for marginalized populations), sociology, ethics, governance of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Cognitive Sciences, Neuro-engineering, Information Technology; Nanomedicine;; Cybernetics; Synthetic Biology;
  3. Sociology of science and technology;
  4. Medical anthropology;
  5. Science and technology and theology;
  6. Health policy; Health Care Policy; Health Research; Health Technology Assessment;
  7. Concepts, models and determinants of health, disease, wellbeing, disability and impairment;
  8. Bioethics, issues such as Euthanasia, assisted suicide, research on human subjects;
  9. Issues such as water and sanitation, global health, biological diversity, indigenous culture, development and resource flow;
  10. The concept of human right, personhood and sentient right; of anthropocentrism , normocentrism, cognocentrism and abilitycentrism; of transhumanism; of cultural diversity;
  11. Impact of the science and technology products, processes and discourses on disabled people, the ‘Poor’, and other marginalized groups.
  12. I work with youth in many areas (see below).
  13. Arts and Sciences (work with among others the Banff Centre of the Arts)
  14. Disability arts

Publications and other activities: 1997-today

  1. My webpage < A webpage that deals with bioethics, equality rights, disabled people’s rights, health research, emerging technology, ethics and other issues.
  2. Biweekly Column (25 per year) – “The Choice is Yours” in which I highlight scientific and technological advances and social issues related to these advances and where I pose questions especially in regards to the consequences and governance of the issue covered
  3. 14 bookchapters on issues such as genetic discrimination, eugenics, nanotechnology, disability issues, cultural identity and "Reflections from a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Want All Parents to Know",published in Brazil, Germany, USA, Canada, India, UK and Central European University Press
  4. 16 Peer-reviewed reports and articles in Peer-reviewed journals from India, UK, USA, Canada, Spain, Australiaon areas of Euthanasia, involvement of marginalized groups in the bioethics discourse, sex selection, genetic discrimination, impact of new and emerging technologies on health research, global health, the spirit of the 6 international health promotion declarations, concept of health and the situation of marginalized populations
  5. One encyclopedia contribution;
  6. Five Small Monographs;
  7. 29 Articles written for NGO’s and other non-academic groups such as the Rehabilitation Council of India; Friend of the Earth, Australia;Society for International Development (SID), World Association for Christian Communication’s; DEMOS a UK think tank;WHO disability unity; WHO Sexual Violence Research Initiative;Global Forum for Health Research, Geneva;The Banff Centre for the Arts;Institute of Science in Society UK;Gene Ethischer Informationsdienst (GID), Germany; Gene Watch, USA; Hadar Forum, Sweden; Philia A Dialogue on Citizenship Themes: Ethics and Community;The Ragged Edge, USA; Rehabilitation Digest, Canada;Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada Newsletter;
  8. 14 Interventions/ briefing papers written for NGOs and others for submission to UNESCO, World Council of Churches, Health Canada;
  9. 20 TV/ Radio appearances in Canada, USA, Australia, Germany, UK, Malaysia
  10. 93Talks to a mainly academic audience;
  11. 73 Talks to a mainly non-academic audience; in Chile, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, India (webcamera), Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Resource person for the WorldBank online discussion on Natural Disaster and disabled people day 3 science and technology application (2006)


  1. Wolbring (2002-6) Jury duty for the Disability Film Festival Calgary, Canada
  2. Wolbring (1991) Initiator and Member, Steering committee of the first world congress of thalidomiders which was held in the Netherlands in 1992
  3. Wolbring (1991) Initiator of- and Advisor to the British Broadcasting Corporation's disability program "One in Four" England on a program dealing with A) the holocaust of disabled people during the Nazi times and B) how bioethical issues are affecting disabled people

Youth-related activities:

  1. (2004) Listed as a resource person by the Alberta Teachers' Association, Canada for diversity and science and technology issues
  2. (2002-) Moderator of the youth listserve of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO
  3. Wolbring (2004) Mühlhausen Germany, lecture on genetics and disability to a high school class
  4. Wolbring (2003) Member of the Jury for the National Science Fair, (high school students), Calgary
  5. Wolbring (2003) Berlin Int. high school student symposium organized by the German UNESCO school project
  6. Involved with the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in Canada

Search engine hits for “Gregor Wolbring”:

  1. Yahoo 1230
  2. Google16,100
  3. Blooger Blog Search 17
  4. AltaVista 1200
  5. MSN Search 2318
  6. HotBot 2318


  1. Council of Canadians with Disabilities, National Award 1997
  2. Award by Big Brothers/ Big Sisters organization 1998

Writings about me

  1. The World Knowledge Library
  3. (2004) *Finally, A Book to Help Parents of Disabled* by Helen Henderson /Reprinted courtesy of Torstar Syndication Services from the /Toronto Star/, April 17, 2004./
  4. (2004) “Gregor's Poem” A Poem about me by Jim Thomas
  5. Wolbring (2004) The Independent on Sunday Letter to the Editors 18 July responding to a suggestions that Prince Charles sees Nanotechnology behaving like thalidomide
  6. (2004) “Immense Risk' As 200 Firms Using Nanotech In Food” By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor, The Independent, UK - 18 July
  7. (2004) Serebella: Encyclopedia index: Sub-index 1: Sub-index 2
  8. (2004) "In Profile Gregor Wolbring an Ardent advocate" by Lynne Swanson in Abilities Magazine, Issue 60, Fall, pp. 14-15
  9. (2003) “Nanotechnology: Tiny Science, Huge Threat the nano-world is exploding, but some would shrink the debate as small as the science” by Cascadia Media Collective
  10. (2003) Nanotech: small science, huge threat by Cascadia Media Collective Monday July 21, 2003 at 09:07 PM
  11. (2003) “No Freak’ by Anthony Thanasayan, Wheel Power Columnist Thursday, July 31, the Star Malaysian Newspaper
  12. (2002) “The here and now” By Anthony Thanasayan Wheel Power Columnist Thursday, September 19, 2002 the Star Malaysian Newspaper
  13. (2003) “Not a Man to Mess With An activist in the struggle against euthanasia is not a man to mess with”, by Sue Careless at <
  14. (2001) “Reconciling Science and Society”, Tanya Williams, Scott Siera, and Arri Eisen, The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law Volume 1, December
  15. (1999) “Canadian biochemist places disabled's fate firmly on the table” 1 July, in Nature News
  16. (1999) “Canadian biochemist puts disability on agenda” in: Equality matters published by Council of Canadians with Disabilities
  17. Disabled seek input on bioethics: Breaking Down Barriers/The Toronto Star/, Saturday, October 23, 1999 /by Helen Henderson /
  18. (1996) “Why a cripple wants to live”, The Canberra Times Australia p1-2 Wed. Oct. 30th by Marion Frith