April 9, 1962

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, April 9, 1962, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, Chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, Harley Gillman and Lowell Thomson. Also in attendance were City Manager O.V. Farnsworth, Engineer A.E. Carlson, Chester Kocherhans, Assistant Engineer; Victor H. Christensen, Treasurer; Zoning Consultant Dale Despain; Street Superintendent Martell Keetch, Administrative Assistant Thomas Gooch and Recorder Anne Cooper.

Others attending were:

Eugene BackusCenter Street Discussion

Remo Pyne"""

Evan A. BaughBoys Baseball Program

Terry Lott"""

Mario Bussio"""

Max De St. Jeor""

Albert D. Clark"""

Paul H. Taylor"""

Leslie W. Camp"""

Earl A. Groo"""

John S. McKinnon"""

William B. Holman"""

J. LeRoy Nelson"""

Berdean Jarman"""

Douglas Ephnson"""

Clyde WeeksKiwanis Club

Carma AndersonDaily Herald Reporter

Meeting opened with prayer by Lowell Thomson.

Minutes of April 2, 1962 were approved as read and corrected.

Mayor Jameson read the following letter from the Orem City Planning and Zoning Commission:

April 9, 1962

Honorable Mayor and City Council

Orem Utah

My Dear Mayor Jameson and Council:

The Planning Commission met on April 4, 1962 and approved the final plat of the Castle Heights Estate Subdivision located between 9thand 10thSouth and 190 West and 400 West in Orem.

The Commission recommends for your approval this plat.


Ray E. Hanks

City Engineer Carlson stated that Plat A has been recorded, Plat B has not been recorded and Plat C of Castle Heights Subdivision is being recommended. Mr. Carlson stated that the only reservation in the plat is lots 2 and 3, as additional land to the west will be required before building permits are issued.

Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept Plat C of Castle Heights Subdivision as recommended by the Planning Commission; and authorize the Mayor and Council to sign. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.

Laird Billings reported that originally the Major Street Plan had designated Center Street as a six lane street. However, the Planning Commission had felt the requirement would work a hardship on property owners and decided to designate 90 feet as the width of Center Street, which would require 68 feet from face of curb to face of curb.

Eugene Backus protested that the City is requiring him to furnish more than half the street right-of-way, that he would match the width given by the subdivider across the street and give the same as he did.

Laird Billings stated that Mr. Backus' Subdivision plat had been studied by the Planning Commission and it was felt that he would not lose anything in the lots as far as money is concerned.

Mr. Backus stated that City Engineer Miller had allowed his home to be built to a 66 foot street, and now it would protrude onto the street.

Harley Gillman stated that what the Council would have to agree on is the width of Center Street.

Laird Billings stated the 10 foot allowance for the planter strip could be eliminated and in this way the requirement may be brought down to an 80 foot right of way; however, 68 feet would still be required from back of curb to back of curb.

Dale Despain stated he felt the error in allowing the location of the first home was misunderstanding between face of curb to face of curb and "right of way". The 66 foot allowance would work out exactly to that point.

After further discussion, motion was made by Earl Wengreen to rescind the motion of March 28, 1962 that established a minimum width for the full length of Center Street at 66 feet from face of curb to face of curb, and designate the street right of way at 80 feet. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings, and passed.

Dale Despain inquired what would be necessary to get a building permit.

Laird Billings stated that a building permit would be issued if a deed for a 34 foot right of way for Remo Pyne's lot were given to the City, and comply with set back requirement.

Dale Despain stated that the balance of the land west would be left as is until subdivided.

Evan Baugh speaking for the baseball committee, made a request for improvements of the ball parks such as foul line fences, outfield fences, grass and possibly some type of dugouts for use this season.

City Manager Farnsworth reported that preparations are being made to install a sprinkling system which should be in within the next ten days.

Evan Baugh stated he felt that he could furnish labor if the City would furnish the blocks for dugouts.

Paul Taylor suggested using volunteer labor to install the sprinkling system in return for credit on other material for the ball parks such as a lighting system.

