10. 13/0555/AOD - Approval of Details: Details pursuant to condition 2 of outline planning permission 10/2230/OUT comprising the appearance, layout and scale of the buildings and landscaping for Phase 3 of the Leavesden Park scheme to provide 86 residential dwellings (29 to be affordable homes), hard and soft landscaping, new open space and associated highways and infrastructure works


13/0558/AOD - Approval of Details: Details pursuant to condition 2 of outline planning permission 10/2230/OUT comprising the appearance, layout and scale of the buildings and landscaping for Phase 4 of the Leavesden Park scheme to provide 114 residential dwellings (40 to be affordable homes), 1149.03 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1), hard and soft landscaping and associated highways and infrastructure works



Parish: Abbots Langley / Ward: Leavesden
Expiry Statutory Period: 9 July 2013 / Officer: Marie Clarke
Recommendation: That planning permission be granted
Reason for consideration by the Committee: At the request of Abbots Langley Parish Council and due to scale of applications.

1. Planning History (covering the whole Leavesden Aerodrome site)

1.1 Background

1.1.1 The Leavesden Aerodrome site has a complex planning history. The site, which originally included land now developed to the east, has previously been owned by the Ministry of Defence where it was an important centre for the production of Mosquito and Halifax aircraft during World War II; and by Rolls Royce where it was used for the manufacture of helicopter engines until 1993. At its peak, the site employed over 3,000 people, but this had been reduced to approximately 1,800 by 1991. The airfield remained open for flying until March 1994, being used by a private flying club; the Leavesden Flight Centre. At its peak in 1990, there were some 60,000 aircraft movements at the site.

1.1.2 In 1995 the site was purchased by Third Millennium Group and part of the site was used as a film production studios. In 1999, the site was purchased by MEPC who leased the studios to Warner Bros. The studios are now owned by Warner Bros. and the housing site subject to outline permission 10/2230/OUT has recently been purchased by Bellway Homes (Phases 1, 3 and 4) and Bovis Homes (Phase 2).

1.2 Planning Brief

1.2.1 A Planning Brief was prepared by Three Rivers District Council and Watford Borough Council and approved for the site in 1993. This set out the principles to guide future development of the overall Leavesden Aerodrome site (totalling 119 hectares). The basic concept was to constrain development to the eastern part of the site and release the remainder of the site to form an attractive and accessible Green Belt wedge between Abbots Langley and Watford.

1.3 Relevant Planning History for Site including Housing and Office Development to East

1.3.1 95/0221/8 (Outline) – Application submitted by Third Millennium Group for part demolition and redevelopment of film studios, studio tour, family leisure centre, class B1 business, residential and leisure use together with formation of new estate roads and access to A41. Granted with Section 106 agreement. Condition 4 stated that redevelopment, including ‘all buildings, parking, hardstanding, storage, landscaping directly related to those buildings and site access roads, both retained and new with the exception of the existing runway and the spine road south of the residential development’, shall not exceed 32 hectares. Condition 5 stated that a minimum of 300 houses were to be provided. The application was accompanied by an illustrative layout plan, subsequently amended in 1998 (‘concept plan’), giving an indication of the form and location of development intended. The residential dwellings, spine road, and three of four office blocks have since been completed under various Approval of Details applications outlined below (namely 98/0711, 99/01231/AOD, 00/00208/AOD and 00/00209/FUL). Details were never submitted pursuant to the film studio, studio tour and leisure elements of this outline consent.

1.3.2 97/0015 - Variation of condition 9 of 95/0221/8 to provide access to spine road from Hill Farm Avenue. Approved.

1.3.3 98/0711/8 - Formation of spine road (reserved matters) including link with Hill Farm Avenue and link with signal controlled junction at Ashfields (pursuant to condition 9 of 95/0221/8) and associated landscape details for spine road corridor (in pursuant in part of condition 21 of 95/221/8). Approved. Spine road completed and adopted as a public highway in 1999.

1.3.4 99/01231/AOD - Erection of 314 dwellings and formation of vehicular and pedestrian access phase 1. Approved and implemented.

1.3.5 99/02099/AOD - Amendment to previously approved application 99/01231/AOD in respect of 9 plots in housing area 3 (nos 40,41,48,49 and 54-59) (12/14 Merlin Way, 22,24,26,28,30,32,44,44 Dowding Way). Approved.

