Regular Meeting
Zoning Board of Adjustment
November 6, 2017
Chairman Cathcart called the Regular Meeting of the Stone Harbor Board of Adjustment to order at 6:00 p.m. He stated that all requirements of the “Open Public Meetings Act of 1975” had been met, the Press of Atlantic City having been notified of the Board’s schedule for 2017 in December 2016, and the schedule having been posted on the Municipal Clerk’s Bulletin Board.
ROLL CALLMembers PresentMember Absent
William CathcartGreg Szetela
Angelo Caracciolo
J. Craig OttonSolicitor Present Bob Ross Andrew Catanese
Jack Gensemer
Zoning Officer Present
Alternates PresentRaymond Poudrier
John McAllister
Joseph D’UrbanoSecretary Present
Carrie Bosacco
Upon a motion by Mr. Caracciolo, seconded by Mr. Ross, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 2, 2017be approved. The motion to approve the minutes was carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
Memorializing of Resolution #866-2017, Stillwell
Upon a motion by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Caracciolo that the resolution be adopted. The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Memorializing of Resolution #868-2017, Sun East Condo Assoc.
Upon a motion by Mr. Otton, seconded by Mr. Ross that the resolution be adopted. The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
#869-2017 Applicants’ Name & Address:Martha Z. Hodges, Trustee of the Martha Z. Hodges QPRT u/t/t 03/01/2007 911 Arlington Road
York, PA 17403
Owner’s Name & Address:Same
Subject Property:10060 Corinthian Drive
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Block and Lots:Bl: 200.03 Lots: 454, 455 & 456
Jane M. Hoy, Esq. spoke on behalf of the applicants and explained the nature of the application.
All notices were given with respect to this hearing.
The following individuals were sworn in and testified on behalf of the Applicant:
1. George Hodges
2. Paul Kiss, Architect
The following exhibits were moved into evidence on behalf of the Applicant:
A-1 Plans by Paul Kiss
A-2 through A-4 Photographs of house/property and surrounding area
No one spoke for or against granting the application.
Chairman Cathcart closed the hearing to the Applicant and the public.
Mr. Catanese gave the Board a summation of the applicable legal standards.
The Board discussed the application Mr. Caracciolo made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ross that the C1 Variance be granted. The motion was denied five votes to one by roll call vote.
ZBA #869-2017 C1 Variance
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloNAY
Mr. Ottonrecuse
Mr. RossNAY
Mr. GensemerNAY
Dr. McAllisterNAY
Mr. D’UrbanoNAY
Mr. Ross made a motion, seconded by Mr. Caracciolo that the C2 Variance be granted. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #869-2017 C2 Variance
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloAYE
Mr. Ottonrecuse
Mr. RossAYE
Mr. GensemerAYE
Dr. McAllisterAYE
Mr. D’UrbanoAYE
The Solicitor will prepare a memorializing resolution for adoption at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
#865-2017Applicant’s Name & Address:Shelter Haven Hospitality,
9601 Third Avenue
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Owner’s Name & Address:96th Street Parlor, LLC
9601 Third Avenue
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Subject Property:315 96th Street
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Block and Lot:Bl: 96.04 Lots: 145 and 146
Alan I. Gould, P.C. spoke on behalf of the applicants and explained the nature of the application.
All notices were given with respect to this hearing.
The following individuals were sworn in and testified on behalf of the Applicant:
1. Gary Thomas
2. Ronald Goredesky
No exhibits were moved into evidence on behalf of the Applicant.
No one spoke for or against granting the application.
Chairman Cathcart closed the hearing to the Applicant and the public.
Mr. Catanese gave the Board a summation of the applicable legal standards.
The Board discussed the application Mr. Caracciolo made a motion, seconded by Mr. D’Urbano that the C1Variance be granted. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #865-2017 C1 Variance
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloAYE
Mr. Ottonrecuse
Mr. RossAYE
Mr. GensemerAYE
Dr. McAllisterAYE
Mr. D’UrbanoAYE
The Board discussed the application Mr. Ross made a motion, seconded by Mr. Caracciolo for site plan approval. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #865-2017 Site Plan
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloAYE
Mr. Ottonrecuse
Mr. RossAYE
Mr. GensemerAYE
Dr. McAllisterAYE
Mr. D’UrbanoAYE
The Solicitor will prepare a memorializing resolution for adoption at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on December 4, 2017.
With there being no other business, upon a motion of Mr. Caracciolo, seconded by Mr. Ross, and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Attest: ______
Carrie Bosacco, SecretaryNovember 6, 2017
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