U*U Global Sisters Network

A Project of the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women

Houston, Texas, February 26 – March 1, 2009

You are invited to share your story with women who are interested in attending the Convocation and others who are participating in the Global Literacy Project.[♥]

The questions beloware intended as a guide, to encourage you to thinkabout various aspects of your life and the lives of women in your community. You may answer themas separate questions or combine yourresponsesin paragraph form.You may also want to write about women in other areas of your country. You do not need to answer all the questions. Share only what you are comfortable sharing and what seems relevant to you.


·  To know who each other is

·  To learn about each other’s lives

·  To understand what life is like for women in each other’s communities

·  To hear each other’s dreams

·  To heal/rebuild communities around the world through our connections, helping women help themselves

·  To create a global vision of justice and peace and commit to taking an active role to bring about some aspect of the vision

·  To come together in person and via the internet to begin to do this work together


1.  What is your name? What do people usually call you?

2.  With whom do you live? Describe your family or your relationship with those who share the dwelling where you live.

3.  What is your age?

4.  How are you supported financially? What is your work? Who else contributes to your support?

5.  What are your favorite things to do?

6.  Where do you live? Describe your community.

7.  What is your connection to Unitarian Universalism, and what difference does that connection make in your life?

8.  In what country do you live? How do its governmental policies and programs affect life in your community?

9.  What is the status of women in your community? In your country?

10. What is the economic status of your community? (The goal of this question and the next is to understand our different economic levels and the disparities that exist among different parts of the world.)

11. Approximately how much per day does it take to survive where you live?[(]

12. What are the benefits of living in your community? What are your community’s biggest problems?

13. What would you like women from other countries to know about your community? About your country?

14. How could women from other countries best support you and your community?

15. What are your goals in life? What would you do if you could?

16. What are the biggest obstacles you face in seeking to achieve your goals?

17. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

18. Would you like to attend the International Convocation of U*U Women in Houston, Texas, February 26 – March 1, 2009? What do you need in order to attend?

19. Do your have access to the internet? How often are you able to go online?

20. Anything else you would like to share?

Please send completed story and full contact information to or to

Rev. Dorothy Emerson


5202 Crawford #19

Houston, TX 77027


Include your name, mailing address, phone numbers, and email. If possible, please also send your photograph.

Thank you for joining the U*U Global Sisters Network.

[♥] The Global Literacy Project—Weaving our U*U Global Village Network is a six-session program with internet resources to prepare participants for the International Convocation of U*U Women and to engage congregations and organizations in developing our network of U*U resources and groups around the world. For details, visit www.icuuw.com.

[(]¨ Relative wealth /poverty is sometimes figured based on cost of daily living. Approximately half of the world’s population is said to live on less than $2 a day. To figure the cost of living in your area, consider your monthly or yearly expenses for housing, food, education, health care and insurance, clothing, transportation, travel, savings, gifts, and incidentals. Then divide that number by the number of days in the time period you are considering. If you share income or support with others, then figure your portion of the total amount.