Present: Fr. Dave, Monica Best, Claire Caudle, Mike Power

  1. Opening prayer – Fr. Dave
  2. Holy Door – Fr. Dave
  • Fr. Dave reported correspondence with Val while he was away – ideas were passed back and forth - asked Val to hold a public meeting – no one present seemed to know of the meeting – many questions were asked - reported that an interior door has been selected – much discussion as to why not an exterior door – Val or Fr. Kieran needs to fill us in – it was moved that Council accepts decisions which have been made to this date
  • Discussion continued concerning some exterior invitation to the Holy Door – it was moved that Russ Tait be contacted for school involvement in making wooden sign with words “Door to Mercy is always open” and to be attached to existing sign posts
  • Discussion about procession for the blessing of the Holy Door that would come up from the Hall
  1. Financial Update – Fr. Dave
  • New rectory furnace put kink in budget so rectory carpeting had to be put off for next year – four quotes were given - two fundraising projects already happened to help with cost
  • New candle system to replace the old altar candles that was approved by Finance Council arrived
  1. Property Committee – Fr. Dave
  • Need for group of people to help keep outside of church looking good – follow up in Spring
  1. Building Committee – Fr. Dave
  • Need for people with skills who can be called upon when needed for advice about condition of our buildings – Fr. Dave asked members to present possible references to him
  1. Children’s Room – Monica
  • Discussion of need for an appropriate designated place for children’s catechesis – possibility of room off kitchen in hall – could a room be built?
  1. Clothing Tree – Mike
  • Lengthy discussion of project underway in city to clothe homeless by hanging articles in a tree – parishioners to be invited to hang hats/gloves/socks/jackets on a Christmas tree outside of soup kitchen door – why not inside? = because some don’t want to ask – it was moved that Mike would get tree and sandbags for hanging clothing during Advent – Mike will check with Salvation Army about practicality of idea – notice to be put in bulletin – begins 1st Sunday of Advent – Monica will monitor tree
  1. Closing Prayer – Fr. Dave
  2. Adjournment