2012 Summer Agriculture Institutes
Post Survey
For the following please check (ü) the appropriate category.
1. What grade(s) do you teach?
¨ Pre K, Kindergarten ¨ 1-4 ¨ 5,6 ¨ Administration
¨ 7,8 ¨ 9-12 ¨ Library ¨ other: ______
2. What subject (s) do you teach? Check (ü) all that apply.
¨ Multiple Subject Elementary ¨ English/Language Arts
¨ Mathematics ¨ Sciences
¨ Social Sciences/History ¨ Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics
¨ Special Education ¨ Agriculture Sciences
¨ Health/Physical Education ¨ other: ______
3. How often do you plan to incorporate agriculture into your classroom lessons?
¨ daily ¨ weekly ¨ once a quarter
¨ once a semester ¨ once a year ¨ never
4. Agriculture is important for many every-day products. From your experiences, which of the
following come from agriculture? Check (ü) all that apply.
¨ food ¨ fabric ¨ medicines ¨ crayons
¨ fuel ¨ plastics ¨ detergents ¨ de-icers for roads
¨ ink ¨ candles ¨ packing peanuts ¨ biodegradable plastic bags
5. When someone mentions farming, what do you think of? (check all that apply)
¨ a small farm operated by a family ¨ a farm owned and operated by a corporation
¨ a large farm operated by a family ¨ a farm owned by an agribusiness (Pioneer, Monsanto, etc.)
6. When you think of farmers and ranchers, which of the following words describe them?
Check (ü) all that apply.
¨ computer literate
¨ cruel to animals
¨ dishonest
¨ efficient
¨ environmentalist
¨ good family values
¨ low cost food provider
¨ honest ¨ ignorant
¨ inefficient ¨ jack of all trades ¨ hardworking ¨ lazy
¨ non-polluter
¨ polluters
¨ risk-taker
¨ safe food provider
¨ well educated
¨ whiner
¨ money makers
¨ losing money
¨ other: ______
7. Please check the areas below that you think farmers and ranchers excel in:
¨ growing healthy foods ¨ caring for the land
¨ using chemicals properly ¨ caring for the water
¨ caring for livestock ¨ feeding their family and yours
9. Below is a list of some practices farmers use on the farm. Please indicate if you are familiar with the practice, and if you are, indicate whether you think it’s a good practice or bad.
Placing pregnant hogs in gestation crates / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
Keeping egg-laying chickens in cages / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
Spreading manure on growing crops / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
Precision spraying insecticides to kill bugs / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
Precision spraying herbicide to kill weeds / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
Artificial insemination of farm animals / ¨ not familiar / ¨ good / ¨ bad
10. Listed below are names of people in the news. When you hear that person speak, how credible do you consider them?
NF = Not Familiar
NC = Not Credible
SC = Somewhat Credible
N = Neutral
C = Credible
VC = Very Credible
a. / Wayne Pacelli / NF / NC / SC / N / C / VCb. / Oprah Winfrey
c. / Dr. Oz
d. / Dr. Phil
e. / Ellen DeGeneres
f. / Jon Stewart
g. / Rush Limbaugh
h. / Keith Oberman
i. / Bill O’Reilly
j. / Shawn Hannity
k. / Mitt Romney
l. / Michael Moore
m. / Wayne LaPieer
n. / George Stephanopolis
o. / Charlie Gibson
p. / Brian Williams
q. / Mike Rowe
11. Compared to 10 years ago do you think farmers use more or less compared to today?
Chemicals / ¨ more / ¨ lessPesticides / ¨ more / ¨ less
Fertilizer / ¨ more / ¨ less
Water / ¨ more / ¨ less
Land / ¨ more / ¨ less
12. Which is most important to you in making food choices? Check (ü) all that apply.
¨ healthy food ¨ safe food ¨ organic food
¨ price of food ¨ ease of preparation ¨ humane treatment of animal
¨ fertilizer usage ¨ hormones present in food ¨ ability to feed others around the world
¨ pesticide usage ¨ affordable food ¨ manner in which food is packages
¨ presentation of food in grocery store ¨ ability to grow your own ¨ other ______
