ValleyCentralHigh School
2013-2014Science Research Course Guidelines
Welcome/Welcome back to Science Research (SR)! During the coming years you will be challenged by one of the most difficult,yet potentially rewarding, programs you will encounter in your educational career. This program is designed to provide you complete understanding and hands-on experience with primary research (i.e., discovering something new rather than reading/reporting what others have found). There are 3 main components of the program: whole class “A” day activities, independent/solo “B” day work, and student/teacher conferences (STC). During the time spent working on each component, you will make numerous library visits (both on and off campus), do extensive reading, communicate with a variety of professionals, and produce and file detailed written documentation of work completed. Each component is important and your success in Science Research depends on how much effort you devote to each area.
Welcome Back!
1.5” D-ring Binder: This binder, which becomes your portfolio, will be given to you in September. It was purchased over the summer at a cost of $25-$35. Please bring a check (by the end of September), made payable to “VCHS Science Research” to pay for your binder. Please speak with me privately if you cannot afford to purchase the binder.
2.1” -1 ½” Binder: This binder, which is purchased on your own, becomes your daily working binder. It holds all your research work until you attend your next FORMAL STC, after which time you will transfer all completed and checked paperwork to your portfolio.
3.Highlighters:Your first highlighter-pen is provided to you in September. As you need more highlighters, you must purchase them during the year.
Assignments & Absences
1.Assignments must be done in your best work.
2.Dated work is due on the assigned day. If absent,and the assignment is due in hard copy, be sure to show it to the teacher on the first day that you return to class.
3.It is a student’s responsibility to inquire about work missed due to absence.Completemake-up work in a timely manner, generally within 5 school days.
4.Students exceeding 18 periods ofmissed instruction in a full-year course donot receive course credit.
“We are judged, not by what we start, but by what we finish.” Anonymous
Policies & Procedures
Simply stated, you are here to learn and I am here to teach you. Any behavior or attitude that interferes with the educational process will not be tolerated.
Classroom Rules
1. Be in class when the bell rings.
2. Be on task during the entire period (bell to bell).
3. Solo day and independent time are for SR work only.
4. After use, return things to their proper location.
5. Bring needed supplies/materials to class.
6. Keep file cabinet neat, organized, and replenished.
Solo Day Library Visits
1. Library visits are for SR only.
2. Sign out and give a specific reason for library visits.
3. One library visit per formal STC.
1. Use Standard English.
2. Grammar and spell check everything before submitting/sending.
3. Always include a subject (Re:) line in email.
4. Check email daily.
5. Reply to communications promptly.
6. VC email accounts are for Science Research only.
1.Keep appointments.
2. Arrive promptly.
3. Come fully prepared.
4. Don’t interrupt conferencesexcept in emergencies.
5. Reschedule missed conferences promptly.
1. Properly document everything you do. If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.
2. Check-off and date goals as they are accomplished.
3. Team meetingonce per formal STC.
4. Deadlines are deadlines. No excuses.
5. Address edit marks before resubmitting work.
6. Don’t waste paper/ink. Print only what you need.
7. Back-up work often. Double save vital documents.
8. Visit the VCSR website often. Be sure to explore all database links and revisit successful links regularly.
VC Science Research on the Web
Grading Policies & Procedures
1.Grades are based upon the quality and timeliness of your completion of course goals, as determined during formal STCs. Goals are detailed on the STC Assessment Report (Report #2), Quarterly Planners, and the Checkpoints Record.
2.Each formal STC is assessed 100 pts.
3.Grades for unexcused missed formal STCs are penalized 5pointsif made up within in 5 school days and an additional 2 points per school day if made up after 5 school days.
4.Excused missed formal STCs must be made up within 5 school days or be subject to 2 points per school day penalty thereafter.
5.Attendance and full/proper participation at the Symposium is the final exam and is assessed 20% of your final grade for Science Research.
6.Sophomore VC report cards grades are weighted 5%. Junior and Senior VC report card grades are weighted 10%. SUNY Albany UHS grades are not weighted.
Additional Program Requirements
1.Once a mentor commits to you and your research project, you are expected to complete the 3-year Research Program unless extreme and extenuating circumstances prevent you from doing so.
2.Attendance at the annual Science Research Symposium is mandatory.
3.Participation in fundraising activities, which support the Science Research Grant Fund and pay for individual research supplies/equipment, is compulsory.
4.Once you commit to a Science Research field trip and money has been paid on your behalf, you are obligated to attend. Money already paid cannot be refunded. Anticipate events and plan accordingly.
5.A minimum of 10 hours between SRCs must be spent in the completion of Science Research goals. Failure to meet minimum hours results in a formal STC grade penalty (-2 points for every hour under 10 hours).
6.Informal STCs will be conducted during class time to check on student progress in the completion of an experiment. These will not be graded.
Suggestions for Success in the Program
1.Maintain a well-organized, up-to-dateportfolio.
2.Complete all goals in a thorough and timely manner. Rushing to make up goals weeks after they weredue is of little educational value.
3.Follow through…complete each task/goal.
4.Don’t just look busy…be busy.
5.What are the keys to success in Science Research? Vital to your success are hard work, accountability, preparation, and self-discipline.
6.The responsibility for your success or failure lies with YOU! You are in the driver’s seat. You can make the science research program an opportunity or a burden. The choice is with you. It’s a matter of attitude—a matter of desire.
Science Research Process--General Overview
Sophomore / 1. Select area of investigation.2. Read extensively.
3. Clarify purposes in undertaking research venture.
4. Determine type of study.
5. Select a particular study method/approach.
Junior / 6. Choose a sound research design.
7. Conduct experiment and collect data.
8. Organize, interpret, and analyze the data.
Senior / 9. Report conclusions.
10. List limitations.
11. List future/further research.
Science Research Code of Ethics
(From, “Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School Improvement”)
1.Accurate Disclosure:Participants in a study should be informed of the general purpose of the research project and any unusual procedures or tasks in which they will be involved.
2.Beneficence: Research will not harm people in any way, but is conducted to benefit people.
3.Confidentiality: Participants must be ensured that the information they share with you will not be made public knowledge in a manner that jeopardizes their anonymity. Identities must remain anonymous.
4. Honesty: As a researcher, you are obligated to conduct your research and report your findings in an honest fashion, without embellishment or intentionally erroneous information.
5. Privacy: Whether you are conducting an interview or distributing a survey, questions of a personal nature with no relevance to the study must be avoided.
Suggestions for Success in Research
(From, “Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School Improvement”)
1.Expect the unexpected.
2.Be assertive. Give it your all.
3.Don’t make a decision too quickly.
4.Keep the lines of communication open and clear.
5.Appreciate your enlightened eye.
6.Take action.
Science Research Agreement
I have read, been given verbal instruction on, asked questions about, and fully understand the information contained in the “2013-2014Science Research Course Guidelines”. In signing this agreement, I will to the best of my honest ability, abide by its contents and spirit. I understand and accept the consequences of a failure to do so.
Student signatureDate