Park High School

Basic English 1, 2 & 3, 4

Instructor / Mrs. Slunaker / E-mail /
Room / B5 and B7 / Phone / 40-222-0448 ext. 230

Course Description:

Basic English is designed to mimic the basic components offered in English Language Arts as well as increase student performance in the areas of reading and written language. We will focus on reading comprehension, de-coding, fluency, vocabulary, basic writing skills and grammar. I also aim to get reading to play a bigger part in your life. We’ll learn more about what reading is, and why and how we read. We’ll explore various strategies and skills to improve your reading comprehension throughout this class.

Goals of Basic English:

  • To meet students’ individual goals in the areas of reading and written language
  • To increase students’ enjoyment and understanding of literature
  • To assist students with organization and time management.

If you make an effort in this class, you should see improvement in every other class you take this year, and throughout high school. There will be little homework, but the trade-off is that you will make a consistent effort to be an outstanding student while you are here. The characteristics of an outstanding reading student are similar to the characteristics of an outstanding reader: you will be an active member of the class; you will be thinking about your work and not just going through the motions; you will be open-minded and curious.


Grading will follow the policy of Park High School:

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 0% - 59%

I do not “give” you a grade. The grade you will receive is the grade that you have earned.



Park High School

Grading will be done on a point scale with daily assignments ranging from 5-20 points each and projects, quizzes, or tests multiplied by up to four times.

Journals – will be graded according to their completeness, evidence of comprehension and insight.

Reading Logs—will be graded weekly. Must be signed by parent/guardian or supervising teacher.

Tests/Quizzes – weekly quizzes will be given to assess your knowledge of vocabulary words.

Daily Work – consists of homework, class participation, class work, and other daily instructional components. You are expected to participate in class discussions and complete all assigned work.

Projects – will be graded according to effort put forth, neatness, and over all knowledge of the topic.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Respect others and their property. (Listen carefully. Do not interrupt the teacher or other students. Rudeness and disrespect will not be tolerated. Put litter in the trashcan, return borrowed items, do not write on desks or walls, etc.)
  • Exercise self control at all times. (Crude and offensive language will not be tolerated. No items are to be thrown or tossed inside the classroom. Tone and volume of voice will be controlled at all times.
  • Do not touch items from the teacher’s desk, any computer wiring or other off limits electronics in the classroom.
  • FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL RULES: Electronic devices in the classroom will be confiscated and given to a dean
  • No GUM!!!


Before Entering the Classroom

  • Use the restroom! You only get 5 passes each 9 weeks. “Emergency” restroom passes may be given for special conditions (e.g. urinary tract infections).
  • Make sure you have paper, pen/pencil, complete assignments.

When You First Enter the Classroom

  • Sharpen your pencil before the tardy bell.
  • If there is a “Bell Ringer” activity, take one and begin work at your seat.
  • Be seated in your assigned seat before the bell rings.
  • Begin Bell Work.

When the Bell Rings to End the Period

  • Stay in your seat. Breaking this procedure will result in a detention.
  • Pick up all books, papers, folder, trash, etc.
  • Leave only when I dismiss you (normally at the bell).

Tardy Policy

  • I follow the rules presented in the student handbook and code of conduct. I do not tolerate tardiness.

Late Work & Make-up Work

  • A student with an EXCUSED absence has three school days to make up missed assignments. The STUDENT is responsible for requesting any missed assignments. I am not required to find you and hand you this information. Do not interrupt my teaching time to get missing work; see me before or after class.
  • Students with ISS must see me in advance to obtain work for ISS. If this work is not obtained prior to the day ISS is served, it can not be made up for credit.
  • Students who have an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make up work. (This includes any days of OSS).

Computer Use

  • Computer games are strictly prohibited in the classroom UNLESS they are educational and have the approval of the teacher.
  • Do not pound on the keyboard or repeatedly click the mouse.

Consequences of Misbehavior:


2nd--Phone call to parent

3rd--Referral – The above steps may be skipped depending on severity of misbehavior.


Class Tickets

*These may be earned by following the rules, earning a 100 on quizzes, or through class competitions.

Helpful Hints:

Remember, I am here to help you in any way I can. If you need extra help, you are welcome to ask me any questions you might have or arrange to see me before/after school for help. I am happy to answer all of your questions to the best of my ability and will do my best to make things clear for you. It is up to you to make the first step.

Situations may arise that are not covered in this syllabus. The first rule is always use common sense. If you think that doing something might get you in trouble, don’t do it. If you are not sure, play it safe and don’t do it.

We have read and understand the contents of the intensive reading syllabus.

Student Name(please print)Student SignatureDate

Parent Name (please print)Parent SignatureDate

Please print clearly the following information:

Address: ______


Home Phone: ______Best time to call: ______

Work Phone: ______Best time to call: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Parent email address: ______

Comments/Concerns: ______
