Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 16-Loss Control
FF1 Test Review

What is LOSS CONTROL a component of?

§  service delivery that adds value to fire services

§  promotes firefighting as a craft

What are the 2 MOST EFFECTIVE means of loss control?

§  performing proper salvage & overhaul

What is the PHILOSOPHY of loss control?

§  to minimize damage & provide customer service through effective mitigation & recovery efforts before, during, and after an incident

What is SALVAGE?

§  methods associated with firefighting that aid in reducing primary & secondary damage

§  used during and after a fire

What is PRIMARY DAMAGE caused by?

§  the fire

What is SECONDARY DAMAGE caused by?

§  suppression activities

What are some of the DAMAGES that cannot be avoided?

§  damages from forcible entry, applying water, ventilation, and searching for fires

When does SALVAGE start?

§  as soon as adequate personnel are available

§  may be done simultaneously with fire attack


§  searching for and extinguishing hidden or remaining fires

§  also, protecting the scene & preserving evidence of the fire's origin

What is the PRIMARY PURPOSE of overhaul?

§  to restore premises to a safe, habitable condition


§  usually after the fire is under control

What do proper SALVAGE OPERATIONS involve?

§  early planning, knowing procedures, & familiarity with covers & equipment used

What is a FINAL PART of salvage?

§  protecting the property from weather

What may be needed for buildings with HIGH-VALUE contents?

§  special preplans

What is important about the VALUE of contents in COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES?

§  contents can easily exceed the replacement cost of structural materials

What items can be critical to a BUSINESS'S RESTORATION?

§  computers, file cabinets filled with important files, computer disks, etc.


§  measures by which businesses protect vital equipment

How can SALVAGE be started while fire attack is being made?

§  by covering the contents of room(s) below the fire floor

What does catching debris with a SALVAGE COVER accomplish?

§  save time & effort in cleanup

§  provides a professional appearance

How should contents be ARRANGED and Why?

§  into close piles so that a minimum of covers can be used

§  group furniture in an area away from wall in center of room

§  if floor covering is removable rug, slip from underneath furniture and roll up

§  pictures, curtains, lamps , & clothing can be place on a bed or couch

§  raise furniture from wet floors using precut plastic foam blocks or canned goods from the kitchen

§  one (1) average size cover can protect the contents of one (1) residential room

How should contents be protected in COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCIES?

§  stock should be stored on pallets if it cannot be covered

What are some examples of contents with PERISHABLE CHARACTERISTICS?

§  food, materials in cardboard boxes, feed, paper, & other dry goods

What are some COMMON PROBLEMS encountered in salvage of commercial occupancies?

§  arranging of contents may be limited when large stocks & display features are involved

§  contents stacked to close to the ceiling or stored on shelves attached to a wall present problems of contents getting wet

What should be done when SALVAGE COVERS are limited?

§  use them for water chutes & catchalls

What problems are posed by HIGH STACKS of boxes or product?

§  water may weaken the bottom of the stack and cause a collapse

How can LARGE QUANTITIES of water be removed?

§  by locating & cleaning clogged drains, removing toilets, creating scuppers, making use of sanitary pipes, or affixing chutes made of covers, plastic, or available materials

What are SALVAGE COVERS made of?

§  waterproof canvas or vinyl

What features do SALVAGE COVERS have?

§  reinforced corners, edge hems, & grommets for hanging or draping

What are some ALTERNATE TYPES of covers?

§  Synthetic - lightweight, easy to handle, economical, & good for indoor/outdoor use

§  Disposable Plastic - can be cut to size

What is the only cleaning a CANVAS cover needs?

§  wetting or rinsing with a hose stream & scrubbing with a broom

§  extremely stained or dirty covers may be scrubbed with a detergent solution

§  carbon and ash stains that dry can ROT the canvas

How are salvage covers REPAIRED?

§  using duct or mastic tape or by patching with iron-on or sew-on patches

What dictates the apparatus on which SALVAGE EQUIPMENT is stored?

§  fire department SOP's

§  also, personnel to perform salvage

How should smaller equipment and tools be STORED?

§  in specially designated salvage toolbox

§  loss control materials & supplies may be kept in a plastic tub

§  plastic tubs also provide water resistant protection for items such as computers, pictures, and other water sensitive materials

What are some typical SALVAGE EQUIPMENT that may be carried on apparatus?

§  roofing or tar paper

§  pliers

§  various saws

§  battery operated power tools

§  wrenches

§  mops, squeegees, brooms

§  towels and rags

§  heavy duty stapler

§  floor runners

§  salvage covers

§  plastic bags

§  duct tape and cardboard boxes

§  100-foot of electrical cable with locking type connectors, 14-3 gauge or heavier

§  pigtail ground adapters, 2 wire to 3 wire, 12-inch minimum length, 14-3 gauge or heavier


§  used to stop the flow of water from an open sprinkler before it is completely drained after shutdown

§  sprinkler tongs or a stopper & sprinkler wedge are suggested tools


§  (debris bags or buckets) - used to carry debris, catch falling debris, & provide water basin for immersing small burning objects


§  used to protect floors

§  unrolled from an entrance to any part of the building


§  used to remove water from basements, elevator shafts, & sumps

§  trash-type pumps are best suited for salvage

§  a jet siphon device may be used for removal of excess water


§  one of the easiest and fastest ways to remove water

§  may also remove dirt and debris from carpet, tile, & other floor coverings

§  consists of a tank and a nozzle

What are the types of WATER VACUUMS available?

