Twelfth Night Quiz 1

Top of Form

1. Orsino is Duke, or Count, of:

·  Messaline

·  Venetia

·  Illyria

·  Elysium

2. Viola is saved from the wreck by:

·  one of Orsino's men

·  Antonio

·  a sailor

·  a sea captain

3. Apart from her brother, who in Olivia's family has just died?

·  her father

·  her mother

·  her sister

·  her husband

4. Viola sympathizes with Olivia even before they meet because:

·  Olivia also lost her father

·  Olivia is proud and independent

·  Olivia just lost her brother

·  Olivia does not want to marry

5. Sir Toby, Olivia's uncle, has the surname:

·  Aguecheek

·  Belch

·  Snore

·  Snort

6. Which of these is NOT the name of one of Orsino's servants?

·  Valentine

·  Cesario

·  Curio

·  Fabian

7. When Viola will not take the ring from Malvolio, Malvolio:

·  keeps the ring

·  takes the ring back to Olivia

·  forces Viola to take the ring

·  throws the ring on the ground

8. Viola tries to convince Orsino that women can feel love by:

·  Debating the point with him

·  Telling him of her "sister"'s love

·  Showing him that Olivia can feel love

·  Telling him of her own experience

9. How long does Olivia pledge to mourn her dead brother?

·  five years

·  one year

·  three years

·  seven years

10. In Act II, Orsino compares women, somewhat unfavorably, to:

·  falling leaves

·  birds

·  vines

·  roses

11. Which character is NOT involved in baiting Malvolio with the letter?

·  Sir Andrew

·  Sir Toby

·  Feste

·  Fabian

12. In Act III, Viola says that Feste is:

·  a "foolish wit"

·  a "rogue"

·  a "wise fool"

·  a "tinker"

13. Which of these characters does NOT love Olivia?

·  Sir Andrew

·  Orsino

·  Malvolio

·  Fabian

14. Antonio is wanted in Illyria because of:

·  dueling with Orsino

·  "piracy"-like activities

·  theft

·  murdering Orsino's cousin in battle

15. What color, also the color of Malvolio's stockings, does Olivia abhor?

·  red

·  yellow

·  blue

·  green

16. Sir Andrew challenges Viola to a duel as:

·  an attempt to win Olivia

·  proof that he is not a coward

·  revenge for an insult

·  a response to a dare

17. Sebastian and Viola are from:

·  Messaline

·  Illyria

·  Ephesus

·  Genoa

18. Who stops the duel between Sir Andrew and Viola?

·  Olivia

·  Sir Toby

·  Antonio

·  Sir Andrew himself

19. At what point does Viola know that her brother is alive?

·  when Antonio mistakes her for him

·  when Sir Toby falsely claims that she beat him

·  when she finally sees him

·  when the Captain tells her of seeing him

20. Within the play, Feste pretends to be a:

·  curate

·  lawyer

·  teacher

·  steward

21. Which of these things does Malvolio ask for when he is imprisoned?

·  air

·  pen and ink

·  food and water

·  mercy

22. In Act V, how long does Antonio claim Sebastian has been with him?

·  three months

·  three days

·  three weeks

·  three years

23. Which of these things is Viola NOT accused of in Act V?

·  marrying Lady Olivia

·  getting Antonio arrested

·  beating Sir Toby and Sir Andrew

·  angering Orsino

24. The chorus of the ending song that Feste sings is:

·  "a thousand, thousand sighs to save"

·  "youth's a stuff will not endure"

·  "the rain it raineth every day"

·  "farewell dear heart, since I needs be gone"

25. Feste calls Olivia a fool because:

·  She doesn't want to have children, and pass on her beauty

·  She mourns her brother, when he's in heaven

·  She wants to mourn her brother for a long time

·  She will not accept Orsino