1.3.6 00/00208/AOD - (Reserved matters application pursuant to outline application reference 95/221/8) erection of office development comprising of 3, 4 storey blocks and part of 1, 4 storey block subject to application reference 00/0209/FUL with associated access, parking and landscaping, and; 00/00209/FUL - Erection of part of one four storey block in conjunction with application plan ref. 00/00208/AOD. Both applications approved subject to S106 Agreements.

1.3.7 00/00392/FUL - Erection of 315 dwellings and formation of vehicular and pedestrian access. Withdrawn.

1.3.8 00/01646/OUT - (Outline application) development totalling a maximum of 121,500 sqm of floorspace including B1 development comprising offices, research and development and light industry; film studios, public open space, landscaping and internal access roads. Refused.

1.3.9 01/00001/OUT - (Outline) Application submitted by MEPC for phased development of the site totalling a maximum of 121,500sqm of floorspace including B1 development comprising offices, research and development and light industry: film studios. Landscaping, open spaces and internal access roads. Resolved to be approved subject to S106 agreement; this agreement was never signed. Withdrawn.

1.3.10 01/0629/AOD, 01/0632/AOD, 01/0633/AOD, 01/0634/AOD – Approval of Details applications for revisions to plots on Westland Close and Dowding Way. Approved.

1.3.11 10/0080/FUL - Continued use of land and buildings for film production and associated activities including retention and refurbishment of existing studios to accommodate stages, backlot, workshops, offices, production facilities, canteen /commissary and ancillary studio facilities and services, replacement and extended workshops, stage and offices. Two new stages (approx. 13,000 sqm floorspace) for the storage and public exhibition of film sets and artefacts (including cafe and gift shop), new accesses from Aerodrome Way, revised internal road layout and parking, extended backlot, landscaping and associated works. Approved with a Section 106 Agreement. This consent has been implemented, with subsequent additional applications for amendments, additional workshop buildings etc.

1.3.12 10/2230/OUT - Outline Application: For the construction of up to 425 dwellings, flexible mixed use centre comprising 2,350 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, hotel (8,500 sqm), and associated parking, means of access and associated infrastructure works and use of agricultural land (The Horse field) and the former Furtherfield tip for public open space. (Matters reserved: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale). Approved 7 December 2011 following completion of a Section 106 Agreement. This is the outline application subject of these reserved matters applications.

1.3.13 A Deed of Variation to the Section 106 accompanying application 10/2230/OUT was agreed which allowed the early transfer of the Horsefield to TRDC. The land was subsequently transferred to TRDC on 8 November 2012 and is currently leased back to Bellways in order for them to construct the NEAP in due course.

1.3.14 12/1045/OUT - Outline planning application for the construction of a hotel (up to 8,500sqm) and associated parking and infrastructure works (Matters reserved: appearance, landscaping, layout and scale). Approved subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

1.3.15 12/1197/NMA - Non Material Amendment to planning permission 10/2230/OUT: Amendments to the approved access details (drawings 193301F/IMP;19330IF/PP) to remove vehicular access point from South Way and the alteration of one vehicle access point to pedestrian/cycle access on Aerodrome Way. Approved.

1.3.16 12/1213/AOD - Approval of details: Details pursuant to condition 2 of outline planning permission 10/2230/OUT comprising the appearance, layout and scale of the buildings and landscaping for Phase 1 of the Leavesden Park scheme to provide 123 residential dwellings (including 44 affordable dwellings) and 1096 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1), a new public square, hard and soft landscaping, new open space and a children’s play area with associated highways and infrastructure works. Approved December 2012. Implemented.

1.3.17 12/1214/AOD - Approval of details: Details pursuant to condition 2 of outline planning permission 10/2230/OUT comprising the appearance, layout and scale of the buildings and landscaping for Phase 2 of the Leavesden Park Scheme to provide 99 residential dwellings (including 35 affordable dwellings), hard and soft landscaping with associated highways and infrastructure works. Approved December 2012. Implemented.

1.3.18 12/2308/FUL - Modification of Section 106 Obligation: Deed of variation to affordable housing clause (planning application reference 10/2330/OUT). Approved March 2013. This allowed modifications to the cluster sizes of affordable housing (increase from 9 units to a maximum of 15 houses or 18 flats), removal of the staircasing clause which prevented the shared ownership properties from ever being entirely removed from the affordable housing market, changes to the definition of affordable rent unit, an amendment to the NEAP specification to allow future changes to the schedule of equipment, and minor modifications to the Mortgagee in Possession clause.

1.3.19 12/2320/NMA - Non Material Amendment to 12/1214/AOD to enlarge garage of Plot 222. Approved January 2013.

