A Wrinkle in Time summer reading assignment and activities

A. Create a reading journal for A Wrinkle in Time. Do not create a cover for you journal until you have finished reading the book!! The purpose of your journal is to record your thoughts, ideas, observations, and questions you have as you read the book. You should be writing in your journal after each chapter. You may also choose to draw or paint your responses to characters or events you think are interesting on a blank piece of paper which you will then put in your journal. Each entry should be at a minimum one well written paragraph, with the chapter and date noted at the top. Entries will be graded on spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. You are allowed to type your written journal entries on the computer. You will need to use the “Times New Roman” font (12) and be sure to double space. Remember to indent at the beginning of each new paragraph. All paper should be regular loose leaf 8 ½ x 11, college ruled paper or regular 8 ½ x 11 computer paper. This activity is worth one third of your grade.

B. In addition to your reading journal, you will be keeping a vocabulary journal. The purpose of the vocabulary journal is to familiarize you with words that you may not know. If you come across words that you do not know when you are reading then you may not understand what is happening in the story. A vocabulary journal will help you learn what the new words mean and how they are used within the reading. Attached are the vocabulary words you will need to list and define in your vocabulary journal. You will also need to note the part of speech the word is (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc). Remember to watch your spelling—points will be taken off for incorrect spelling. The vocabulary journal, like the reading journal is to be done on regular loose leaf 8 ½ x 11 paper or 8 ½ x 11 computer paper. You will need to create a cover for your vocabulary journal. Be creative!! This activity is worth one third of your grade.

C. Finally, you have just found out that A Wrinkle in Time is going to be made into a movie! They are having a contest to design the promotional poster. On posterboard, design a poster for A Wrinkle in Time listing the author, the main characters (you get to choose the actors/actresses who will star in the movie!!), a drawing of a scene from the book along with a one to two paragraph summary about the book. This activity is worth the final one third of your summer reading assignment.

We will be reviewing the book during the first week of school and will be having a test on the reading on Tuesday, September 1.

Vocabulary Words for Vocabulary Journal

Chapters 1-3 Chapters 8-9

antagonistic annihiliate

dilapidated cloven

morass dias

prodigious emanate

snide gait

sullen miasma

supine ominous

tangible pendantic


Chapters 4-5 wryly


elliptic Chapters 10-12

ephemeral assuage(d)

inexorable atrophy(ied)

metamorphose imperceptible

monolith opaque

reverberated reiterating


Chapters 6-7 vestige