13. What role do you see female farmers playing on the farm?
¨ caring for livestock ¨ making marketing decisions ¨ running large equipment
¨ handling finance ¨ hauling grain ¨ running errands
¨ preparing food ¨ there is no difference between male/female farmers ¨ other ______
14. Sustainable means: Check (ü) all that apply.
¨ Organic ¨ wise use of land ¨ wise use of water
¨ wise use of chemicals ¨ using only natural alternatives ¨ not changing the environment
15. In your opinion, how important is it to teach children about agriculture?
¨ very important ¨ somewhat important ¨ not at all important
16. How comfortable do you feel integrating agriculture into your classroom lessons?
¨ very ¨ somewhat ¨ not at all
17. How much do you think that your students would benefit from learning more about agriculture?
¨ greatly ¨ somewhat ¨ very little ¨ not at all
18. How much interest do you believe your students will show in agricultural topics?
¨ great ¨ some ¨ very little ¨ none
19. Do you plan to teach your students about careers in agriculture? ¨ Yes ¨ No
20. What percentage of your students do you think will pursue a career in Agriculture?
¨ 75% or more ¨ 50-75% ¨ 25-50% ¨ Less than 25% ¨ none
21. What benefit(s) did you receive from this class?
¨ I learned more about agriculture. ¨ I received graduate credit.
¨ I gained agricultural teaching resources. ¨ I fulfilled an education requirement from my district.
¨ I advanced on the salary schedule. ¨ other ______
22. What types of supplemental agricultural materials do you plan to make use of in your classroom?
Where do you plan to obtain these supplemental agricultural materials?
¨ Ag Literacy Coordinator ¨ Environmental Protection Agency
¨ County Farm Bureau® ¨ Local Soil & Water District
¨ Department of Conservation ¨ U of I Extension Office
¨ other: ______
23. Are you from a farm? ¨ yes ¨ no
24. Please check all the topics you plan to teach in your classroom.
Commodities: Sciences: Other: Other, continued:
¨ apples ¨ animal nutrition ¨ ag economics ¨ importance of agriculture
¨ beef ¨ biotechnology ¨ Ag Week ¨ pizza
¨ corn ¨ crop production ¨ careers ¨ other: (please list)
¨ cotton ¨ conservation ¨ Earth Day ______
¨ dairy ¨ environment ¨ farm equipment ______
¨ flowers ¨ food pyramid ¨ farm safety ______
¨ pork ¨ genetics ¨ food processing ______
¨ plants ¨ human nutrition ¨ food safety ______
¨ pumpkin ¨ insects ¨ foreign trade ______
¨ soybeans ¨ natural resources ¨ gardening
¨ wheat ¨ soils ¨ horticulture
¨ water ¨ renewable fuels
25. Please read the following statements and indicated how much you agree or disagree with each statement. Use the following categories in determining your response. Please circle the appropriate letter or letter group.
SD = Strongly Disagree
D = Disagree
N = Neutral
A = Agree
SA = Strongly Agree
a. / The Illinois Learning Standards can be met through incorporating agriculture into classroom lessons and Common Core Standards after Illinois Learning Standards. / SD / D / N / A / SAb. / Agriculture enhances the curriculum / SD / D / N / A / SA
c. / Elementary teachers are too busy to teach agriculture / SD / D / N / A / SA
d. / The study of agriculture is a waste of time in elementary classrooms / SD / D / N / A / SA
e. / There is not time to teach agriculture in the elementary curriculum / SD / D / N / A / SA
f. / Agriculture can be taught in any subject matter / SD / D / N / A / SA
g. / Agriculture fits the needs of elementary students / SD / D / N / A / SA
h. / There is no future in agriculture / SD / D / N / A / SA
i. / Agriculture has a skilled, educated workforce / SD / D / N / A / SA
j. / Agriculture has many career opportunities / SD / D / N / A / SA
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