Ithaca College
2014-2015 Intramural Field Supervisor Application
Office of Recreational Sports
Please return this application and copies of any certifications you have to Hill Center Room 103B or via e-mail, care of Ben Paquette, no later than Monday, April 21st, at 5:00pm.
Name: Email:
Local Address:
Local Phone: Permanent Phone:
School ID#: Major(s)/Minor(s):
Year in School: FR SO JR SR GRAD Expected Graduation Date:
During the 2014-2015 academic year
Student Supervisor Qualifications and General Information
To be considered for this position students must apply, be interviewed, be willing to attend all designated training sessions, and be willing to become First Aid & CPR/AED certified. Job duties include game organization and management, field preparation and tear down, ensuring a safe and secure playing environment, responding to injuries and emergencies, and supervision of intramural officials. Possessing a general knowledge of Intramural Sport rules and policies, and excellent customer service skills are preferred qualifications.
Indicate current certification(s) and expiration dates (if any):
First Aid Adult CPR Adult AED Other:
Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date: Exp. Date:
Please list other commitments you have that may conflict with your work schedule (i.e. varsity or club sports, another job, student teaching)?
Please rank yourself on a scale of 1-5 (1-not confident in ability, 5= completely confident in ability)
Supervise / Officiate / Train OfficialsFlag Football
Outdoor Soccer
3v3 Basketball
Floor Hockey
Indoor Soccer
Ithaca College
2014-2015 Intramural Field Supervisor Application
Office of Recreational Sports
Please TYPE your responses to the following questions below. Hand-written responses will NOT be reviewed!
1. Why do you want to be an Intramural Sports Supervisor?
2. In your opinion, what is the role of an Intramural Sports Supervisor?
3. Why should you be hired as an Intramural Sports Supervisor?
4. What previous supervisory experiences and/or work background do you have that would benefit you in your role as an Intramural Sports Supervisor?
5. Describe some of your personal characteristics and explain why you think they would make you a good fit for the Intramural Sports Supervisor position.
6. In your opinion, what improvements can be made to the Intramural Sports Program and what would you suggest as a possible strategy to implement them? Please think critically. “Nothing needs to change” is an unacceptable answer.
7. How comfortable do you feel about making the transition to supervising your peers?
Please attach your resume to this application and return this application and copies of any certifications you have to Hill Center Room 103B or via e-mail, care of Ben Paquette, no later than Monday, April 21st, at 5:00pm.
Ithaca College
2014-2015 Intramural Field Supervisor Application
Office of Recreational Sports
Applicant Recommendation
This recommendation can be printed and returned to the Intramural Office (103B Hill Center) or Typed and emailed to by Monday, April 21st @ 5pm.
Student Information:
is applying for a position with Office of Intramurals at Ithaca College. Individuals selected for these positions must possess good communication skills, leadership potential and a high degree of maturity.
Please do not use an RA, current intramural supervisor and office assistant, or a friend as a form of recommendation. We prefer a previous employer, professor, coach, etc.
Name of Person providing recommendation
Title Date:
Organization Phone:
Please provide a candid evaluation of the applicant in the categories indicated below.
1. For how long, and in what capacity, have you known the applicant?
2. Please comment on the overall strengths of the applicant.
3. Please comment on any limitations of the candidate in relation to the position of Field Supervisor.
4. When answering the following questions, please use the scale listed below.
1. Poor 4. Above Average
2. Below Average 5. Exceptional
3. Average 6. NB = No Basis for Evaluation
The Applicant has the necessary skills to be able to:
Be open and honest
Adapt to different situations
Be open-minded and willing to learn
Show an interest in people
Respect differences
Realize the time commitment involved
Commit to the obligations of the position
Be responsible in behavior
Be a strong leader
Take initiative
Be flexible
Be dependable
The Applicant has:
An awareness of his/her goals
An awareness of his/her strengths
An awareness of his/her weaknesses
A sense of values
5. Please indicate your reaction to this person’s candidacy for a position with the Fitness Center.
Highly Recommend
Recommend with Reservations
Would not recommend
6. Please provide any additional information you feel might be helpful.
Applications must be returned to the Hill Center Room 103B or e-mailed to by Monday, April 21st, 2014 at 5:00 PM