P.E.O. Sisterhood



Section 1.NAME. The Northeast District Chapter shall consist of the chartered local chapters of sovereign states of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Section 2.MEMBERS. The members of the Northeast District Chapter shall be the members of the local chapters within these states.

Section 3.LOCAL CHAPTER LETTERS. Each local chapter in the Northeast District Chapter shall be designated by its respective P.E.O. letter or letters and the state in which it was organized.



Section 1.MEMBERS. The Convention of Northeast District Chapter shall consist of the following active members, when present and registered:

A.Executive board,

B.Past presidents of the district chapter,

C.Resident past presidents of International Chapter,

D.Two (2) delegates from each local chapter within the district, the president being a delegate when feasible, and

E.Chairmen or acting chairmen of all standing committees.

Section 2.DELEGATES. Each chapter shall send two (2) delegates to the Convention of

the Northeast District.

Section 3.TIME AND PLACE. The convention shall be held annually in the month of April, May, or June at a place determined by the executive board.

Section 4.HOSTESS CHAPTERS. Hostess chapters, grouped geographically, shall arrange meals for members of convention.

Section 5.REPORTS. Within one month following convention, delegates shall give a report of convention business to their respective chapters.

Section 6.FORMAL ACTION. Any item passed by Convention of Northeast District Chapter that must be implemented by local chapters shall become effective as ordered by convention and must be implemented upon receipt of an official notice from the district secretary.

Section 7.VOTING. Voting at Convention of Northeast District Chapter shall be governed by the Constitution, Part II, Article IV.

Section 8.QUORUM. Delegates from a majority of all chapters entitled to representation in Convention of Northeast District Chapter shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1.DELEGATES. Delegates from Northeast District Chapter to Convention of International Chapter shall be chosen in rotation from groups of seven (7) local chapters or major fraction thereof. These groups shall be designated with consideration for geographical location, and printed annually in the proceedings of Convention of Northeast District Chapter.


A.In the year of Convention of International Chapter, local chapters entitled to representation shall nominate a delegate and an alternate at the time of their annual election. The nominee for delegate shall be the local chapter president when feasible.

B.Names of nominees for delegates and alternates shall be submitted as required by International Chapter.

C.Only those nominees who are or have been members of a Convention of Northeast District Chapter, including the convention at which the delegates are elected, shall be eligible.

Section 3.PAST PRESIDENTS OF NORTHEAST DISTRICT CHAPTER. The past presidents' group shall determine the designation of past presidents of district chapter, and their alternates, entitled to housing and meals at Convention of International Chapter. The immediate past president shall be one of those designated, when feasible.


A.A vacancy in the delegation shall be filled by the president of the district chapter who shall appoint in the following order:

1.that same chapter’s elected alternate,

2.a member of the chapter entitled to representation,

3.a member of another chapter in the group, and

4.a member from the district chapter at large.

B.A chapter failing to have representation in its regular turn is ineligible to nominate a delegate until its next regular turn.

C.A vacancy in the representation of past presidents entitled to housing and meals shall be filled by the president of district chapter by the appointment of an alternate designated by the past presidents' group.

Section 5.REPORTS

A.Each delegate shall give a report of the business and other highlights of the convention to the chapters represented by her (or to chapters assigned by the president of district chapter). The report shall be given in person, when possible, and within six (6) weeks after the close of convention. A written report may be authorized by the president of the district chapter in case of an emergency.

B.Past district presidents and district officers who attend Convention of International Chapter may be called upon to make reports when needed.

C.The president shall be notified when each representative has completed her assigned report.



Section 1.ELIGIBILITY. Any member of convention who has been an active member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood for six (6) years and who has been duly elected and installed, and served at least one (1) year as president of any local chapter shall be eligible for election to an office in the district chapter, except as noted below:

A.No officer shall be elected to the executive board from a chapter already represented on the board, if possible. Each state in the district shall be represented on the executive board, if possible.

B.New chapters shall be represented in Convention of Northeast District Chapter once before their members are eligible to hold district office.

C.To be elected to office, if not a member of the current executive board, a nominee must be present at the time of the election.

Section 2.TENURE. No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 3.SEQUENCE OF OFFICERS. The sequence of officers shall be: president, vice president, organizer, treasurer, and secretary.


A.Nomination of officers shall be by a Nominating Committee of five (5) members. They shall be the chairman and four (4) members. The immediate past president shall be the chairman and one (1) member shall be appointed from each of the four (4) states within the district, with the approval of the executive board. All members shall serve for a term of one (1) year. The current president shall not serve in any capacity on the committee.

B.A local chapter or member of the executive board wishing to recommend an eligible member shall submit, with the candidate’s consent, her name and qualifications to the chairman of the Nominating Committee by February 1. The chosen nominee must be a member of the convention at which her name is presented.

