in cooperation with
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, NationalAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Cybernetics NАS Ukraine, TarasShevchenkoNationalUniversity of Kyiv, NationalTechnicalUniversity of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTUU «KPI»)
invite youto participate in
SecondConference ”Informatics and Computer Technics Problems”
(PICT – 2013)
atChernivtsi, Ukraine, 27−31May, 2013.
The conference is awide forum for exchanging knowledge, experience, views, research results, and identifying common problems on the computer science and informatics. Scientists, engineers, experts, post-graduate students, and students are invited.
1. Mathematical problems of control, optimization and the game theory.
2. Control and identification under conditions of uncertainty.
3. Software engineering and programming theory.
4. Computer systems and components.
5. Control in social and economic systems.
6. New information technologies and their applications.
Vice chairmens
Prof. Sergienko I. (Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Kuntsevich V. (Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Melnychuk S. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Committee members
Prof. Anisimov A. (Ukraine, Kiev)Prof. Azarov O. (Ukraine, Vinnica)
Prof. Beier G. (Germany, Zwickau)
Prof. BalmushI. (Moldova, Cishinau)
Prof. BigunYa. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. Bondarenko M. (Ukraine, Kharkov)
Prof. Vykluk Ya. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. GaraschenkoF. (Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Graur A. (Romania, Suchava)
Prof. Grebennik I. (Ukraine, Kharkov)
Prof. Grygorkiv V. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. Dejbuch V.(Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. DyvakM. (Ukraine, Ternopil)
Prof. Kryvulia G. (Ukraine, Kharkov) / Prof. Melnik A. (Ukraine, Lviv)
Prof. Nakonechniy O. (Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Ostapov S. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. Petryshyn R. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. Pomorova О. (Ukraine, Khmelnitskiy)
Prof. Savula Ya. (Ukraine, Lviv)
Prof. Sopronuk F. (Ukraine, Chernivtsi)
Prof. Sytnikov V.(Ukraine, Odessa)
Prof. Tarasenko V. (Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Fedasuk D. (Ukraine, Lviv)
Prof. TscarkovE. (Latvia, Riga)
Prof. Chykriy А.(Ukraine, Kiev)
Prof. Schwarz S. (Germany, Zwickau)
Prof. Yiasniy P. (Ukraine, Ternopil)
Prof. Sopronuk F.
Vice chairmens
Prof. Dejbuch V.,prof. Ostapov S.
Committee members
Rusnak N., Vorobec G., Stecko U., Fratavchan V., Balovsiak S.,
Sadoviak A., Val A.
Address of organizational committee of conference
Computer Science Department, ChernivtsiNationalUniversity,
KotsubynskogoSt., 2, CHNU, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine
Workinglanguages of conference
Ukrainian, Russianand English (without synchronous translation).
Work of sections
The sections will work on the basis of the Computer Science Department of the ChernivtsiNationalUniversity.
Important dates
Handing in an application April 15, 2013
Presentation of papers for publication April 15, 2013
Invitation to the conference April 25,2013
The beginning of the registration May 27, 2013
The opening of the conference May 27, 2013
Registration fee
The registration fee for foreigners is 100 EURO and for students and aspirants is 20 EURO.The registration fee for participants from the Commonwealth of Independent States is 15 EURO and for students and aspirants is 8 EURO.The registration fee is paid upon the arrival at the Conference and does not include living in hotel and regular meal (breakfast, dinner, supper).
Conference materials
The texts of the papers included in the program will be published in the conference proceedings before the beginning of the conference. After reviewing the texts of paper may be published in a separated book.
Instructions to authors
The papers are presented in Ukrainian, Russian or English.
The text is prepared by Microsoft Word:the page is А4; the book orientation;the single interval;the font Times New Roman, size 11. All margins are23 mm. An indention is 9 mm. No more than 2 pages.
The order for placing the material:
the family names and the initials of authors are in the next line written in small letters with the use of commas with leveling at the right-hand edge (without degrees, ranks and positions);
the abbreviated name of affiliation, country is given in brackets; the following line is leveled at the right-hand edge;
thetitle of papers over the line is written in capital letters and is centered;
the abstract is represented as a line by sloping font from 2 to 8 lines;
the text of the papers over the line with the obligatory raising the practical problem, enumeration of the tasks to be solved, exposition of research essence and formulation of conclusions should correspond to the assigned problem;
when typing the text of the paper the use of the editor Word listing is not allowed;
theheading of the LIST OF LITERATURE is over a line.
The tables are printed in the text without a turn and should have headings.
Only those formulas are numbered which have references in the text. The formulas are centered and should not be indention in the line.
The pictures are inserted into the text and they should have captions.
Registration form
Please complete one form per delegate, to submit the form electronically
Last name, First name, Middle nameScientific degree, Scientists title and
Department, Organization
E-mail or phone
Title of paper
Authors of papers
Number of section or plenary
The papers and the registration forms are to be sent by e-mail to the address
The electronic letter should contain next two files:
lastname_th.docx– the text of the paper with embedded pictures;
lastname_rf.docx – the registration forms.
The receipt of the papers is confirmed by e-mail.
More detailed information will be included in the second announcement.
We are looking forward to see you