Research Students’ Consultative Committee

Minutes of a meeting held on 21st November 2012

Present: Professor Reyer Zwiggelaar (Chair, Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies), Professor Colin McInnes (Dean of Postgraduate Studies), Jamie Barker (PGA), Michael Clarke (Computer Science), Rachel Cross (IMAPS), Katja Daniels (Interpol), Iwan Dafis (Art), Katherine Jones (IGES), Marton Lendvay (IGES), James McCann (Welsh), Daniel March (SES), Janet Mawby (DIS), Kerrie Reading (TFTVS), Lillian Stevenson (IS). Dr Heike Roms (Faculty of Art), John Williams (Faculty of Social Sciences),

Apologies: Hannah Baumeister (Law), Arwel Jones (SES), Dr Henry Lamb (Faculty of Science),

Kate Williams (Faculty of Social Sciences), Robert Mackinnon (IGES), Jennifer Paddison (IBERS), Dr Malcolm Leitch (Faculty of Science).

In attendance: Jan Davies (OPGS) Gethin Rhys (Academic Office),

1. Chair’s Welcome and Introduction.

Professor Zwiggelaar welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Minutes from meeting held on 13 June 2012.

Point 26 (13/06/12) Scholarship cheques.

Professor Zwiggelaar had looked into this, and reported that the system should now be that the first cheque is to be collected, at which point a form can be filled in, and from then on the money can go straight into a bank account.

Point 27 (13/06/12) University reconfiguration and the new Institute Structure

It was reported that there will still be Departments within the Institutes, and that Welsh provision will remain, and that there would probably be little noticeable change at postgraduate level.

Point 28 (13/06/12) Continuation Fees


The minutes were accepted.

3. Chairs Business


4. Research Ethics Panel

The University has set up a new committee for the ethical review of research. The committee was approached for volunteers to sit on the new ethics panel. The committee needed two reps from the Faculty of Science and two reps from Arts/Social Sciences. The science posts have been filled, but we are still looking for one more from the Arts/Soc Science side. Anyone interested should contact Jan Davies.

5. Minutes/Issues from Departmental SSCC meetings

5.1 Research Training

The Interpol representative reported issues with Research Training modules this year.

PGM1010 – reported to be taking up a disproportionate amount of time for a 10 credit module, and some do not see how it is relevant to them.

PGM1120 – reported overlap and repetition between sessions.

The views were supported by the DIS and IGES representatives.

In response, it was noted that RCUK has an expectation for statistical research training for all social science research students. In addition, it was suggested that a focus group to discuss the issues around PGM1120 would be beneficial.

ACTION: Jan Davies to organise a focus group for PGM1120 to discuss the issues.

Postgraduates were encouraged to collect more details and email them to Jan Davies

5.2 Council Tax

There has not been any change regarding council tax and postgraduates in abeyance. It was reported that staffing shortages in the Academic Office may have meant that review of this issue has been held up. The committee reported that other Universities have managed to sort this out, for example Cardiff University.

It was noted that Part time postgraduates were not allowed any exemption of council tax either, and that this was often difficult financially.

ACTION: Professor McInnes will chase up any progress on this matter and report back to the next meeting. The matter will also be referred to the next RDB.

6. Recommendations to the Research Degrees Board.

Update on Council Tax and postgraduates in abeyance.

7. AOB

7.1 Research Training Concerns

Minor issues around PGM0120 were reported, mainly to do with the career sessions, which were seen as premature in the timings of a PhD.

. Concerns were raised over the Welsh medium RT modules. In particular with MOR0120. Originally the module involved attending the Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg (CCC) sessions, which involved a considerable amount of travelling. It was reported that the postgraduates felt this did not make sense. Thankfully, this was amended to include sessions in Aberystwyth. This made it much easier for the Postgraduates and the lecturers. It was recommended that greater use should be made of video conferencing facilities.

Professor Zwiggelaar commented that the original plan was for a much greater use of video conferencing facilities, but that technical issues had held this up. It was also mentioned that CCC funded postgraduates were obliged to attend the CCC sessions.

ACTION: All Postgraduate reps were encouraged to gather more details on particular RT issues and forward them to Jan Davies

7.2 Guild reps

Postgraduates mentioned that the Guild of Students was invited to attend their Departmental meetings, but had not attended so far, and that this was disappointing.

ACTION: This committee will copy this to the Guild and invite them again. Also, Professor McInnes would raise it with the Guild at their next meeting.

7.3. Professor McInnes raised the issue of compliance for postgraduates with UKBA rules. It is imperative that the University complies with the UK Border Agency requirements, and so Postgraduates with Visas must be willing to be monitored whenever the Departments request.

7.4 The next RSCC meeting will be on Wednesday 13th March 2013 at 11am.

RSCC Minutes21nov12