Name: ______

Period: ______

Question Answer Response:

Historical Context of the Alien and Sedition Acts

Directions: Read from “Relations with Britain and France” on page 153 through the section called “The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions” on page 156 from the History Alive textbook, then respond to these questions. We will be discussing our answers to some of these questions tomorrow in class, so be ready to share with your group.

1.  In 1793, the French government sent a representative to the US to convince them to help France in their war against Britain. This man was later sent back to France for verbally attacking President Washington. What was this man’s name?

__Edmond Genet______

2.  In 1796, John Adams was elected president. Most of his supporters came from which geographical location of the country?


3.  Thomas Jefferson became the vice-president to John Adams in 1796. Most of his supporters came from which geographical location of the country? ______

South and west______

4.  In the results of the 1796 election, the President and the Vice-President came from two different parties. This was the last time in our history that we let this happen. Why do you think that is?


5.  Federalists in Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. They argued that they were for the good of the country, but historians argue that their true purpose was to what?

____Make trouble for DR’s______

6.  Another term for “alien” is:


7.  What is the definition of “sedition”? ___

encouraging rebellion against the government; included “printing, writing, or speaking in a scandalous manner against the government”______

8.  What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do?

___lengthened the time it took for immigrants to become citizens from 5 to 14 years; allowed president to deport or jail aliens suspected of stirring up trouble; made it illegal to print, write, or say anything against the government.______

9.  Why was Jefferson upset that the Alien Acts made it more difficult for immigrants to become citizens?

______Many immigrants voted Republican, so he felt it was a personal attack against his party.______

10.  Jefferson and Madison wanted to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts. What does “nullify” mean?

_____to declare the laws to be without legal force; to refuse to recognize a federal law______

11.  Which two states adopted Jefferson and Madisons’ resolutions?

__Virginia and Kentucky______

12.  What happened when no other states adopted these resolutions?

_____The protest died______

13.  Hamilton believed that the Sedition Act had the right to punish people who tried to destroy the government by publishing lies about it. Do you think the government has the right to pass a law like this? Why or why not?


14.  Jefferson and others believed that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. Which rights in the Bill of Rights could these Acts have violated? Explain.

__First amendment – right to free speech and freedom of press; Fifth amendment – Citizen’s lives, freedom, and property cannot be taken away without the due process of law (going through the courts); Tenth Amendment – powers not given to the federal government in the Constitution are set aside for state governments or the people ______

15.  Federalists believed that free speech did not apply to anyone who disrespected the government, whether they were spreading lies about the government or not. DR’s believed that people should have the freedom to express their beliefs whether they were respectful or not. Which side do you agree with, and why?
