March 15, 2018 STEPS Meeting in Review
Opening Conversations
-Rain/Lightening “season” on it way. Review your company’s policy for Stop Work during a lightning storm.
-Stop Work Authority- There should always at the very least be a pause and group conversation on the unsafe condition. Respect SWA and remember that there should never be a repercussion for calling a Stop Work.
-Document & Witnesses- Whether it is an incident review, confliction with other employees or land owners. There should Always be another person included in the conversation and documentation whenever possible.
-White Outs- Happen suddenly and you should always attempt to get off the road if you find yourself stuck in one.
-Road Washouts & Deterioration- With the constant freezing and thawing roads are quickly falling apart. Take caution when driving on county/lease rds.
Sponsor Introduction- Whiteside Chevrolet
-New Fleet Vehicles coming out in 2019- 4500, 5500, 6500
Rich Jefferies- OSHA Update
-Trenching & Excavation Focus- PPT will be added to the STEPS Website
-NUCA Trench Stand Down April 13-14
-OSHA Campaigns & Upcoming events- You can find them on the OSHA Website
-A Collection of all past presentation topics, attendees & Board meeting dates & Discussion will need to be collected for the alliance
-Confined space overview for next meeting is being discussed
Board Nominations
-President- Chris Warnick, Doug West
-Vice President- Joe Baumgardner, Chris Warnick
-Secretary- Brittney Orwick
-Board- Rick Hill, Erica Schey, Brandi Kepple, Donnie Lindsey, Jason Ware, Chris Toomey, Brian McCulley, Doug West, Chris Warnick, Matt Musgrave, Joe Baumgardner
Chris Toomey- Cell Phone App
-Make it easy to Submit Observations instantly, Allows Push notifications, Has a Document Library, SSE Evaluations, Near Misses, Incidents
-Subscription based on the number of employees a company has
-If interested in this app go to
Michelle McLaughlin- Nasco Rep
-Presented on different types of Clothing required in O & G based on codes.
-Understanding FR Rain wear, expense & comfort
-ASTMF 1891 (ARC), ASTMF 2733 (Flash Fire)
-Website offers many FREE resources, Crash Facts, Distracted Driving (April is the awareness month), O&G Specifics, E-news Letter, Fact Sheets