TV Screen Guide

  • Uploads will be done by 10am on a Thursday
  • All screens must be sent to by noon on a Wednesday
  • Content will be then approved (font, colour, branding) if content breaches the guidelines you will be emailed on how to improve the slide. Please be aware if this is after 10am Thursday your slide will be delayed by a week.
  • Please ensure you state in your email what the slide is advertising and the length of time you want it displayed.
  • Slides must be either PowerPoint slides or jpgs in landscape format to best fit on the screens. For PowerPoint slides the page setup should beOn-screen Show (16:9)and for jpgs the size should be1920 x 1080 pixels.
  • The plasmas can display video footage, please note that audio is not available so please provide subtitles if necessary. Videos should be submitted in an .avi or .mov format andmust not exceed 1gb in size or be longer than 2 minutes in length.

Tips for producing a good slide

The plasma screens target a passive, pedestrian audience, not a captive one. Few viewers stop to watch the presentation, so your entire message should be short and to the point.

  • Use the Corporate font FS Clerkenwell with a minimum font size of 16pt
  • Use a 12-hour clock and am and pm. (eg, 10am - 5pm)
  • Check appropriate permissions for circulating the message have been sought
  • Use appropriate images/photographynotclip art

Content do's and don'ts

Messages which can be displayed on the screens

  • Urgent operational or University business-related messages
  • Major University sponsored events hosted on University premises and Students' Union events - Varsity, SU elections
  • Major University-led campaigns and other large-scale non-political campaigns - The National Student Survey
  • Welcome messages for specific VIPs or visitors
  • Information about graduation ceremonies
  • University services and activities for students - Medical centre, Student Finance, Accommodation etc
  • Exhibitions which are hosted on University premises and open to students and staff
  • Campaigns in conjunction with external organisations where the message is relevant to the majority of students and/or staff- Council road safety campaigns

We will not accept the following information:

  • Directional signage
  • Personal adverts by members of staff or students including goods or services, events or appeals by or for charity organisations unless they are working in partnership with the University or the Student Union
  • Paid for or free advertising by individuals or organisations outside the University
  • Promotion of student gigs, parties or club nights
  • Promotion of student groups, societies or meetings
  • Promotion of course work including charity events, temporary restaurants etc except where an exhibition is being staged with an open invitation to students and staff
  • Promotion of a National Awareness Day eg World Health Day unless there is an associated event at the University in which staff and/or students are invited to participate.

If you would like the university TV template please request from or download from the employability website