1. The Quality Indicator Profile is a self-evaluation of the services provided to students with visual impairments. It is part of the SSVI flowthrough fund reimbursement process and is due to Education Service Center, Region 20 at the end of the fiscal year (refer to the due date in the contract). Please complete with input from teachers of the visually impaired (TVI), orientation and mobility specialist (COMS), VI supervisors, and other administrators, if applicable. If you are a fiscal agent for districts that share services with you but have their own VI staff, please ask each district to complete the QIP separately so that you may compile the information for submission to Region 20.
  1. Read each service dimension carefully. Dimension 1 is specific to services for infants and toddlers who are visually impaired. Dimensions 2-12 apply to services for all ages of students who are visually impaired.
  1. Rate each service dimension using a status code of 1-not implemented, 2-implemented, but needs improvement, or 3-fully implemented. For example, if you rate a quality indicator “3,” it would not be checked as a priority for improvements, nor would it need an action plan or timeline. If a quality indicator is rated “1” or “2,” you must consider whether it is a priority for improvement during the next school year and if it should have an action plan and timeline. Any action plans written should be concise (e.g., COMS staff will develop a referral process to include infants by Spring 2015; TVI(s) will attend staff development for technology assessment at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, summer 2015, an information session for parents of students with visual impairments will be offered in March 2015, etc.).
  1. If you would like to create additional service dimensions and quality indicators with your VI/O&M staff, please use the blank form provided.

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 1. Early Intervention: Services are provided to infants and preschoolers to prevent developmental delays related to visual impairments.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


  1. The system for early identification is defined (e.g. infants are referred at birth).

  1. Parents are involved in the program – early partnerships.

  1. There is a curriculum/philosophy in place—comprehensive early intervention program.

  1. An multidisciplinary team approach is used.

  1. Appropriate specialized materials are available.

  1. There is collaboration betweem DARS/DBS, TSBVI, LEA and other agencies.

  1. There is access to O&M services.

  1. All teachers share responsibilities – role release.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 2. Parent Education and Support: Educational and networking opportunities exist for parents and families to ensure their partnership in the educational process.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.As team members, parents are given full opportunity for active participation.
2.There are opportunities for parent networking and mentoring.
3.Supplemental counseling services for VI students and families are available.
4.Parents are informed of resources in the community and state (Texas Project First, Partners Resource Network, TAPVI, etc.)
5.Parents are notified of available opportunitiesfor training on topics relative to students with visual impairments (high expectations for children, self determination, expanded core curriculum, accessing agency services, VI program standards, assistive technology, etc.)

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 3. Identification & On-going Assessment: Communication with other agencies (LV Clinic, ECI agencies, DBS, medical community) providesfor appropriate assessment and expedites services.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.An early identification and assessment system is in place.
2.Assessment teams receive staff development to familiarize them with unique VI considerations (Diagnostician, LSSP).
3.VI students have equal access to entire curriculum and full scope and sequence of all courses.
4.VI students participate in local, state and national assessments(state assessments, SAT, ACT, etc.).
5.Instructional assessments are completed within required timelines (FVE, LMA, O&M, low vision assessment).
6.Test materials are provided in appropriate learning media for each student.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 4. Enhanced Instructional Delivery: VI students have equal access to the general curriculum by using appropriate assistive technology, accommodations and modifications.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.VI instruction is tied to assessment (e.g. Braille instructional activities align with state curriculum and assessment).
2.The TVI is trained in Braille and Nemeth Code.
3.TVI(s) and students have access to appropriate instructional materials for all grade levels.
4.A system is in place with classroom teacher(s) in order for VI students to receive adapted materials at the same time as their classmates.
5.TVI(s) receive training in current best practices for regular education instructional methodology and VI methodology.
6.Training and support is in place for paraprofessionals to assist in instructional services.
7. Training/information on issues related to visual impairments is provided to appropriate staff/personnel.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 5. Specialized Skill Development: Direct instruction is provided in expanded core curriculum unique to students with visual impairments (Braille instruction, Nemeth, abacus, slate stylus, O&M, technology, low vision aids, social skills, daily living skills, careers, self determination).

