July 10th – August 2nd 2005

patrick alan rakotozanany


During one month I was in California, I had a big opportunity to meet many people who come from different continents of the world. I had many exchanges with them about GIS information and experiences with international scholars who have a variety of activities around conservation works.

I was very satisfied to receive GIS training which help me a lot in my conservation and training works in Madagascar because our softwares were already installed and I had to learn perfectly ArcGIS 9.x and its extensions.

Moreover, I enjoyed our week end in James Reserve where all international scholars had a chance to meet and had common days of relaxation after training.

About ESRI International Conference user, it was very fantastic because of its strategic location with maritime climate and in one of the big towns in California. Secondly, because of the very spacious Convention Center building and especially, because of the organization of this conference that is one of the biggest things I assisted. It was also an opportunity for me to attend many GIS training sessions (modeling, geoprocessing,…) and to visit a lot of stands of companies who produce many GIS hardwares and softwares.

Concerning the presentation of our conservation works in Madagascar wich are “Struggle against advanced soil degradation” , I did it with no pictures because of a tehnical hitch but many people are interested of Conservation works in Madagascar,.

The SCGIS conference in Asilomar was a new discovery for me because I didn’t expect one other well organized meeting in one historic place at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Also, I had a chance to attend many GIS training sessions (georeferencing in ArcGIS, spatial analyst,…) which perfectly complement my ArcGIS 9.x knowledges.




- The technic of pedagogy is efficient and helps a lot learners in comprehension of the lessons and their application by exercises.

- In the University of Redlands , I realize that the materials are very modern, rapid and, the training room is spacious and comfortable

- In comparison to ArcGIS 8.3, there are a lot of complementary fonctions in ArcGIS 9.0. The most important is the “Geoprocessing”. I have more possibility in designing conservation projects from Spatial Analyst in ArcGIS 9.0

- Also, the instructors have a good training method, they gave more explanations for difficult details or for other difficulties met by learners.

- Sometimes, the time for application of the lessons is too short that we have to stay in the training room after the class to finish exercises



The Conference is very well organized and it was an opportunity for international scholars to discover San Diego which is a nice town because of its climate and its beautiful urbanism.

I attended the speech of the ESRI’s president during the opening of the conference and I appreciated his defence about conservation of our nature which is threatened day by day.

I had also a chance to assist Jane Goodwell’s presentation, the famous specialist of gorillas in Africa. I was very impressioned by this lady because her whole life is consecrated for animal research, especially the gorilla, and the results of her works are very precious for all searchers in the world.

It was unforgettable for me the celebration of 25th anniversary of ESRI’s International Conference user whose theme was :”In The Heart of Africa” where we had the opportunity to taste African dish, to enjoy African dances and to watch the “firework” to close the event. To close the event, the big concert organized by ESRI employees in the evening which is a very entertaining party because we had the possibility to dance and to sing with many different people.


My presentation was : “Struggle against advanced soil degradation” by ANOT rural association in the Midwest of Madagascar. Unfortunately, I had no possibility to present it with pictures because of technical problem. On the other hand, many people are interested of the conservation work in Madagascar.

This association and his conservation works are presented as following :

. ANOT : rural association founded in 1999 with 186 members

. His main action : To collect all information regarding efforts in fighting soil degradation (erosion and landslides) and for improving the agricultural production

His objectivesare :

•To solve the material, technical and financial problems of the population in our area of intervention through the :

-extension of parcels to cultivate using modern technology

- diversification of the agricultural production

- protection of the environment

• To produce more, to preserve the soil, and to improve the income

His general strategy is :

•Realize a basic survey to get information about the farmers’ present situation: agricultural potentials, constraints and decisive factors

•Identify the real technical or economic training needs of the population and their material and financial needs

•Contact different technical or financial organizations for acquiring suitable materials and for conserving the soil

•Sensitise the members to apply reforestation to prevent the degradation of soil

•Organize IEC sessions for the population, with a focus on protecting and preserving the environment

•Train some members on GIS tools used in conservation and development action

His specific strategy is to :

• Reinforce the farmers capacities concerning conservation, in order to limit the danger related to the advanced degradation of soil

• Work out our sustainable program for conservation and development: responsibilise each member, encourage collective and individual activities, motivate the participation of the local authorities

• Improve decision-making through the use of GIS tools

• Mobilize the population in tree planting

His main activities are:

- Organization of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) sessions on Environment Conservation

- Collect information and data in conservation area, demography, etc. for establishing the database


Accompany the authorities to identify, plan and realise local development and conservation projects

His expected interventions are :

•Field analysis of the situation in the localities by members of the association

•Implementation of a baseline survey

•Analysis of data and mapping

•Decision-making on projects to be implemented

•Establishment of Municipal Development Plan

•Production of different decision maps

His partners are :


- Sector Program for Rural Development - Ministry of Agriculture

- NGO “ VATSY “ Switzerland/Madagascar cooperation



I didn’t expect that Asilomar is a famous and historic site. It was a right place to organize the SCGIS International Conference because of its climate, its infrastructures and its location at the edge of Pacific Ocean.

I had a chance to attend many presentations generally focused on conservation works : sea, forest, fauna and flora,…Unfortunately, I had no chance to present my papers though some people who had visited Madagascar are very interesting about Madagascar conservation works.

And to perfect my ArcGIS knowledges, I attended many GIS training sessions like Georeferencing, Spatial Analyst, Advanced geodatabase,…


Suggestions about presentations of papers

. Each presenter has to present to event organizers his paper in order to correct and to discuss about presentations : short presentation not a long scientific course, legends in the maps in English not in Spanish, summarizing for each presenter’s country, more explanations about the main conservation activities for each presentation, the main objectives of conservation works,…and has to do simulation for managing the timing, answering the possible questions.

. In Powerpoint, the writing print must be large and legible with clear and comprehensible maps

. During the presentation, the presenter have to speak aloud and to look at the audience. Also, the presenter should not put one of his or her hands in the pocket and has to answer the questions in English not in other languages.

. Each presentation should be duplicated and shared to other scholars.

Entertainments for scholars

. Last time, many scholars had no possibility to visit the ESRI Learning Center and the city of Redlands though it is a great opportunity for scholars to discover the town and other attractions in Redlands. For examples, for next time, I propose visit of Joshua National Park by international scholars, or visit of the ESRI estate about the production line of softwares or about GIS library.

. Because everybody doesn’t always appreciate dancing party then it is very important to create other games that all scholars can take part to get one atmosphere of solidarity in spite of the diversity of international scholars (religion, custom, taboo,…).


After these conferences organized by ESRI and SCGIS in July 2005 and GIS training, I shall have a new vision about conservation works because with ArcGIS 9.x, I have unlimited possibilities to manage my works and to create many opportunities for my colleagues to design new conservation strategies and to apply them in different interventions as protection of flora and fauna, soil conservation, sea protection, conservation of biodiversity, development of ecotourism, creation and design of new protected areas, management of national parks,…

In the end, I am very satisfied, as SCGIS scholar, to attend these international conferences organized by ESRI and SCGIS in July 2005 and to have GIS training because I can create a new concept of conservation from my knowledges about GIS and I may share these experiences to my colleagues who work in conservation and development in my country.

I address my huge thanks to the ESRI-California, the SCGIS, the GIS instructors of ESRI, the University of Redlands, the responsible of James Reserve and all international scholars.