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World Trade
27 May 2009
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures / Original: English



The following communication, received on 22 May 2009, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the United States.


Final rule: Importation of Longan from Taiwan (APHIS-2007-0161)

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the US Department of Agriculture is amending the regulations to allow the importation of commercial shipments of fresh longan with stems from Chinese Taipei into the United States. As a condition of entry, the longan will be subject to cold treatment and special port-of-arrival inspection procedures for certain quarantine pests. In addition, the fruit will have to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate stating that the fruit was inspected and found to be free of certain quarantine pests, and the individual cartons or boxes in which the longan are shipped will be stamped or printed with a statement prohibiting their importation into or distribution in the State of Florida. This action will allow for the importation of commercial shipments of fresh longan with stems from Chinese Taipei into the United States while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of quarantine pests into the United States. This final rule is effective 19 June 2009.

This final rule is available in English at: Federal Register: 20 May 2009 (Volume 74, Number 96) Notices Pages 23609-23612. To view online, go to select 2009 FR Vol. 74, and type "23609" in the search box (with quotation marks).

This action is subsequent to a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on 7November2008 (2008 FR Volume 73, Number 217, Pages 66200-66205, Docket No. APHIS–2007–0161), in which APHIS announced a proposal to amend the regulations by allowing the importation of commercial shipments of fresh longan with stems from Chinese Taipei into the United States subject to certain conditions. (To view this notice online, go to select 2008 FR Vol. 73, and type "66200" in the search box (with quotation marks)). We solicited comments concerning our proposal for 60 days ending 6January2009. We received two comments by that date. They were from a research entomologist and from a private citizen.

This addendum concerns a:

[]Modification of final date for comments

[X]Notification of adoption, publication or entry into force of regulation

[]Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation

[]Withdrawal of proposed regulation

[]Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force


Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of comments should be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the comment period provided in the Addendum may vary.)

[]Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notification and/or (dd/mm/yy): Not applicable

Agency or authority designated to handle comments: []National Notification Authority, [] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and E-mail address (if available) of other body:

For further information contact: Mr. Alex Belano, Branch Chief, Risk Management and Plants for Planting Policy, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 133, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; +1 301-734-8758

Text available from: [X]National Notification Authority, [] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and E-mail address (if available) of other body:

United States SPS National Notification Authority, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, International Regulations and Standards Division (IRSD), Stop 1027, Washington D.C. 20250; Tel: +(1 202) 720 1301; Fax: +(1 202) 720 0433; E-mail:
