Employer Information

Company Name: __H & R Block______Type of business: Individual Income Tax

Name and title of person contacted:__Christopher Pricer, Preparer/Owner______


Telephone number: ____(206) 935-2135______Date of contact: __9/8/03______

Position you are researching: ___Individual Income Tax Specialist______

What education and experience do you seek in the ideal candidate? ____ A minimum of high school education, good mathematical skills, encourage applicants with a degree in finances, accounting for better job opportunities.______

What skills and personal characteristics do you seek in the ideal candidate? Personable skills, attention to details______


Would you consider hiring an applicant for this position without work experience, but with recent training?

Yes No

If so, do you prefer that an applicant for this position have Degree Certificate License

Please name specific credential preferred/required: ______


Do you prefer graduates of particular schools or training programs? Yes No

If so, which? H & R income tax course preferred to offered employment during the tax season. A good way to enter

into the franchise.______


Number of positions for this job title that exist with this employer: ______

How many hires for this position in the last year? ______

When did you last hire for this position?______

Typically, how many qualified applicants for this position apply per opening? ______150______

Are there regular cycles or seasonal ups and downs? Yes No

What is the entry-level salary range for this position? _____$ 10 – 16 hour______

Do you generally hire full-time for this position? Yes No

Other conditions of employment for this position? Part-time Seasonal On Call

Do you use contracted employees? Yes No

Does this job have any special requirements?

Shift work Union membership other:

Special license Travel ______

What are the physical requirements on the job? _Mostly office work, sitting for long hours and extensive use of computer, analytical skills and organizational skills.______



Can you identify other employers who hire for this or similar positions?




Are there advancement and education opportunities? Yes No

If so, how does one advance in responsibility and salary levels?

H & R is now entering into the financial planner arena and there

are career opportunities as a broker and advancement for other

areas of taxes.

Do you offer: Paid Internships Unpaid Internships On-the-Job Training