North American Lionhead Rabbit Club
Board of Directors Meeting
November 16, 2004

President Bob Whitman called the meeting to order at 9:12am.
I. Roll Call of Officers
Present were
President - Bob Whitman
Vice President - Dawn Guth
Secretary - Becky Whaley
District 1 Director - Cheryl Rafoth
District 6 Director - Sanders Whaley
District 7 Director - Chris Gurney
District 8 Director - Regina Mayhugh
II. Reading of the Minutes - A motion was made and passed to dispense with the reading of the minutes as they were printed in the newsletter.
III. Treasurer's report - Becky had only the income portion of the report from Carolyn Wright. She didn't realize there was a second page to the email attachment. Motion was made and passed to table the Treasurer's report until a complete, itemized report is made available to the Board.
IV. Communications and Bills - Becky said she had paid $189 for the club booth at the 2005 ARBA Convention. Motion was made and passed to decide in Columbus if the club wants electricity to have a breed slide show (wait to see if the presentation passes).
V. Report from Officers, Committees, & Delegates -
President - Bob said he wished the club well but was looking forward to stepping down.
Other officers - no reports given
VI. Unfinished Business -
Club logo - Dawn Guth reported that Sherry Callen is still working on this. She showed a sample apron with a stitched Lionhead on it that was made by ??, a vendor at Convention. A graphic file will be sent to her for her to work with and get a better likeness. She can do aprons, patches, etc. Dawn, as chairman of the Logo Committee, will communicate with her and get bids from others as well.
Youth Program - A motion was made and passed to table this project until we are an ARBA chartered club. Members are encouraged to continue working with the youth breeders in the mean time.
VII. New Business -
Newsletter Editor - A Newsletter Editorial Committee consisting of the editor and two committee members was established to proof grammatical presentation and content before printing and mailing. Becky Whaley and Cheryl Rafoth volunteered to be on this committee. The President Elect will appoint the editor with Board approval.
Club Web Site - A Website Review Committee was established by the Board. Theresa Mueller and Regina Mayhugh volunteered serve on this committee and to periodically review the web site for content and assist in getting the correct contact information posted.
Sweepstakes - It was voted and passed that the exhibitor's full name must be on the comment cards for consideration for sweepstakes. A comment card or an Exhibitor's After-Show Report will be accepted. Sweepstakes rules are on the web site. A motion was made and passed to allow 60 days after the date of the show to get information to the Sweepstakes
Chairperson. A motion was made and passed that the club Secretary include a copy of the Sweepstakes Rules in the welcome packet going to new members. A discussion was held concerning showing the wide variety of colors at local shows. A motion was made and passed that when a proposed color/variety passes its first presentation then the Lionhead breed sweepstakes will go on hold until a color/variety is accepted by ARBA. The Board will draft an explanation of this issue and it will be published in the newsletter. This takes effect for the 2005 sweepstakes year, effective Feb. 15, 2005, if at least one color/variety passes
2005 National Show - The date is April 30, 2005, in Columbus, Ohio.
Sanders and Becky Whaley are the show superintendent and show secretary.
Details were covered at the general membership meeting.
Guide Book - Becky said she is sending a black & white copy in the welcome packets as she didn't want to spend a lot of money on getting more color copies printed until after the Convention presentations.
Membership - A list of current district members was given to each Director, and lists will be mailed to those Directors not present.
Discussed the number of dropped members.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.