Longline Fishery Management (paras 37-50, 54-55)
Issues / Relevant paragraphs in rev 4BET Catch Limits
(paras 37-45) / In-zone management
High seas management and JP’s proposal on:
-Catch level adjustments (CCMs with existing limits and further adjustment for the US)
-Introduction of catch levels for SIDS / Paras 37-40 (Status quo)
CCM-based BET catch limits (Table 1, Attachment 3 of rev 4), with a pay-back system for any overage and monthly catch reporting requirement
CCMs that caught less than 2,000 tonnes in 2004 to restrict their annual catches to 2,000 tonnes
Paras 41-44(PNA)
Participants of the PNA LL VDS Scheme to limit the LL efforts within their EEZs to a level to be determined.
Other Coastal States to set up efforts or equivalent catch limits within their EEZs consistent with the conservation and management objectives of and considering geographical distribution of tropical tunas
CCMs to limit the level of HS BET catch to the level to be determined in light of zone-based LL limits, with monthly reporting requirement
Para 45 (US)
CCM-based BET catch limits to be applied to the Area between 20S-20N, with possible adjustmentfrom the existing level
New. (Japan)
US catch limit to be changed to 40% of the 2004 level
US may attribute maximum 3,000mt of catches to the US Territories, subject to the notification by the Territories of charter, lease or other mechanisms with US LL vessels to the ED.
SIDS to have LL catch limits at the highest level recorded during 2010-2015, with preferential allocation of any increased catch limits associated with stock recovery
SIDS with the highest catch during 2010-2015 less than 2000mt to limit their catch to 2,000mt
LL Capacity
(46-50) / Non-SIDS capacity
SIDS capacity
Fleet structure / Paras 46 (US)
Non-SIDS CCMs to limit the number of authorized LL (HMS LL) both in their and other countries’ EEZs and high seas to the 2014 authorized level.
CCMs that were under the limited entry program in 2014 to limit the number of LL authorization to the level allowed under the program
The limit applies both to the vessels flagged to the CCM or foreign flagged vessels authorized to fish for HMS in the CCM’s EEZ
Para 47 (US)
SIDS CCMs to limit the number of authorized LL (HMS) both in their and other countries’ EEZs and high seas to a certain level to be determined.
Para 48 (PNA)
CCMs to support their vessels adjust to the fleet structure changes and ensure displaced vessels not to engage in IUU fishing
Limits on LL with freezing capacity
Limits on ice-chilled LL landing fresh fish / Para 49 (Status quo)
Non-SIDS, except for Indonesia to limit the number of LL with freezing capacity targeting BET to the current level
Para 50 (Status quo)
SIDS and Indonesia to limit the number of ice-chilled LLs that target BET and land only fresh fish to the current level or current number of licenses under limited entry program
MSC Provision / Whether or not to include MCS provisions in the TT Measure
At-sea transshipment ban
Manual reporting ban in the area between 30N and 20S
Gradual increase of LL observer coverage up to 20% / Para 51 (PNA)
No transshipment of frozen bigeye tuna at sea from LLs between 30N and 10S
Para 52 (PNA)
No manual reporting in the area between 30N and 20S, but not required to return to ports until the Secretariat has done everything it could to re-established normal automatic VMS positions
Para 53 (PNA)
ROP observer coverage to be gradually increased to 20%
YFT Catch Limits
(54-55) / Not to increase YFT catches in LL and PS fisheries
Setting hard limits in the LL fishery / Para 54(Status quo)
CCMs to take measures not to increase YFT catches by both LL and PS
Para 55 (Chair)
CCMS to limit their LL YFT catches at a certain level to be determined
Tropical Tunas in Other Commercial Fisheries (Paras 56-57)
Issues / Relevant paragraphs in rev 4Tropical Tunas in Other Fisheries
(paras 56-57) / Catch limits in other fisheries:
Setting a hard limit or taking a step-wise approach to the Commission’s consideration on such hard limits
Taking a step-wise approach to the Commission’s consideration on such hard limits
Setting hard BET limits in fisheries other than LL and PS / Para 56(PNA)
CCMs to notify any vessels in the fisheries than LL and PS that catch more than 2,000 mt of tropical tunas in the Convention Area
Commission to consider appropriate annual catch limits of TT catches for such fisheries
Para 45 (US)
For the fisheries other than LL and PS, each CCM to set an annual catch limit of BET to 2004 or the average of 2001-2004 levels for its vessels and vessels for which it is responsible under charter or similar arrangement in the Convention Area between 20S-20N.