Online Learning Tools 4
Running head: Online Learning tools for multimedia project
Online Learning Tools for the Multimedia Thematic Project
Mike Dillon
University of Phoenix
Designing and Producing Educational Technology
CMP 555
Karen Wright, Facilitator
Week 5
Online Learning Tools 4
Online Learning Tools for the Multimedia Thematic Project
The online environment provides a wide range of educational tools that teachers and students can utilize to enhance learning in the classroom. The types of applications may include tutorials, online quizzes, surveys, demonstrations and simulators, tools for developing worksheets, and so forth. Two examples of resources that can be used for creating online tools are Zoomerang and EdHelper. As part of the multimedia thematic project dealing with the topic of basic circuitry, a crossword and word search were created for lesson one of the project using EdHelper; and an e-assessment was developed for lesson two using Zoomerang. These online tools were designed to be used in conjunction with the classroom activities outlined in the lesson plans.
EdHelper is an online resource designed for educators. The website allows teachers to quickly access and/or create worksheets, puzzles, quizzes, and so forth for a variety of different subject areas. The URL for the website is For teachers that choose not to purchase a subscription to the website, there is long list of pre-made printables that they can access and print out for student use. Each printable comes with a student version as well as an answer key. For teachers that do purchase a subscription, they have the added capability to input new words and definitions and create their own customized worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes. Overall, the EdHelper website makes it very easy for a teacher to access, print, and use a variety of different types of worksheets and activities. The main disadvantage of the website is that a teacher without a subscription is limited to the printables that have already been created; and occasionally the worksheets may not exactly match how the content is being delivered in the classroom. However, a subscription to the website is relatively inexpensive and can allow a teacher more freedom to customize the activities to his or her curriculum.
For the thematic project, a pre-made crossword and word search were located for lesson one using the EdHelper website (see Appendix A). The URL for the crossword puzzle is, and the URL for the word search is The purpose of these puzzles in the context of the project is to provide the students with an additional activity to review terminology dealing with electricity and basic circuitry. Some of the terms are words that the students have seen in previous chapters, and other words are part of the current unit. The crossword puzzle and word search would be handed out at the beginning of the lesson, and the students would be expected to complete them as homework outside of class.
Zoomerang is an online resource that is used for creating online surveys and questionnaires. The URL for the website is Participants can receive the survey and submit their responses electronically. Participants simply need to have access to the Internet. In addition, the website compiles answers and data for the author of the survey to make evaluating the results easier. Zoomerang offers a free version of their program with limited capabilities as well as a version that can be purchased. Although the free version of the program has fewer capabilities, there are enough available features that allow an individual to create high-quality surveys. The process for creating surveys is also very easy. The program provides a user with step by step instructions and has preset question templates that are simply filled in by the user. Although Zoomerang is designed to for creating surveys, educators can also use the question formats for developing online quizzes.
For lesson two of the project, Zoomerang was used to create an e-assessment for the unit. The URL for the survey is The assessment (see Appendix B) involves different types of questions including free-response, multiple-choice, true-false, and ranking. The online assessment will be taken by the students at the completion of the lesson. The purpose of the e-assessment is to determine how well the students understand the basic concepts behind circuitry. However, the e-assessment is not intended to be the sole assessment tool for the project. Since the project also involves hands-on activities as well as simulations, the online assessment is limited in regard to how well it can assess students’ overall learning in the project. Construction of circuits, sketches of schematic diagrams, and other circuitry skills would need to be assessed in other ways.
Online learning tools can serve as a great asset to the learning process. These tools can assist teachers in easily creating activities. These tools can also allow teachers to create assessments that can be conducted online, that can be quickly analyzed, and that can provide quality feedback for teachers and students. In addition, online learning tools provide a different type of learning setting for the students. E-assessments, computer generated activities, online simulations, and so forth are great alternatives to traditional paper-and-pencil worksheets and tests. Online learning tools can also appeal to students with different learning styles and needs. The resources available through EdHelper and Zoomerang can help teachers bring technology and other educational enhancements into their content and their classrooms.
Appendix A
Appendix B