English at Work:More abouttelephonemanner


1-Anna: (answeringthephone) Yes?

2-Denise: Stop! That'sallwrong. I'mgoingtocallyouagain. This time…

-Denise: …this time, youdon'tsay 'yes' whenyouanswer, it'srude. Call me and I'll show youhowit's done.

(sound of 4-digit dialling, thenphonerings)

-Narrator: Hello. Herewe are in themiddle of a telephone training sessionwith Denise and Anna. Whatfun!

Hello? Tip Top Trading.

-Anna: Wow, that’sgood.

(dialling, then ring)

-Anna: Hello? Tip Top Trading. Denise speaking.

-Denise: No!

-Denise: And, you can sayyourname. Hello? Tip Top Trading. Denise speaking. Try it.

-Anna: What?

-Denise: Yousoundlikeyou'resittingon a pineapple. Listen tomyvoice: Hello? Denise speaking.

-Denise: Say: "Anna speaking!"

-Anna: Oh, sorry, I'm so stressedbyallthis. Hello Anna speaking.

-Anna: Hello? Anna speaking.

-Denise: Good. Now, whentheperson has introducedthemself – thisisMrs Smith orwhatever, say: HelloMrs Smith, how can I helpyou? Or, ifyouknowthemalready, youmightsay: HelloMrs Smith, how are you?

-Denise: Yousay: "I'mreallysorry, he'snotavailable at themoment. Can I take a message?" Or: "I'mafraidhe'sbusy, shall I askhimtocallyou back?"

-Anna: Okay.

-Anna: Okay, whatifMrs Smith wantstospeakto Tom buthe'snotthere?

-Denise: And, toend a conversation, you can say: "Thankyouforcalling, goodbye." Let's do anotherpractice!


-Denise: Hello, thisisMrs Smith.

-Anna: HelloMrs Smith, how can I helpyou?

-Anna: Hello? Tip Top Trading.

-Denise: I'dliketospeakto Tom please.

-Anna: I'mreallysorry, he'snotavailable at themoment. Can I take a message?

-Denise: That'sokay, I'll try againlater.

-Denise: Excellent!



-Anna: Okay. Thankyouforcalling, goodbye.

-Anna: Howdidyoucall me withoutdialling?

-Denise: I didn't, that's a real call!

-Mr Lime: Hello Anna, thisisSeb Lime.

-Anna: Sublime?

-Anna: Oh no, I'mallnervousnow. Hello? Tip Top Trading. Thisis Anna speaking.

-Mr Lime: Mr Lime from Citrus Ventures. But I thinkweshould be onfirstnametermsnow, so call me Seb.

-Anna: Okay, er, Seb. How can I helpyou?

-Anna: Lunch? Er...

-Narrator: I knewit!Mr Lime isinterested in more thanjustyourlemons!

-Mr Lime: I justwantedtosayagainthatyour Imperial Lemonisfantastic... and I waswonderingifyou'dliketo do lunch with me sometime?

-Anna: Wouldyouliketodiscussthe Imperial Lemon?

-Anna: Personnel? Er... Can I callyou back? I'mafraidI'm a bit busy at themoment...

-Mr Lime: …bbbut…

-Mr Lime: Forgetthelemons Anna! Thereason I wanttoseeyouis more of a personal nature.

-Denise: Well Anna! Mr Lime eh?

-Denise: Are yousure? I think he means a personal nature, notpersonnel! ThatMr Lime!

-Anna: Oh!

-Anna: Oh dear Denise, I think I need a bit more helpfromyou. He wantstotalkaboutpersonnel…people, staffing…

-Narrator: Mr Lime indeed. Anyway, Anna hadanexcellentphonemanner. Let'shearthosephrasesagain:

Hello? Tip Top Trading. Thisis Anna speaking.

Hello? Anna speaking.

HelloMrs Smith, how can I helpyou?

HelloMrs Smith, how are you?

I'mreallysorry, he'snotavailable at themoment. Can I take a message?

I'mafraidhe'sbusy – shall I askhimtocallyou back?

Thankyouforcalling, goodbye.

-Narrator:Buthowis Anna goingtohandleMrLime'srequest? I can'twaittillnexttime!Bye!