“Addressing student food access and security.”

Are you in favor of a $3.00 per quarter fee to fund the operations and expansion of the current campus food pantry and support student food access and security initiatives?

This student fee will be used to cover the expenses of operating the current food pantry that provides free nonperishable food to students who experience food insecurity. This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of food, transportation, marketing, and maintenance. Additionally, the funding will be used towards the expansion of the food pantry and establishing a mobile food pantry with fresh produce. The funding from this initiative will also be used to coordinate financial, nutritional, and wellness programs, provide food consultation and referral services, and establish an emergency food fund.

  • The quarterly fee will be assessed to undergraduate and graduate students.
  • The fee will be charged for the fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters.
  • The fee will be managed by the Student Outreach and Retention Center. An audit of the use of these funds may be provided upon request.
  • In accordance with campus practice, 33% of the fee will be returned to financial aid to help offset the cost of this fee for students who are eligible for financial aid.
  • Starting fall 2017, the fee will increase annually based on the California Consumer PriceIndex (CPI) to offset the effects of inflation. The CPI will be taken from the California Department of Finance’s calendar year annual average of all urban consumers CPI‐U.
  • The operators of the food pantry shall be responsible for providing an annual report to the Chancellor on its programming and operations to ensure the proper and effective use of the fees collected.
  • This fee will sunset on its 10th year (2025-26, unless the student body reaffirm this fee. This fee can be reaffirmed as early as the 9th year (2024-25) otherwise; this fee will terminate at the end of its 10th year (2025-26).
  • In order for this measure to pass with the fee being assessed to undergraduate students, this referendum will require a 25% eligible total undergraduate voter turnout rate during the Spring Elections, of which 60% of those votes need to be Yes votes.
  • In order for this measure to pass with the fee being assessed to graduate students, this referendum will require a 20% eligible total graduate voter turnout rate of which at least 60% of those votes need to be Yes votes.

___ Yes, I support a $3.00 per quarter fee to fund the operations and expansion of the current campus food pantry and support student food access and security initiatives.

___ No, I do not support a $3.00 per quarter fee to fund the operations and expansion of the current campus food pantry and support student food access and security initiatives.

___ Abstain