D09258 Sept 2012 Page 1 of 1

Request form for OSOpenSpace® Pro 90 day trial

Please complete the brief form below to receive a fully-functional free trial of OS OpenSpace Pro.

Complete every section of this form by tabbing from field to field.

Name of company
Contact name
Contact email address
Contact telephone number
URL for your application (this can be
either a development or deployment URL)

Please tick which mapping layers you would like to use in your application:

Outline of Great Britain
1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster
1:50 000 Scale Colour Raster / 1:25 000 Scale Colour Raster
OS Street View®
OS VectorMap® District
OS VectorMap Local
Consistently styled maps

Once you have completed every section of this form, please email it back to: .
If you have any queries completing the form, please call 08456 05 05 05.

1 Note that, prior to being granted access to OS OpenSpace Pro, you will need to enter into the Framework Contract (Partners), together with, subject to paragraph 2 below, a relevant Contract (that is, the Consumer Application and Websites Contract, the Viewing, Tracking and Scheduling Contract or the Navigation Contract).

2 Where you will be using OS OpenSpace Pro to access OS OpenData™ and no other Ordnance Survey data, you will not be required to enter into one of the three Contracts referred to in paragraph 1 above; instead, the OSOpenData Licence (together with the Framework Contract (Partners)) will govern your use of the OS OpenData.

3 Prior to being granted access to OS OpenSpace Pro, you will also need to enter into the OS OpenSpace Pro Service Agreement. Note that, for the purposes of your 90 day trial of OS OpenSpace Pro, the OSOpenSpace Pro Service Agreement (the Agreement) will be deemed to be varied as follows:

3.1 The Commencement Date will be the date on which you are granted access to the OS OpenSpace Pro API under the terms of the 90 day trial, and will terminate 90 days later.

3.2 No Access Fee or Service Charges will be payable under the Agreement (and, as a consequence, paragraph4 and paragraphs 5.1 to 5.5 of Appendix 2 to the Agreement, and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Appendix3 to the Agreement, will not apply).

4 Following receipt of this Request form, you will be contacted by an Ordnance Survey account manager to discuss your requirements and to assist you in entering into the appropriate agreements.

Ordnance Survey, the OS Symbol, OSOpenSpace, MiniScale, OSStreetView and OSVectorMap are registered trademarks of Ordnance Survey, the national mapping agency of GreatBritain.

D09258 Sept 2012 Page 1 of 1