Mayor Jameson expressed appreciation for the enthusiasm of the group.

Laird Billings recommended a study be made, that possibly Councilman Wengreen may make suggestions regarding the program.

Earl Wengreen stated that work has been started on the two ball parks, that it has been budgeted.

Lowell Thomson stated he felt that if a community campaign were instigated a lot of people would donate; give time, etc., toward the baseball program.

After further discussion, motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Manager to purchase pipe in the amount of $1,768.86 to bring the water lines to the sprinkling system in the park. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed.

Areas that had been proposed to be included in Special Improvement District J were reviewed in detail, a revised list of which will be made up by the Engineering Department.

City Manager Farnsworth stated that he feels it will be necessary to hire additional engineering help to get all the work done that is necessary.

Harley Gillman reported that Vineyard has brought suit against Orem City regarding water wells claiming prior right.

Mayor Jameson reported that Utah County Industrial Development Association has set up a budget of $0.50 per capita for each City, report as follows:

Utah County Industrial Development Assn. April 4, 1962

Meeting of the Utah County Industrial Development Association was held in the Council Room of the County Commissioner's at 6:30 p.m.

PRESENT:Chairman William WotherspoonIvan Walker

Paul T. FordhamLeo Wooten

W. E. PetersonEarl Card

Malcolm JolleyFrank Edman

Milton JamesonPaul Haymond

Clifford HalesG. B. Bonspar

Cleve SwensonO. S. Allen

LeRoy JohnsonJohn Huish

Sterling JonesMrs. William Wotherspoon

ARTICLES:The Articles of Incorporation of the Utah County Industrial Association was read as per instruction of the calling of the meeting. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Huish and seconded by Mr. Hales that the Articles of Incorporation as presented by approved. M/S/C

SIGN:Mr. Johnson presented a plan for entrance way signs to Utah County and sought the help of the association to suggest ideas for this.

1. Keep the sign short in reading materials.

2. Burma Shave style signs were recommended.

3. Signs should be used to attract tourists.

The group recommended to Mr. Johnson that the entrance way signs forUtah County be used to attract the Tourist Trade. This tourist tradeis a large industry for the County and all should assist in the development.

BUDGET:The Finance Committee presented a proposed budget for the Association. Mr. Huish acted as spokesman of the committee and the following is the suggested budget:

Manager's Salary $ 12,500.00

Expense Account 10,000.00

Office Rent 1,500.00

Utilities 1,500.00

Secretary 4,000.00

Misc. Office Supplies 500.00

Contingency Fund 20,000.00

TOTAL $ 50,000.00

To raise this money several ideas were suggested as such:

1. Money from Sales Tax

2. Money from City Government

3. Raffles and other ideas

4. Money Drive in each community

Mr. Huish recommended that each community be assessed 50 cents per capita for the amount as a fair share towards this Industrial Development Fund. As per the last census the following is a suggested amount for each community:

PROVO 20,000.00 GOSHEN 215.00

OREM 9,200.00 MAPLETON 750.00

PLEASANT GROVE 2,400.00PAYSON 2,100.00

AMERICAN FORK 3,500.00SALEM 450.00

LINDON 575.00 SPANISH FORK 3,250.00

LEHI 1,500.00 SANTAQUIN 575.00


ALPINE 385.00 GENOLA100.00

This will be discussed with the community and a report will be given at the next meeting. The Secretary was instructed to release this to the newspapers in each community and the representatives will discuss it with the local communities.

It was moved by Mr. Allen and seconded by Mr. Johnson that this report be accepted and that a full discussion be had at the next meeting of the Association.


MEETING:The next meeting will be held in the County Building on Wednesday April 25 to allow all City Councils to discuss the report.

ADJOURNED:Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Laird Billings suggested asking the County to give Orem City credit for the 3rdQuarter sales tax money.

Alvin Rowley suggested paying in the same ratio as money received on the Sales Tax.

Meeting adjourned.