1.3.20 13/0338/RSP - Part retrospective: Bovis Homes sales complex including location of show house, sales office and associated visitors parking for a temporary period (maximum of 5 years). Approved May 2013.

1.3.21 13/0603/AOD - Approval of details: Details pursuant to condition 2 of outline planning permission 10/2230/OUT comprising the appearance, layout and scale of the buildings and landscaping for Phase 2 of the Leavesden Park Scheme to provide 99 residential dwellings (including 35 affordable dwellings), hard and soft landscaping with associated highways and infrastructure works (amendment to reserved matters approval 12/1214/AOD to include external and internal amendments to affordable house plots 156-164 and 173-180 only; external and internal amendments to affordable apartment block 2J - plots 194-211 - including minor alteration to footprint; and change to design of garage doors). Pending consideration.

1.3.22 13/0627/ADV - Advertisement Consent: Signage associated with proposed Bovis Homes sales complex for Phase 2. Approved May 2013.

1.3.23 There has been applications to discharge conditions for the outline and reserved matters consents for Leavesden Park (now proposed to be called Abbotswood Park).

1.3.24 13/0110/COMP – This enforcement investigation relates to breach of pre-commencement conditions relating to 10/2230/OUT, 12/1213/AOD and 12/1214/AOD and is currently pending. Bellway Homes and Bovis Homes have both responded to an initial letter stating that they will be resubmitting to discharge conditions imminently; application 13/0988/DIS for discharge of conditions 2, 10 and 22 of application 12/1213/AOD is now pending consideration.

2. Site Description / Proposed Development

2.1 These reserved matters submissions relate to Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the development proposals granted outline consent under reference 10/2230/OUT. All matters, except for access, were reserved for future consideration. However, the proposals have been developed in accordance with the parameter plans approved as part of the outline consent, the outline consent conditions and the requirements of the associated Section 106 Legal Agreement. Essentially the parameter plans confirmed the number of private and affordable units (up to 425 units with 35% affordable housing), an 8500 sqm floorspace hotel, a 2350 sqm floorspace commercial centre comprising A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, new access points from Aerodrome Way with secondary access points from South Way and an average density of 40 dwellings per hectare, with densities greater towards the western side of the site nearest the film studios and adjacent offices and reducing in density to the north and east.

2.2 In addition, a Phasing Plan has been submitted and agreed pursuant to Condition 4 of the outline permission. The approved Phasing Plan detailed a 5 phase scheme, the hotel comprising the fifth and final phase (now subject of its own planning consent). Bovis Homes have now acquired Phase 2 whilst the current applicant, Bellway Homes, will continue to implement Phase 1. Bellway Homes have not acquired the hotel aspect of the scheme, this land is still owned by the original applicant MEPC.

2.3 The two schemes detail the proposals for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Phase 3 and 4 of the residential component (with some commercial floorspace) of the outline scheme.

2.4 Phase 3 comprises a 3.59 ha site and is the most easterly part of the overall development site. Consent is sought for the construction of 86 dwellings (amended from 87) including 29 affordable dwellings. This Phase incorporates a wedge shaped area of open space towards the boundary with Phase 4.

2.5 Phase 4 extends to a 3.77 ha site and sits between Phase 1 to the west and Phase 3 to the east. It would comprise 114 dwellings (amended from 113) including 40 affordable units as well as a mixed use centre, sited opposite that forming part of Phase 1. The Phase 4 commercial floor space totalling 1149.03 sqm (gross external floor area) would be built in a 3 - 5 storey block comprising commercial floor space at ground and first floor level with flatted residential development above. The layout details remain indicative at this stage but would allow a range of uses including A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses (amended plans indicate 3 of the units would be allocated for D1 use for a doctor’s surgery).

2.6 The schemes incorporate a range of building heights, predominantly 2 storey residential dwellings, interspersed with 2.5 storey dwellings. Flats are contained in a 3 storey block (affordable units) in Phase 3 and a 3 storey block (affordable units) and a 3 - 5 storey block in Phase 4 (private and affordable units).

2.7 Phase 3 would be served by a new access from the signalled controlled junction with Aerodrome Way/Hill Farm Avenue. Phase 4 would also be served by this access as well as a new access from the signal controlled junction with Aerodrome Way/Hercules Way which lies within the Phase 1 site. In addition 4 new access points would be constructed from South Way each serving a maximum of 6 dwellings. There would be no vehicular through route across the site from South Way to Aerodrome Way.