MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2010 – 7:00 P.M.
President Lucey called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Poynette High School IMC. President Lucey appointed Nancy Mair to take minutes in the absence of Clerk Wilkinson. This meeting was noticed in the December 15, 2010 Poynette Press amended and was posted in various areas of the community. Roll Call: Present – Bender, Burke, Hoffmann, Lucey, McIlrath, Schernecker,Wilkinson (7:12pm). Administration: Wolfe, Mair, McCallum, Sutton, Chittick. Media and district residents were also present.
Motion by Burke/Bender to approve the agenda. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
Motion by Burke/Schernecker to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2010 minutes as printed. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
Motion by Lucey/McIlrath to approve the treasurer's report. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
Craig McCallum: Numerous vocal and instrumental groups have been performing in the community for the holidays. The High School concert is December 21 at 7:00pm. The Student Council has planned activities for the end of the school day, December 22. The science teachers have been working on their Build Your Own Curriculum program.
Brian Sutton: Included in the board packet were report on mid-quarter grades and computer lab use. Congratulations to the music instructors for outstanding Holiday Concerts. Davy Tomlinson made several improvements to the Arlington computer system, and it is running much better. Middle School girl's basketball starts after winter break with the first game January 13.
Alan Chittick: Last week we uploaded another component of our DPI special education self-audit. Of the 42 items we audited, we only need to focus on five. Our teachers are doing a good job with procedural requirements.
Superintendent Barb Wolfe: CESA 5 superintendents are planning Legislative Breakfasts. The first two are January 14 in Stevens Point and February 11 in Sauk Prairie. McIlrath and Burke wish to attend on February 11.
Board of Education: Burke and Lucey reported on the packed crowds for the elementary and middle school concerts. The students did a great job.
PRESENTATION OF GRADUATE FOLLOW-UP SURVEY: Todd Anderson reported on a survey sent to graduates of the 2004 and 2009 classes. Responses were received from 16% of the graduates. Mr. Anderson indicated that about 40% of graduates go directly to 4 year colleges and about 35% directly to 2 year colleges with the remainder going to military, work or other choices.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ON MATH COURSE MODIFICATIONS: Administration reported there have been some overlap in the math sequence and some new math standards are currently only offered in elective courses. Motion by Schernecker/Burke to approve the elimination of Introduction to Integrated Math I and Integrated Math I courses and approve Connected Math 8 as the only 8th grade math option beginning with the 2011-12 school year. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL DAYCARE CONTRACT PROCESS: Issues were discussed about the “bid” and final selection process. Motion by Bender/McIlrath to appoint Gregg Schernecker, Brian Sutton, and Nancy Mair to a committee to create contract, approval criteria, screen and recommend a daycare company to the board. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FACILITY/MAINTENANCE NEEDS, USE OF CONSTRUCTION BOND FUNDS AND POSSIBLE REFERENDUM: New information was presented on replacing the steam boiler at Arlington with another steam boiler as well as issues related to financing. A public hearing on the maintenance issues and proposed action to address them was set for Thursday, January 12 at 7:00pm in the cafeteria of the Poynette Elementary/Middle School building. Other materials were distributed for future discussion.
DISCUSSION ON BOARD POLICIES: New policies were discussed regarding service dogs on school property and creation of a standing committee for facilities and maintenance. This was the first reading of these policies.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ATHLETIC CONFERENCE LETTER POSITION TO WIAA: Motion by Bender/Schernecker to approve a letter as drafted to send to the WIAA, current South Central conference schools and select Capital Conference schools. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
PRESENTATION OF THE AUDIT REPORT FOR 2009-10 FISCAL YEAR: Business Manager Nancy Mair reported on the format for the auditor's report on the district's financial reports and noted there were no irregularities.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SUPERINTENDENT'S EVALUATION FORM REVISION: A new longer Superintendent evaluation form was discussed. Motion by Schernecker/McIlrath to approve Superintendent Evaluation form as presented. Motion carried. Burke, Hoffmann, Lucey, McIlrath, Schernecker, Wilkinson voting yes. Bender voting no.
PRESENTATION OF TEACHING STAFF REVIEW: An overview of the teaching staff experience and benefits was presented.
NAME DELEGATE TO WASB CONVENTION: Motion by McIlrath/Schernecker to name Kathleen Lucey as delegate to the January WASB convention. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
Possible Referendum/QSCB/Maintenance Items
Before/After School Committee Recommendations
District/Building Goal Update
WASB Resolutions
Policies-Second Reading
Early Graduations Approval
Negotiation Committees
Curriculum presentation - Reading
PE follow-up on PEP grant
Middle School Stage Curtains
Dekorra Land Use/School Forest
Extra-curricular Report
Safety Report
Dekorra Building Use Agreement
Paperless Board Meetings
Computer Lab Use
Administrator Evaluation
Enrollment – Classrooms 2011-12
Process to Study Block Scheduling
Walker Agenda for Education
CESA #1 Future of Education Plan
Motion by Bender/Wilkinson to go into closed session at 9:50 pm under Wis. Statute 1985(1)(c) – Performance Review Teaching Staff and Administration and Administration Contracts. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
Motion by Bender/McIlrath to go back into Open Session at 11:35 pm. Motion carried with all present voting yes.
Motion by Bender/McIlrath to adjourn at 11:36 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
These minutes are subject to approval at the next meeting of the Board of Education.
Richard Wilkinson, Clerk