§  backpack-type - capacity 4-5 gallons, emptied by pulling a lanyard that empties water through the nozzle or other hose

§  floor-model - capacity up to 20 gallons, usually on rollers

What is one of the KEY FACTORS in successful salvage operations?

§  proper handling and deployment of salvage covers

What is the PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGE of a one firefighter spread with a ROLLED cover?

§  one person can quickly unroll and cover objects

§  also, may be carried on shoulder or under arm

How many firefighters are needed to FOLD a salvage cover?

§  2, performing the same functions simultaneously

§  folded cover may be carried in any manner

What is the MOST CONVENIENT way to carry a folded cover?

§  with open edges next to neck

§  should be carried so carrier can grab the lower pair of corners and a second firefighter may grab the upper pair

What is the MOST COMMON method for 2 firefighters to deploy a large cover?

§  the balloon throw (the parachute effect)

What is one of the MOST PRACTICAL methods of removing water that comes from upper floors?

§  using a water chute

What is the quickest way to make a WATER CHUTE?

§  with plastic sheeting, a hammer type stapler, and duct tape

§  some chutes are pre-made, usually in 10 foot lengths

How is a CATCHALL constructed?

§  with a cover that has been placed on the floor to hold small amounts of water

§  can also be used as a temporary means to control water until a water chute can be constructed

§  2 people are required to construct a catchall

§  will hold several hundred gallons

What should doors, windows, and roofs that have been broken or removed be COVERED with?

§  plywood or heavy plastic for doors and windows

§  plywood, roofing paper, plastic sheeting, or tar paper for roofs

§  use appropriate roofing nails if roofing, tar paper, or sheeting is used

What does OVERHAUL consist of?

§  searching a fire scene to detect hidden fires or sparks that may rekindle and to identify the possible point of origin and cause of the fire

What are some TOOLS used specifically for OVERHAUL and their uses?

§  pike poles and plaster hooks - to open ceilings and check for fire extension

§  axes - to open walls and floors

§  battery powered saws, drills, and screwdrivers - to make neat SMALL openings to square up larger holes made with LARGER tools (also used for constructing temporary doors and window coverings)

§  carryall, buckets, and tubs - to carry debris or provide a basin for small burning material

§  shovels, bale hooks, and pitchforks - to move baled or loose materials

Who should overhaul be SUPERVISED by?

§  a supervisor/officer not engaged in the overhaul operation

§  if a fire investigator is on scene, he should be in charge of overhaul

What size HOSELINE should be available to extinguish hidden fires?

§  typically a 1 1/2-inch or 1 3/4-inch attack line

§  during MINOR overhaul, a booster line may be used, however, an attack line should be available

What should the FIRST SECTION of hose be on a line used in OVERHAUL?

§  a 100-foot section so that no couplings ore in the building except the nozzle

What are 2 important FACTORS that affect the building condition during overhaul?

§  the intensity of the fire - determines the structural stability of the members

§  amount of water used to control it - determines additional weight put on floors and walls

What are some DANGEROUS building conditions that may be encountered during overhaul?

§  floors weakened by fire

§  concrete spalled due to heat

§  weakened steel roofs (tensile strength of steel is 500oF)

§  walls offset because of elongation of steel roof supports

§  roof trusses weakened due to burn through of key members

§  mortar in wall joints open due to excessive heat

§  wall ties holding veneer walls melted from heat

What are the 4 ways to detect HIDDEN FIRES and the INDICATORS for each?

§  Sight - discoloration of materials, peeling paint, smoke emissions from cracks, cracked plaster, ripped wallpaper, and burned areas

§  Touch - feel walls and floors for heat with back of hand

§  Sound - popping or cracking of a fire burning

§  Electronic Sensors - thermal (heat) signature detection and infrared signature detection systems

Where does OVERHAUL typically begin?

§  in the area of actual fire involvement

What type of materials can harbor HIDDEN FIRES for a prolonged period?

§  insulation materials

How should FIRE EXTENSION be checked on doors and windows?

§  by removing the molding to expose the frames or casings to check for extension

What must be MOVED before checking for fire in floors, ceilings, or within walls?

§  furniture to avoid damage

§  weight bearing members should not be disturbed

§  consideration should also be given to restoration of the area

What is the proper way to OPEN a PLASTER ceiling?

§  break the plaster and remove the lath

§  firefighter should be positioned between the area to be opened and the doorway

§  the pull should be down and away from the body

§  MUST be wearing full PPE and SCBA

How should SMALL burning objects be extinguished if found?

§  bathtubs, sinks, lavatories, and wash tubs can be used to submerge the objects

How should LARGE burning objects such as mattresses be extinguished?

§  removed to the outside for extinguishment

What type of stream usually permits complete extinguishment in cotton, upholstery, and baled goods?

§  stream with a wetting agent for greater penetration

What is the only way to INSURE EXTINGUISHMENT in bales, rags, cotton, hay, alfalfa, etc?

§  by breaking them apart