A Note on Using this Version of the Early Help Support Plan:

Unlike previous versions, this is a single size Early Help Support Plan that you can expand to suit your needs.

You can copy and paste as many boxes as you need to match the number of worries/concerns/needs/issues the TAF is considering in the Support Plan.

  1. Click your cursor anywhere in the box you wish to copy and click. This symbol willappear to the top left of the box you want to copy.
  2. Click on the symbol and the box will highlight (normally grey in colour)
  3. Select copy
  1. Place your cursor to the side of the ‘P’. Don’t forget to paste as many boxes as you need to cover the number of main worries/needs/issues the TAF will be considering. Always a good idea to do ‘one for luck’ as well (save you having to delete all the copied information because you didn’t have a blank to copy!)

In addition you can increase the number of boxes available to record ‘changes’ and ‘actions’; And increase the number of TAF boxes.

Place your cursor at the end of the line you wish to copy, and press return. Make sure your cursor is outside the box, inside the box will only increase the size of the box rather than the number of boxes. You can do this as many times as you want.

Place cursor here and press return

Section J: Team Around the Family (TAF) (Best Practice Reminder: Always keep the best interests of the child/young person at the centre of this process.)
Suggested Agenda
1.Introductions, apologies. Does child/young person/family still give consent to continue ?
2.1st TAF, Explore and agree;
  1. Who is best placed to be Lead Professional?
  2. The main worries/concerns/needs/issues identified in assessment;
  3. Where the family currently are on the worry/concern scale for each worry/concern area.
  4. What needs to happen? The outcomes/changes needed to address thosemain worries/concerns/needs/issues;
  5. The SMART actions needed to achieve the desired outcomes/changes,
  6. by whom
  7. by when.
Further TAF’s
  1. Is the Lead Professional still the most appropriate person?
  2. Review the impact of each current active Action
  3. Assessprogress of each Action towards achieving the desired outcomes/changes.
  4. What is the family’s updated position on the worry/concern scale for each worry/concern area. And;
3.Identify and agree any new Desired Outcomes/changes; Emergence of new main worries/
concerns /needs/issues, and Actions needed to achieve the desired outcomes/changes? And;
a.Who in the current TAF, including family members, is best placed to complete the new
identified actions?
b.Or can we identify new practitioner/agency to complete action?
c.If applicable, who will complete the request to the other agency?
d.If applicable, who will invite new members to TAF?
e.Does consent statement need more practitioners/agencies added and agreed with
children, young people and their family?
4. Do you need ART Brokerage to look at this again to offer further information and advice on
possible services and resources?
5. Do you need to complete a Needs Identification Form (NIF) to request Support from the Family
Support Hub?
6. Any Other Business; Child/young person/family?
7. Any Other Business; Practitioners?
8. Does this Early Help Assessment still need to remain active?
9. If applicable: Date and Location for next TAF.
Please remember to securely send allnew reviews (Seek advice from this address, or 01202 456347 about secure email if needed.)

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TAF Register of Attendance: Unique ID no. for Early Help case: / Family Names:
Main Family Address: / Postcode:
Named Worker or Family member / Team or Agency or Family Role / Select for Current LP / 1stTAF
Click or tap to enter a date. / 2ndTAF
Click or tap to enter a date. / 3rdTAF
Click or tap to enter a date. / 4th TAF
Click or tap to enter a date. / 5th TAF
Click or tap to enter a date. / 6th TAF
Click or tap to enter a date.
☐ / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
☐ / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
☐ / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
☐ / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /


Section K: TAF Support Plan & Review. Best Practice Reminder: The time between TAF Reviews should not exceed 12 weeks.
At the First TAF, discuss, agree and populate the Support Plan: -
  • State each of the main worries/concerns/needs/issues brought forward from the assessment? You will need to copy and paste enough of the boxes belowthe ‘worry/concern scale’ to cover the number of main worries/concerns/needs/issues the TAF is considering, as each will need its own recording space.
  • Use the worry/concern scale below to help rate each main worry/concern/need/issue and record number in Progress and Comments section for each TAF
  • Agree the Desired Outcomes (what change is needed) in relation to each of themain worries/concerns/needs/issues
  • Agree and record the SMART Actions to be taken to achieve the Desired Outcomes/changes, by who, and by when
In subsequent TAFs;
  • Review each current active Action, assess progress of each Action towards achieving Desired Outcomes/changes, and record in Progress and Comments panel. What change can we observe? Is the Action achieving the desired Outcomes/changes? Use the worry/concern scale below to rate each main worry/concern/need/issue at each TAF, has there been movement? Are new Actions needed to achieve the outcomes/changes? (It is not necessary to record long sections of narrative; concentrate on the ‘relevant’ information and record it as ‘economically’ as possible; bullet points are fine.)

Worry/Concern Scale
On a scale of 0 – 10 where 10 means you have no worries or concerns, and 0 means that things are so bad you don’t know what to do; With the family and colleagues rate the current situation for each worry/concern/need/issue at each TAF and record in the progress and comment section for each TAF meeting.
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Extremely Worried / No Worries

REMEMBER,YOU NEED TO COPY AND PASTE THE BOX BELOW TO MATCH THE NUMBER OF MAIN WORRIES/CONCERNS/NEEDS/ISSUES THE TAF IS CONSIDERING IN THIS SUPPORT PLAN. (i.e. One box for each main worry/concern/need/issue being considered by the TAF as each will need its own reporting space. Add a spare as well, in case you need later)

What is the main worry/concern/need/issue brought forward from the assessment or identified at the TAF?
Desired Outcomes – What Changes are needed around this identified area of worry/concern/need/issue? Please date each new one added. / What needs to happen? What SMART Actions need to be taken to achieve the desired Outcome/ Change? Please date each new action added / Who will do this for each Action? / By When, and then date closed
To increase the number of rows (to add more desired outcomes or actions) place your cursor at the end of the line, outside the box/blue line, and press return
Progress and commenton Actions taken to address this main worry/concern/need/issue. What is the impact on the child/young person/family, what change can we observe? Is the Action achieving the desired Outcomes/changes? Are new Actions needed to achieve the outcomes/changes? Does anything else need to happen?
Which TAF / current score on worry/concern scale / PROGRESS AND COMMENTS SECTION
1st TAF:
2nd TAF:
3rd TAF:
To add rows for further TAF’s, place your cursor at the end of the row (outside the box/blue line) and press return.

PASTE FURTHER MAIN WORRY/CONCERN/NEED/ISSUE BOXES HERE (Enough to match the number of main areas the TAF is considering in this support plan.)

Other relevant information from TAF not recorded in ‘Progress and Comment’ sections for each Action, i.e. Change in circumstances, additional assessment information, emerging new main worries/concerns /needs/issues.
1st TAF:
2nd TAF:
3rd TAF:
Child or Young Persons comments on progress of currentActionsand any emerging new main worries/concerns /needs/issues.
1st TAF:
2nd TAF:
3rd TAF:
Parent/carer’s comments on progress of current Actions and any emerging new main worries/concerns /needs/issues.
1st TAF:
2nd TAF:
3rd TAF:
TO ADD FURTHER ROWS TO ANY OF THE ABOVE, place your cursor at the end of the row (outside of the box/blue line) and press return.
Can the Early Help Assessment and Support Plan be Closed?
If yes, date of closure: / Closure Reason: / Choose an item.


(Seek advice from this address, or 01202 456347 about secure email if needed.)

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