C.At convention, the committee shall present the name of one (1) nominee for each office.

D.Further nominations may be made from the floor for each office preceding the elective ballot for that office.

E.Each nominee shall be a member of the convention at which her name is presented and shall have consented to serve, if elected.

Section 5.ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Election shall be by written ballot. If there is but one (1) nominee for each office called in sequence, by general consent the ballot may be dispensed with and a voice vote taken for the entire ticket. If there are nominations

from the floor for one (1) or more offices, a separate elective ballot for each such office shall be taken. A majority of votes cast shall elect, and voting shall not be limited to the nominees.

Section 6.VACANCY. A vacancy occurring during the year in any office, except that of president, shall be filled by appointment made by the president and approved by a majority of the executive board. The appointee shall have served as president of a local chapter for one (1) term.



The executive board shall consult and advise during the annual interval and shall transact necessary business. Appointments for the new term may be made and approved after election.

The following duties are in addition to those listed in the Constitution, Part II, Article VIII, and in the Instructions to Officers of State, Provincial and District Chapters of the P.E.O. Sisterhood.

Section 1.PRESIDENT. The duties of the president shall be:

A.To appoint at the beginning of her term of office, with the approval of the executive board, the paid assistant treasurer and the necessary members to committees;

B.To oversee and guide the work of the paid assistant treasurer;

C.To appoint such special committees as may be authorized by the executive board or by the Convention of Northeast District Chapter;

D.To serve as an ex-officio member on all standing Committees without vote; except the Nominating Committee;

E.To appoint, when necessary, a proxy for organization of, or official visits to, chapters;

F.To notify local chapters entitled to representation in Convention of International Chapter by February 1 of the year the convention is held;

G.To send to each local chapter, within ninety (90) days after convention, a letter setting forth information and plans for the year; and

H.To proofread the minutes of proceedings of convention and the bylaws and standing rules of the district chapter within sixty (60) days following the expiration of her term of office.

Section 2.VICE PRESIDENT. The duties of the vice president shall be:

A.To serve as an ex-officio member on the Finance Committee without vote;

B.To serve as adviser to the hostess chapters coordinating Convention of Northeast District Chapter the following year;

C.To serve as adviser to the Cottey College Committee;

D.To present a grouping report for convention;

E.To supervise any Reciprocity Group within the district and keep an up-to-date file on all unaffiliates in the district;

F.To oversee the review of local chapter yearbooks, bylaws and standing rules and ensure that the appropriate comments are forwarded to the presidents of local chapters;

G.To oversee the Celebration of Life service for Convention of Northeast District Chapter; and

H.To be responsible for the safekeeping of the Book of Remembrance, for lettering in it, and for displaying it at Convention of the Northeast District Chapter.

Section 3.ORGANIZER. The duties of the organizer shall be:

A.To visit or direct her proxy to visit local chapters every four (4) years, giving the chapters at least thirty (30) days notice;

B.To visit or direct her proxy to visit new chapters for three (3) years following their organization;

C.To confirm that displays of the P.E.O. Philanthropies and the local chapter yearbooks are prepared for Convention of the Northeast District Chapter;

D.To serve as adviser to the hostess chapters for Convention of Northeast District Chapter to be held two (2) years later; and

E.To serve as adviser to the Membership Committee.

Section 4.TREASURER. The duties of the treasurer shall be:

A.To serve as an ex-officio member on the Finance Committee without vote;

B.To work with the paid assistant treasurer as necessary;

C.To serve as the district chairman of the P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund, P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund, P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education, P.E.O. Scholar Awards, and the P.E.O. STAR Scholarship;

D.To prepare the schedule of official visits for the following year; and

E.Acknowledge in writing receipt of Love Gifts to the district chapter and donations to the Cottey Travel Fund and to the the Cottey College Scholarship Fund

Section 5.SECRETARY. The duties of the secretary shall be:

A.To have the minutes of Convention of Northeast District Chapter approved by the president who presided at the convention within sixty (60) days of the close of convention and before the minutes are printed in the proceedings;

B.To have the proceedings of convention and the current bylaws and standing rules of the district chapter compiled and printed within ninety (90)days following convention;

C.To furnish copies of the proceedings and current bylaws and standing rules to those named in the Constitution and to all members of standing committees of the district chapter;

D.To provide proceedings electronically on the NEDC website; and

E.To notify local chapters of amendments and resolutions passed by Convention of Northeast District Chapter that need immediate implementation by the chapters.



Section 1.APPOINTMENT. A paid assistant treasurer will be appointed annually by the president with the approval of the executive board immediately following

Convention of the Northeast District Chapter. She shall be an active member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. Appointment shall be made only after evidence of qualifications has been submitted. Removal from office may be made by the same authorities for sufficient cause.

