Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March2014

The Brucefield Room, Clackmannan Town Hall

Those present:Chairperson Barbara Kenny (BK); Anne Gray (AG);Ian Green (IG); Kathryn Clark (KC; Ronald Bassy (RB);Doreen Gallagher (DG).

In attendance:CouncillorMartin; Community Constable PCHarding; Anne Massie

1Introduction and Chairperson’s Remarks

The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

2Those present

As above.

3Apologies for absence

Apologieswere received from Catrina Mackey, Councillor Hamilton and George McGuire.

4Declaration of conflict of interest

No conflict of interest issues were raised

5Presentation Joanne Dempster, RSPB

Ms Dempsterprovided a very interesting insight to the work done by the RSPB, Forth Valley Local Group. In particular the work they are doing to improve breeding and feeding areas at Skinflats and in the Black Devon Wetlands.

6Police Report

PC Harding reported that there had been a marked increase in crimes reported since the last meeting, owing to an increase in youth disorder and certain residents at an address in Zetland Street. During the course of the month there had been fourteen (14) Antisocial Behaviour incidents, nine (9) Vandalism, four (4) Acquisitive Crimes and three (3) Road Traffic Offences. The overall detection rate for Clackmannan is 43.3% compared to the national average of 51%. Issues raised were - dog fouling, which is on the increase in the town, and speeding vehicles in Forestmill. With regard to dog fouling, she suggested raising the issue Environmental Services.

Action: PC Harding to raise the speeding issue with her colleagues in Traffic.

7Matters arising from Minutes of 17thFebruarymeeting

There were three action arising –

ACTION; Councillor Martin was asked to approach Tom Adam to find out of he would be interested in Chairing a sub group to deal with future consultations involving Network Rail and the Community.

Response – Tom has other ongoing commitments and wouldn't have the time to commit to it?

ACTION: KC to progress the offer with BOS to set up Digital Banking.

Response – No progress to date.

ACTION: IG to arrange a date and a venue for a Public Meeting to gather the views of the Community in relation to the Queen’s Baton relay.

Response – Complete.

There were no other matters arising. The minutes were adopted by Anne Grayand seconded by Ronald Bassy.The minutes were approved.


Councillor Martinprovided anupdate on the talks, which took place with Network Rail (NR) regarding the recent improvement works at Goudrie Burn. Network Rail’s representative, Mr Sharkey readily admitted that there had been serious problems during the course of the work in relation to lack of consideration given to the residents and that clear lessons had been learned, including the fact that NR had to be much better at communicating with residents.

After some discussion the meeting agreed that a sub group should be formed which would specifically liaise with organisations such as ORAN and Network Rail and would represent and express the views of the community in any consultationprocess.

ACTION: Community Councillors to discuss the composition of such a group, and agree its exact role in more detail. Terms of Reference should also be drafted, agreed and approved for the group.

Treasurer’s Report: KC gave an update on the finances. A cheque for the sum of four hundred (£400) pounds had been received from the Council. The intention was that it would help Community Councils fund local events for the Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay.

Fundraising Group Report: DG outlined the arrangements for the forthcoming Craft Fayre to be held in the Town Hall on 5th April.She called upon volunteers to help deliver flyers to the areas, which hadn’t been done.

CDT Report: BK provided a summary of planned activities such as the successful Bingo Tea which raised a substantial sum of money on the evening as well as the forthcoming Historical Event to be held in the Town Hall on Saturday 26th April.

BK also provided feed back on the meeting, which took place between her, members of the CDT and Lesley Baillie, Clackmannanshire Council to draft a Joint Local Community Plan for 2014. A draft was agreed and a copy is attached.

JCCF Report: IG provided a brief summary of the meeting, which took place on 20th February in Alloa Academy. The items on the agenda included reports from the Police and Fire & Rescue Service. The next meeting of the Police and Fire Service Review will be held on 24thApril. Information Exchange, Feedback on meeting on 3rd Sector Roles, Queen’s Baton Relay and the Community Council Conferencewhich will be held on 29th March in Alloa Campus of FV College. The theme of the conference is Consultation. A good attendance is anticipated.

A copy of the minutes is attached.


The following correspondence was received and discussed:

  • Invitation to Rural Community Event, Stirling
  • Learning Disabilities Scotland National Conference Invitation
  • Proposed Residential Development Site Burnside Clackmannan

Copies of the above correspondence are available for viewing on request.


Commonwealth Baton Events

IG updated the meeting on the progress being made overall in relation to the funding application, collating information on proposed events county wide, etc.

Further meetings are scheduled over the next few months with Clackmannanshire Council’s Commonwealth Games Organiser.

YES/NO Debate

KC raised the issue explain that she like so many other people were undecided and would like to hear more about what was on offer from both campaigns. The meeting agreed that it would support a public debate. IG committed to attempt to organise a debate for mid/late April, early May depending upon availability of Clackmannan Town Hall and suitable speakers.

CPC Easter Bonnet Event

DG said that she would be decorating some bonnets for the event.

11There being no other business the Chairperson thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was closed at 9:40pm. The date of the next meeting was set for Monday21st Aprilat 7pm in Clackmannan Town Hall’s Brucefield Room.