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.Curriculum for Braille instruction and/or a skills continuum is in place.
2.Regular and on-going assessment of specialized skills and expanded core curriculum is provided per student IEP.
3.The VI students’ schedule allows for instruction in expanded core curriculum.
4.VI students have access to elective courses and extracurricular opportunities equal to their sighted peers.
5.VI students and their families are involved in the development of student goals and objectives.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 6. Assistive Technology: training in the use of assistive technology specific to students with Visual Impairments (low vision devices, computers, adaptive software, Braille writers, electronic note taking devices, etc.).

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.Technology assessments are provided to VI students to identify current educational needs.
2.VI students have access to assistive technology.
3.VI students receive appropriate training in use of assistive technology.
4.TVI(s) receive training in current best practices and methodology in
assistive technology for students with VI.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 7. Supplemental Counseling Services: Counseling services address the impact of vision loss on students and their families.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.Families/student(s) are informed of the benefit and availability of counseling services.
2.Supplemental counseling services are available to VI students and their families at the regional level.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 8. Career Exploration and Skill Development: Networking and educational opportunities are available for students with VI to expand career opportunities and develop unique skills.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.School staff and employers receive training/information on appropriate accommodations for VI students.
2.Job skills and career exploration are included in the VI curriculum/skills continuum from preschool through high school.
3.The LEA VI program interfaces with other agencies and job programs (e.g., DBS, San Antonio Lighthouse, youth centers, etc.).
4.Community based instruction is provided for VI students.
5.Families of VI students receive training/information regarding appropriate expectations for their VI child.
6.Graduation rate of VI students is similar to non-VI students.
7.Post-high school activities (employment/higher learning, etc.) of VI graduatesare tracked.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 9. Community Education and Involvement: Increased community awareness will expand employment opportunities for VI students.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


1.Opportunities exist for VI students to network with community agencies.
2.VI students are made aware of and encouraged to participate in community activities (e.g. Little League, Boy/Girl Scouts, volunteer groups, etc.).

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 10. Personnel Issues: Appropriate staff are employed.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


  1. The LEA employs a sufficient number of VI and O&M personnel—caseloads are in line with national and state guidelines.

  1. There is a region-wide peer support system for VI professionals.

  1. There is timely and appropriate on-going training provided for personnel working with VI students.

  1. Strategies are in place to expand expertise of all personnel (e.g. Texas Tech, SFASU, TSBVI, state conferences).

  1. Region-wide VI staffing projections are available from ESC.

  1. An effective network for recruitment of personnel is in place.

  1. An effective assessment tool or assessment process of TVIs/COMS is in place.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 11. Inter- and Intra-agency Coordination: Teaming and collaboration ensures effective and efficient access to services.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


  1. There are regularly scheduled meetings/planning sessions with other agencies and the LEAs.

  1. There is evidence of participation of other agencies in the ARD/IEP process.

  1. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension: 12. Leadership for VI Programs: LEA provides effective leadership for VI programs.

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


  1. The LEA administrator is knowledgeable of needs of VI students/personnel.

  1. The LEA administrator is knowledgeable of quality program indicators for VI.

  1. The LEA administrator and VI staff participate in regional planning.

  1. LEA budgets reflect attention to the quality indicators for VI programs.

  1. There is a region-wide evaluation of VI program effectiveness (e.g. AEIS, Quality Indicator Profile, RSPI).

*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

SCHEDULE #4-Quality Indicator Profile

EducationServiceCenter, Region 20

Supplemental Services for the Visually Impaired



Service Dimension:

Quality Indicators

1, 2, 3 / Priority
( ) / Action Plan and Timeline /


*3 = Fully implemented

2 = Implemented, but needs improvement

1 = Not implemented

9-1-12 D. Thompson