Section 2.DUTIES. The duties of the paid assistant treasurer shall be to perform the following:

A.To pay all items on the warrant list as ordered by the executive board and signed by the president, and shall send annual report forms to the local chapter treasurers before February 1;

B.To perform all financial functions of the district treasurer;

C.To provide the Finance Committee with the information necessary for its work;

D.To have the treasurer’s books audited at the end of the fiscal year by an accountant, or an auditing committee, appointed by the district president;

E.To perform clerical duties for the executive board as required;

F.To file with the president an electronic copy of her report given in district chapter convention;

G.To complete all required gift lists, as defined in the Instructions to Officers of State, Provincial, and District Chapters of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, to be included in the program and proceedings of Convention of the Northeast District; and

H.To serve as an ex-officio member on the Finance Committee without vote.

Section 3.REMUNERATION. Expenses as authorized by the executive board shall be paid from the general fund of the district chapter and outlined in the paid assistant’s contract. Duties and remuneration shall be specified in an annual written contract as determined by the executive board and Finance Committee.

Section 4.BOND. The paid assistant treasurer shall be named and covered by the Fidelity Bond for the district chapter that is paid to International annually.




A.APPOINTMENT. The Amendments and Recommendations Committee shall consist of three (3) members, each of whom shall serve three (3) years. One member shall be appointed each year by the incoming president with the approval of the executive board. The senior member in point of service shall be chairman. If an entirely new committee must be appointed, the president shall designate the chairman, second, and third members.


1.To review the bylaws and standing rules of the district chapter;

2.To receive and consider proposed amendments and/or

recommendations as authorized in Article XIV, Section 1 of these bylaws;

3.To prepare, in proper parliamentary form, those proposed amendments and/or recommendations together with any additional ones deemed advisable by the committee and refer them to the executive board for consideration;

4.To send at least thirty (30) days prior to Convention of Northeast District Chapter, a copy of all proposed amendments and/or recommendations to the following: each local chapter, members of the executive board, members of all standing committees, past presidents of district chapter, and representative of International Chapter; and

5.To present all proposed amendments and recommendations at Convention of Northeast District Chapter.

Section 2.FINANCE.

A.APPOINTMENT. The Finance Committee shall consist of three (3) members, each of whom shall serve three (3) years. One member shall be appointed each year by the incoming president with the approval of the executive board. The senior member in point of service shall be chairman. If an entirely new committee must be appointed, the president shall designate the chairman, second, and third members. The vice president, treasurer and paid assistant treasurer of the district chapter shall serve as ex-officio members on this committee without vote.


1.To become familiar with the finances of the district chapter and to consult with and advise the executive board on financial matters;

2.To prepare and present to Convention of Northeast District Chapter a proposed budget and allocation of dues for the ensuing year for consideration and adoption;

3.To recommend any necessary transfer of funds, investments, and depositories to the executive board; and

4.To investigate travel costs and times of arrival and departure each way for Northeast District Chapter delegation to Convention of International Chapter; to recommend the most economical mode of travel to the executive board; and to compute the amount required to cover the travel expenses for those named in Article III of these bylaws.

Section 3.HISTORY

A.APPOINTMENT. The History Committee shall consist of one (1)

member appointed annually by the incoming president with approval of the executive board.


1. To organize documents and photographs received from local
chapters concerning events taking place throughout the district chapter;

2. To maintain scrapbooks for the district chapter;

3. To be responsible for pre- and post-convention publicity for the
district chapter;

4. To maintain a file of programs for use by local chapters; and

5. To report at Convention of Northeast District Chapter.


A.APPOINTMENT. The Cottey College Committee shall consist of four (4) members, each of whom shall serve four (4) years. There will be one (1) member from each state within the district. One (1) member shall be appointed each year by the incoming president, with the approval of the executive board. The senior member in point of service shall be chairman of the committee. The vice president shall serve as adviser to this committee.


1.To attend the seminar at Cottey College and to advise local chapter Cottey College chairmen;

2.To promote fundraising and recruitment for Cottey College and to advise local chapter Cottey College chairmen;

3.To coordinate local chapter gifts to the Wheatlake Suite;

4.To distribute, receive, and review applications for Northeast District Cottey College Scholarship Fund from residents of the Northeast District who have been accepted to Cottey College or are currently enrolled in Cottey College;

5.To select and submit applications for the Northeast District Cottey College Scholarship Fund to the Trustees of the P.E.O. Foundation for final approval (See also Article IX, Section 1E of the NEDC Bylaws);

6.To attend the appropriate state reciprocity meeting(s);

7.To submit to the paid assistant treasurer any requests to distribute funds from the Cottey Travel Fund after obtaining executive board approval; and

8.To report at Convention of Northeast District Chapter.